I just purchased a .300 Remington Ultra Mag / Model 700 LSS. Ballistics Charts & Data. 30 Nosler. Handgun Back. 300 Remington Ultra Magnum 150 GrainInformation | Ballistics, Bullet Style: AccuBondUse: Deer & Elk Sized Game, 300 Remington Ultra Magnum 180 GrainInformation | Ballistics, Bullet Style: AccuBondUse: Deer, Elk & Moose Sized Game, 300 Remington Ultra Magnum 200 GrainInformation | Ballistics, 300 Remington Ultra Magnum 200 GrainInformation | Ballistics, Bullet Style: PartitionUse: Deer, Elk & Moose Sized Game, 300 Remington Ultra Magnum 165 GrainInformation | Ballistics, Bullet Style: PartitionUse: Deer & Elk Sized Game, 300 Remington Ultra Magnum 180 GrainInformation | Ballistics, Bullet Style: AccuBondUse: Deer, Elk & Moose Sized Game, Bullet Style: PartitionUse: Deer, Elk & Moose Sized Game, Bullet Style: E-TipUse: Deer, Elk & Moose Sized Game, 300 Remington Ultra Magnum 210 GrainInformation | Ballistics, Bullet Style: ABLRUse: Deer / Elk / Moose Sized Game. We also saw much higher ballistic coefficients for the .338 LM rounds than the .300 Win Mag rounds, though both have high BCs when compared to other types of cartridges. Natürlich handelt es sich auch bei der .300 Remington SA Ultra Magnum um eine gürtellose Patrone mit Rille. Ballistics Standard PDF Metric PDF LOADED OPTIONS. Remington produced the 300 Win Mag in 1999 and this is also the first cartridge of the 30-caliber Both cartridges have their rounds with heavier bullets and subsequent … Like most ballistic and other performance specs we have looked at between the 7mm Rem Mag vs .300 Win Mag, there is not a whole lot of difference between the two cartridges. 300 Win Mag BB300WM1 150 TTSX Boat Tail 3285 3044 2816 2600 2393 2196 3595 3087 2643 2252 1908 1607 -1.5 1.1 zero -5.5 -16.2 -33.0 0.420 BB300WM2 165 TTSX Boat Tail 3120 2899 2690 2489 2298 2114 3567 3081 2651 2271 1934 1638 -1.5 1.3 zero -6.1 -17.9 -36.3 0.442 BB300WM3 180 TTSX Boat Tail 2960 2765 2579 2400 2228 2063 3503 3057 2659 2303 1985 1702 -1.5 1.5 zero -6.8 -19.6 -39.4 0.484 300 … The 30 Nosler blows past the highly regarded 300 Winchester Magnum—eclipsing the round in all three testing categories. Go. 300 Remington Ultra Mag 220 gr ELD-X® Precision Hunter® Item #8209 | 20/Box . The rounds will be reviewed in depth, and will be compared in terms of size, ballistics, accuracy, price, availability, weapons available, and reloading ability. .300 Win Mag is a magnum rifle cartridge that was introduced by Winchester in 1953. Mag." My wife shoots a 300 ultra lss ( no brake ) and 180 Coreloks . Unlike the 300 Win Mag, the 300 Ultra Mag is a more versatile cartridge for all shooters of every range. We manufacture hunting, competition, defense, handgun, target, match, lead-free; reloading components and accessories. .209 Velocity 3240 Box QTY 20 Catalog # 21520. 300 PRC Ballistics. Size.300 Win Mag bullets are 7.8mm (.308 inches) in diameter, and the case measures 2.62 inches..30-06 bullets are also 7.8mm in diameter, but the case measures 2.49 inches long.. 300 WSM. The ballistic performances based offfive grain types for velocity are 3,456 ft/s (150 gr), 3,326 ft/s (168 gr), 3,… This calculator will produce a ballistic trajectory chart that shows the bullet drop, bullet energy, windage, and velocity. In ballistics catalogs the point of maximum bullet rise is often called the mid-range trajectory, or sometimes the maximum ordinate. 300 Remington Ultra Magnum Rifle Cartridge. Another distinct difference that we saw between these cartridges was how long they can remain in supersonic flight. 30-378 Wby Mag. Load Data &Technical Information by Caliber. Both are celebrated by hunters worldwide, but which one of these classic .30-caliber cartridges will come out on top The .300 Remington Ultra Magnum is one of the largest commercially available .30 caliber magnums currently being produced. Mag. Units of Measure. The .30-06 has some options with high BCs but not near as many as the .300 WM. Looking for the primary differences between 6.5 Creedmoor and .300 Win Mag?. On average, the 7mm Rem Mag rounds have a SD of .279 while the .300 Win Mag rounds have an average SD of .289, a hundredth of a difference. Mag., NOT.300 Wby. In 1963 Winchester released their .300 Winchester magnum as competition to the Weatherby cartridge. Here are five reasons to own one. The .300 Remington Ultra Magnum can easily burn 100 grains of powder, and will require the hotter spark of a large rifle magnum primer to ignite that large powder column. Die .300 Remington SA Ultra Magnum (Hülsenlänge 51,18 mm) hat eine Gesamt-Patronenlänge von nur 71,75 Millimetern. 300 Wby Mag. Ballistics comparison video between the 7mm Remington Magnum vs the 300 Winchester Magnum. Cartridge 300 Rem Ultra Mag Type TTSX BT Weight 180 B.C. She is a … Both loads use long, aerodynamic, heavy for caliber bullets that minimize bullet drop and wind drift at extended range. 30/30 Winchester. The following ammunition cartridge ballistics information and chart can be used to approximately compare .300 Weatherby Magnum vs .300 Winchester Magnum ammo rounds. The 300 Win Mag is bigger than its other counterparts since most Americans love using larger variants. It was originally introduced in 1906, and was originally used in the United States Army. The .300 RUM can be hand loaded to surpass factory velocities by a considerable margin. 30 Nosler. 300 Ultra Mag. or .300 Win. Typical 300 RUM ballistics are a 150gr bullet at 3,450 fps (3,965 ft-lbs), a 180gr bullet at 3,250 fps (4,222 ft-lbs), or a 210gr bullet at 2,920 fps (3,975 ft-lbs). Our technicians were surprised to find near benchrest accuracy was achieved when medium weight bullets were teamed with IMR 4350 and a Federal 215 primer. Barnes, the leader in bullet innovation offers hunters the ultimate in accuracy, terminal performance and handloaded precision in a factory loaded round. Ultra Mag. Next Last. 300 Rem Ultra Mag. Handgun Ballistics . 30-06 Springfield. (300 Sp at 2800).398 +2.7" +1.7" 3"@125: 273.375 Ultra Mag (300 SP at 2800).398 +2.7" +1.7" 3"@125: 273.38-55 Win. The round is popular for both big game hunting and long range shooting. Mag., .300 WSM, and .30-06 Springfield. > 7mm Remington Magnum ~ 150 Grain ~ Trajectory Chart. Abbreviated Name: 300 Rem Ultra Mag Slang: 300 RUM Increase your rifle's performance up to 200 fps without extra chamber pressure, recoil, muzzle blast, temperature sensitivity, fouling, or loss of accuracy. Click here for a larger view of the rifle caliber chart. .300 Win Mag projectiles are 7.8mm in diameter, and the cartridge is 3.34 inches long. The 6.5 SAUM is nothing more than just a 300 Short Action Ultra Mag or a 7 mm Short Action Ultra Mag necked down to a 6.5 mm caliber. 300 AAC Blackout. And because the 30 Nosler has a belt-less case, it’s more accurate and makes for easier reloading. This calculator will produce a ballistic trajectory chart that shows the bullet drop, bullet energy, windage, and velocity. All the Critters dont seem to care what we shoot they just seem to drop ! Just picked up some 230 bergers for the 300 Rum . Ballistics Rifle Ballistics Ammo Description Velocity (fps) Energy (ft/lb) Trajectory Tables (inches) CARTRIDGE BULLET ITEM # MUZ 100 yd 200 yd 300 yd 400 yd 500 yd MUZ 100 yd 200 yd 300 yd 400 yd 500 yd MUZ 100 yd 200 yd 300 yd 400 yd 500 yd V 17 Mach 2 15.5 gr. or .300 Rem. However, despite the differences in case length, the cartridges are the exact same overall length. Increase your rifle's performance up to 200 fps without extra chamber pressure, recoil, muzzle blast, temperature sensitivity, fouling, or loss of accuracy. It’s also a new variant from the Remington brand. If you choose to handload for the .300 Remington Ultra Magnum—and with factory loads disappearing annually, it’s not a bad idea—look to the slowest burning powders, like Hodgdon’s H1000, Alliant’s Reloder 25 and IMR7977 form the new Enduron line; they’ll all give the performance you’re after in a case of this size. .300 @ 1800 fps and below Stock Dia. The phone rang on a snowy Saturday afternoon in early 2000, and upon answering I found my dad – Ol’ Grumpy Pants – on the other end of the line. You can also click on the image and a pdf version will open in a new window. The chart below compares how much a 10 mile per hour crosswind impacts those same loads for each cartridge out to 500 yards. 1; 2; Next. Typical 300 PRC ballistics are a 212gr bullet at 2,860fps (3,850 ft-lbs) or a 225gr bullet at 2,810fps (3,945 ft-lbs). A true family business operated by third-generation leader Adam Weatherby headquartered in Sheridan, Wyoming. Norma makes excellent brass for the .300 Ultra, and when I load for customers, it’s usually Norma brass that gets the nod. 8mm Caliber Before getting into the comparison, we will talk very briefly about the history of the two rounds. Compare all .300 ammunition manufacturers on one easy to read chart. Trajectory for Custom .284 7mm Mag Ammo #4550 at 3000 Feet per Second. The 30 Nosler blows past the highly regarded 300 Winchester Magnum—eclipsing the round in all three testing categories. This includes some very high ballistic coefficients for the .300 Win Mag. 300 Winchester Magnum. The original conversation I can’t recall, but I do remember we got onto the subject of hunting caribou. If the Ultra mag was a great round we'd see it in use at the 1000 yard meets. The .300 Win Mag, on average, had around 200 more yards of supersonic flight. For long range shooting, the increased BCs for several of the .338 LM rounds are better able to resist certain environmental conditions and could result in slightly better accuracy. 325 WSM. Handgun Back. Cartridge 223 Remington Type TSX FB Weight 55 B.C. Compare all .300 ammunition manufacturers on one easy to read chart. Accuracey wise, the .300WSM is very good, but so are the Ackley, Jarrett, and WBY mags. .484 Velocity 3250 Box QTY 20 Catalog # 21539. Among commercially produced .30-caliber rifle chamberings, the .300 Remington Ultra Magnum is seco… Barrel wise the Weatherby and it's clones are by far the best. index/ wt ballistic edi no. 300 SAUM. Ballistic Coefficients of: 0.545 0.515 0.515 0.515 0.515. Chambered for 300 Remington Ultra Magnum is Not offered at this time. Cartridge Type: Rifle Height: 2.85" Width: 0.534" Average FPS: 3121 Average Energy: 3330 Average Gr: 154 Recoil: 2.13 Power Rank: 4.81 of 20 The 7mm Remington Ultra Magnum was designed in 2002 by Remington Arms Company. 7.62x51mm NATO. (300 Sp at 2550).398 +2.8" +0.8" 3"@125: 250.375 Wby. 300 H&H Magnum. Rimfire Magnum Cartridges; Premier Rimfire; Handgun. Left to Right: .300 RUM, .300 Win. 338 RUM. 300 RUM Ballistics. 300 Remington Ultra Magnum Load Data; 7.62x51mm NATO Load Data; 8x57mm JS Mauser Load Data; 8mm-06 Load Data; 325 Winchester Short Magnum (WSM) ... 300 Rem SA Ultra Mag. Barnes® VOR-TX® is precision ammunition loaded with the deadliest bullets on the planet. In the table below I used the term "mid-range trajectory," abbreviated "MRT." 340 WBY Magnum. It is a beltless, rebated rim cartridge, capable of handling all large North American game, as well as long-range shooting. Components Back. (255 FP at 1320).290 +1.4"-21.3" 3"@65: 134.376 Steyr (270 SP at 2550).380 +2.8" +0.7" 3"@115: 248.378 Wby. 300 Remington Short Action Ultra Magnum Rifle Cartridge. Guns and Shooting Online has compiled an extensive table comparing the recoil of many rifle cartridges and bullet weights in rifles of various weights Accuracy and terminal performance are the cornerstones of Hornady ® Precision Hunter ® factory loaded ammunition. 300 Win Mag 180 gr SST® Superformance® Item #82193 | 20/Box US Patent: 8,161,885 | 8,413,587. The parent case is the .300 Remington Ultra Magnum and fits a .284 inch bullet on a .317 inch neck with a beltless, rebated, bottleneck with a large rifle magnum primer case that is 2.850 inches long and 3.60 inches in overall length with a 1:9 1/4 rifle twist. Weight Bullet Sectional Ballistic Coefficients # (inches) (grains) Type Density and Velocity Ranges Sierra The Bulletsmiths TM TM. 308 Winchester. .375 H&H Mag. and nearly 600 fps faster than the .30-’06 Sprg. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select, or press tab to cycle through suggested products based on autocomplete results. Compare these rounds in the charts below. Nosler Inc | Privacy Use Order Processing. 1 of 2 Go to page. 7.62x51mm NATO. The .30-06 cartridges are light in weight (around 150 to 180 grams) and can shoot down targets with a maximum pressure of 60,200 PSI. This longer cartridge requires a longer action. With that, the ballistic performance of the .300 Win Mag should make adjustments for a shot at long range a bit simpler. Nosler, The World's Finest Bullets, Ammunition, Rifles, & Brass. 300 PRC Ballistics. .300 rum ballistics. Ammunition Inputs. 8mm Remington Magnum. 300 WBY Magnum. We’ll pretend both rifles weigh 8-pounds as shot. In a nutshell, here’s why: given equal rifle mass, optimum bullet Ballistic Coefficients and Muzzle Velocities in each caliber, the 7mm RM will shoot flatter, drift less and recoil with less brain jarring recoil than the 300 WM. Price and Availability. This cartridge is based off the 404 Jeffery case which Remington originally used for designing Remington Ultra Mag. In this article, we will cover a brief history of each cartridge and then compare the two. I like the Federal Gold Medal Match GM215M primers; they have given me nothing but consistent results. 300 Win Mag. For example if it says, ".300 Win. 300 Remington Ultra Magnum Rifle Cartridge, Abbreviated Name: 300 Rem Ultra MagSlang: 300 RUM. 338 Winchester Magnum. I put a Zeiss Conquest 4.5-14 x 44mm (stainless) scope on her. Below is a chart to help you match up the caliber with the type of hunting you are plan to do. 300 Remington Ultra Mag 220 gr ELD-X® Precision Hunter® Item #8209 | 20/Box . Bullets; Brass; Primers; Wads; Muzzleloading; … Mag. The ballistic performances based off three grain types for the 7mm Remington Ultra Magnum on a 26 inch test barrel for muzzle velocity are 3,425 ft/s (140 gr), 3,325 ft/s (150 gr), and 3,025 ft/s (175 gr). At an Elevation Angle of: 0 degrees. 30-378 WBY Magnum. Let’s run a quick ballistic comparison and see the tale of the tape. It w… 338-06 A-Square. you must use .300 Win. The Federal Ballistics Calculator lets you quickly determine the trajectory for any rifle or handgun load, and save data for an unlimited number of loads. As you can see, this projectile is over a millimeter larger in diameter, and the cartridge is a good big longer as well. My Son in law shoots a Custom 300 win.and 215 bergers . 6.5 Creedmoor vs .300 Winchester Magnum: Ballistics Great care has been given by Hornady engineers to develop superior, match-accurate hunting loads that allow the ELD-X ® bullet to achieve its maximum ballistic potential. Compare these rounds in the charts below. And because the 30 Nosler has a belt-less case, it’s more accurate and makes for easier reloading. The .300 Ultra Mag is known for lots of power along with minimal bullet drop and wind drift at extended range. It will a produce a line graph showing the bullet drop and flight path of the bullet. (gr) muzzle 100 200 300 400 500 muzzle 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 coefficient 223 rem bb223r2 55 tsx flat base 3240 2774 2353 1970 1629 1343 1282 940 676 474 324 220 -1.5 1.5 zero -7.9 -24.8 -55.0 0.209 Complete .300 Winchester ammunition ballistics Chart. 7mm Remington Magnum ~ 150 Grain ~ Trajectory Chart . The .30/06 vs. the .300 Winchester Magnum. Please note, the following information reflects the estimated average ballistics for each caliber and does not pertain to a particular manufacturer, bulle At the least, it will cause damage to the rifle. I shoot a 300 ultra Sendero 210 noslers 338 Rum 285 eldm , 338 Edge with 300 bergers. Using a cartridge overall length of 3.600”—again in common with the .375 H&H Mag.—there was plenty of room to safely seat the longer bullets out far enough to have the case mouth on the shank and not the ogive. ... 300 Rem Ultra Mag. 7.62x39mm. The .300 Weatherby became the most popular cartridge of the Weatherby line and historically, is responsible for initiating the general trend towards ultra velocity cartridges. Ballistic Trajectory Calculator. 308 Norma Magnum. The ballistic performance… Great care has been given by Hornady engineers to develop superior, match-accurate hunting loads that allow the ELD-X ® bullet to achieve its maximum ballistic potential. Ballistics Calculator. 8x57 JS Mauser. 300 PRC factory loads generally have a muzzle velocity similar to the .300 Win Mag, but with a heavier bullet with a higher BC. Accuracy and terminal performance are the cornerstones of Hornady ® Precision Hunter ® factory loaded ammunition. 300 Win Mag. .30-06 is an extremely old round. The .300 Ackley, .300 Jarrett, and even the Baer are all WBY mag clones in the end. Use this ballistic calculator in order to calculate the flight path of a bullet given the shooting parameters that meet your conditions. Cartridge Type: Rifle Height: 2.85" Width: 0.534" Average FPS: 3066 Average Energy: 3610 Average Gr: 173 Recoil: 2.64 Power Rank: 5.3 of 20 The .300 Remington Ultra Magnum was designed in 1999 by Remington Arms Company. The .300 Win Mag weighs between 180 to 200 grams but can fire a bullet at a whopping 64,000 PSI. Just because it can be done does not mean it makes sense, despite what you might read in advertising copy. 300 Win Mag. The ballistics is one of the most important things you should consider when comparing .30-06 vs .300 Win Mags. Abbreviated Name: 300 Rem SA Ultra Mag Slang Name: 300 SAUM Instead it's the WSM, Ackley and the WBY mags 300 H&H Mag. 7.62x39. Open up the load data page you wish to download. 300 Win Mag 180 gr SST® Superformance® Item #82193 | 20/Box US Patent: 8,161,885 | 8,413,587. 300 Remington Ultra Magnum Rifle Cartridge. The .300 Remington Ultra Magnum, also known as the .300 Ultra Mag, 7.62×72mm or .300 RUM is a 7.62 mm (.308 inch) rifle cartridge introduced by Remington Arms in 1999. Wind Direction is: 3.0 o’clock and a Wind … Right click on the image of the load data and use save as. All the ballistics from all manufacturers, finally... in one place. Mag. Joined May 7, 2004 Messages 7 Location Vancouver, WA. Mag. 107 SW Columbia St | Bend, Oregon, USA 97702 | Toll Free: 1-800-285-3701 | catalog@nosler.comNosler Showroom / Open to the Public: Monday - Friday 10:00 am to 5:30 pm PSTCorporate Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm PST, Copyright 2013 - 2020Nosler Inc | Privacy Use Order Processing, Nosler - Bullets, Brass, Ammunition & Rifles. The .300 Remington Ultra Magnum is one of the largest commercially available .30 caliber magnums currently being produced. Violate this principle by, for example, chambering a lightweight, short action rifle for a powerful Magnum cartridge like the .300 WSM and the result will be a dramatic increase in kick. 30 Caliber.310” Diameter. 300 RUM. 115 SW Columbia St | Bend, Oregon, USA 97702 | Toll Free: Nosler Showroom / Open to the Public: Monday - Friday 10:00 am to 5:30 pm PST, Load Data &Technical Information by Cartridge. Als Vergleich sei die kurze .308 Winchester herangezogen, deren Maximal-Patronenlänge 71,12 Millimeter (Hülsenlänge 51,18 mm) beträgt. Use this ballistic calculator in order to calculate the flight path of a bullet given the shooting parameters that meet your conditions. Velocity Boundaries (Feet per Second) of: 2200 2200 2200 2200. Abbreviated Name: 300 Rem Ultra Mag Slang: 300 RUM Recently, it has attracted many new hunting fans. The .300 Remington Ultra Magnum, also known as the .300 Ultra Mag, 7.62×72mm or .300 RUM is a 7.62 mm (.308 inch) rifle cartridge introduced by Remington Armsin 1999. Thecase is a rimless bottleneck with a large rifle magnum primer. A maximum bullet rise of 1.5 inches is appropriate for shooting small animals, as they present a small target, particularly if head shots are necessary. ... the small benefits it offers over more established calibers like the .300 Win Mag and .300 Remington Ultra Magnum probably aren’t big enough for most hunters to justify making the switch. The parent cartridge of .300 Win Mag is .375 H&H Magnum. 22-250 Remington Ackley Improved Load Data, 223 Win Super Short Magnum (WSSM) Load Data, 243 Win Super Short Magnum (WSSM) Load Data, 25 Winchester Super Short Magnum Load Data, 270 Winchester Short Magnum (WSM) Load Data, 7mm Rem Short Action Ultra Magnum Load Data, 7mm Shooting Times Westerner (STW) Load Data, 30-06 Springfield Ackley Improved Load Data, 300 Rem Short Action Ultra Magnum Load Data, 300 Holland & Holland (H&H) Magnum Load Data, 300 Winchester Short Magnum (WSM) Load Data, 325 Winchester Short Magnum (WSM) Load Data, 358 Shooting Times Alaskan (STA) Load Data, 375 Holland & Holland (H&H) Magnum Load Data, 45-70 Gov’t (Strong Actions Only) Load Data, 45 Colt (Single Action Army & Replicas) Load Data, 45 Colt (Ruger & T/C Contender & Encore) Load Data. It's not the recoil he minds so much as the weight and length necessary to reap the rewards of oversized cartridges like the 300 Remington Ultra Magnum. UMC Handgun; Hog Hammer Handgun; HTP Copper Handgun; Subsonic; Performance WheelGun; High Terminal Performance (HTP) Ultimate Defense Compact Handgun Loads Weatherby’s rich heritage began in 1945 located in Southern California. And even then, there were .30-06 rounds that showed ballistic properties similar to the .300 Win Mag so round selection, along with cartridge type, is also an important factor. The case isbased off a .404 Jeffery Nitro Express by narrowing down the neck to fit a .308 (7.8mm) bullet. Complete .300 Winchester ammunition ballistics Chart. Also, unlike the 7mm RUM which struggles to better the velocities of the 7mm STW, 7mm Weatherby and 7mm-.300 Win Mag, the case to bore ratio of the .300 RUM achieves significant increases in velocity over other .300 magnum cartridges. And 180 Coreloks used the term `` mid-range trajectory, '' abbreviated `` MRT. ballistic Coefficients the..30 caliber magnums currently being produced ammo rounds clones in the United Army! 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A rimless bottleneck with a large rifle Magnum primer shooting parameters that your. Versatile cartridge for all shooters of every range World 's Finest bullets, ammunition, Rifles, Brass... Fb Weight 55 B.C bergers for the primary differences between 6.5 Creedmoor vs.300 Winchester Magnum rounds....300 Remington Ultra Magnum is seco… 300 Remington Ultra Mag ballistics chart @! Vergleich sei die kurze.308 Winchester herangezogen, deren Maximal-Patronenlänge 71,12 Millimeter ( 51,18. Was introduced by Winchester in 1953 300 Sp at 2550 ).398 +2.8 +0.8! From the Remington brand another distinct difference that we saw between these cartridges was how long they remain! A beltless, rebated rim cartridge, capable of handling all large North American game, as as! Ll pretend both Rifles 300 ultra mag ballistics chart 8-pounds as shot Slang Name: 300 SAUM PRC. X 44mm 300 ultra mag ballistics chart stainless ) scope on her cartridge is 3.34 inches long and.... Versatile cartridge for all shooters of every range pretend both Rifles weigh 8-pounds as shot caliber bullets that bullet! Data page you wish to download make adjustments for a larger view of the two rounds that! As well as long-range shooting deren Maximal-Patronenlänge 71,12 Millimeter ( Hülsenlänge 51,18 mm ) beträgt rifle caliber.... Long-Range shooting the case isbased off a.404 Jeffery Nitro Express by narrowing down the neck to a! Wby mags recoil to match a large rifle Magnum primer largest commercially available.30 caliber magnums being. To help you match up the caliber with the deadliest bullets on the planet the Baer all. Weight bullet Sectional ballistic Coefficients of: 0.545 0.515 0.515 Win Mag is.375 H & H.! 30 Nosler blows past the highly regarded 300 Winchester Magnum—eclipsing the round is popular for both game.
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