She generally obeys her father, when he tells her to control her anger or be removed from the tournament she tried her best to follow his order .After Zangya taunted her over Pan's death, she still was not able to fully control herself and killed her with an air punch. Bra stayed inside Cold's body for a long while, until obtaining her body back once again with the help of Vegetto. As Vegito begins the battle against Super Buu, Old Kai and Kibito Kai realize that even without transforming into a Super Saiyan, Vegito is much stronger than Super Buu. [6] [7] In her childhood, she felt insecure about her power; that she was weak, therefore making her transform into a Super Saiyan for the first time. Gast has Namekian characteristics that initially bore a resemblance to Lord Slug (possibly due to Gast's nature as a Super Namek, and creator disapproval of the Lord Slug film), and he wears a cut-down brown vest, cerulean belt, white pants, yellow shoes, and a flowing mauve cape that doubles as a scarf. Covering comics, movies, tv like no other in the world. In a few seconds, you'll see." When Gohan greets her by calling her "Bra", Bra questions why he called her Bra, and angrily tells him she wants to be referred to as "Son Bra". With the demon brothers down, Vegetto attempts for forcefully make Ginyu switch bodies with Bra once again, saying he'll destroy his soul, however Ginyu shrugs it off as a bluff. Shadow Joestar: Heck yes. His voice is a dual voice that contains both Goku's, and Vegeta's voices. Two years later, when Bra was two-years-old, she and her father came to the celebration of Pan's birth. 'Be safe.' Dragon Ball Multiverse Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. 7K Views. Vegito is regarded most for his immense power and fast speed. Bra realizing the massive destruction she has caused, "Don't go Super Saiyan 2, Bra. While abandoning the variations of his Saiyan armor, he still wears a dark blue, one-size bodysuit, borrowing the white gloves and boots from his original armor. Bra easily deflects them back at Cold which angers him. Flicks 'n' Kicks is a modern line dance club. — Bra facing against Eleim in "The hope for a whole universe", She was slated to fight against a Heloïte, Eleim of Universe 19 in Round Two. In Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super, Bra is actually one year younger than Pan. On Sale. Bra has a strong friendship with her niece, Pan since they were children. It is unknown if she has the ability to fly, since her canon counterpart was shown flying when under the control of baby. She wasn't fighting from the inside or powering through it like Vegeta, she fully gave herself into it since she WANTED it. 20% Off ★★★★★ ★★★★★ Quick View Fantasie Smoothing underwired balconette bra. Gohan tells her a lie, that Trunks said she "fights like a girl", which makes her angrily turn into a Super Saiyan. Bra returns to the ground after the attack, severely wounded and at near death, she collapses to the ground, unable to move. "No Bra! Dragon Ball Multiverse - Minicomic: Page 102, Dragon Ball Multiverse - Salagir's Comments: Page 1091. Bra cheered as the portal began to close, so that they couldn't see them anymore. 2. Realizing the Eleim has affected the ring, she decides to avoid touching it. I won't die here, I'm going to the next level!!" [12] In the Year 789, she is disturbed while sleeping on the planet Xylon-38 by Little Xalitl, who calls for his father to protect him from the monster on his bed. Super Saiyan 4 Main article: Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta as a Super Saiyan 4.This stage is seen in Dragon Ball GT, where Goku and Vegeta both faced off against Omega Shenron. I know I said I would stop reading to binge but I saw this page posted somewhere else. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. At that point, Piccolo from Universe 16 and Universe 18 assist the two Gohans and one of them fires a Special Beam Cannon at Bra, who easily takes the attack and mocks them for it. She apologized to Vegetto afterwards, who still commended her attempt. "You're really ignorant aren't you? They often played together and trained. Vegito spoke, getting ready for the worst, should it happen. But the determined Cell keeps attacking and she notices a tiny Cell Jr. in Gohan of Universe 16's hair and mocks Cell for his hopeless plan, only to be attacked by a full-powered punch by Gohan of Universe 18 who was teleported back to arena by another tiny Cell Jr. hidden in his hair. Her desire to become stronger than Vegetto, her fear of him someday killing her if she became too strong, as well as her constant feeling of being held back by people less powerful than her, allowed him to possess her. I can't stand it anymore! So if Bra is 16 years old now that makes Vegito 22 years old now. Bra quickly punches Gotenks with ease, causing him to fall down, but quickly getting back up while transformed into a Super Saiyan. Sports bra and tight shorts ..14 min POV. Please select one of the cards below or search to find the card you were looking for if it is not listed. She was destroying a solar system before Vegito made his threat. He is shorter than Gokū and most other Saiyans he has been seen next to. She additionally is the most powerful female character in the entire Dragon Ball Multiverse franchise. [2]Like Goku before her, Bra eventually became a guardian of Universe 16. Used on U18 Gohan to land a critical punch. Male Gogeta reader x Highschool Dxd x RWBY Action. Eleim, however, has the power to increase the gravity of whatever he touches, which prevents her from moving as fast as she could. Inclus dans. Bra shoots towards the ground, which makes Gohan angry and deflects them. Vegetto angrily exits the Chamber, calling his daughter a brat, and complaining that Bra doesn't listen, he quickly Instant Transmissions away from them, Gohan enters the Chamber to check on Bra. 15% Off ★★★★★ ★★★★★ Quick View Figleaves DD+ Comfort Cotton Modal Sleep Bra DD-GG. Vegito sighed and easily blocked Kale's attempted hits and kicks. It is likely that Bra is aware that she once had a tail. Bra goes on to say that he is outclassed by a thousand times, and that she could beat him effortlessly. Bran is the permanent fusion of Bra and Pan. Bra, who resembles her mother, has purple hair which she usually keeps in a ponytail. Bra becoming a Super Saiyan 2 against Majin Buu. Bra warns Gokū and Vegeta about her father's power and says that they cannot stop him and neither can anyone else. Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage (air OK) 910 [600] All — — Travels about 70% of the screen on the ground. Being the daughter of the most powerful being in the universe, Bra is incredibly powerful. Bra then offers to help his universe by using their winning wish or their own Dragon Balls to stop the Carbonite. — Bra, after obtaining her body back, in "Drop the act!". 1-16 of over 10,000 results for "sexy bra" Skip to main search results Eligible for Free Shipping. With Bra fully recovered, Cold is enraged and argues that having senzu beans is cheating. Like people ignoring his warnings about Bra and all. We do not own these characters. This version of Ginyu is shown to be a frequently clever threat, trying to initially pose as Bra. Super Buu realizes that he is outclassed and cre… To end the fight, Bra transports Eleim a hundred light years away, waits until the time limit ends, and retrieves him. Vegito asked, powering up lightly but not transforming into Super Saiyan. While all fusions have immense power, Vegito's power is abnormal even by Potara standards, as Vegeta and Goku's intense rivalry has brought out an exceptional power. father in her mother's delivery room and was saved only by Vegetto's reckless Instant Transmission. Gohan manages to snap her back into reality before she teleports them back into the tournament grounds. — Bra, to King Cold, in "The new abilities of fusion". Buu congratulates her on her strength, though concludes that she cannot catch him. In regret and horror she freezes up and can no longer continue to fight. Eleim believes his universe is doomed, but Uub and Gokū of Universe 18 back up Bra's promise to fight for his cause. I don't need Super Saiyan or even my hands or my feet. But despite possessing great power, Bra is still grossly outclassed compared to her father. She is a punching bag for him. Bra uses this form in the 30 Years After DBM gag minicomic, in this form she is able to defeat Majin Perfect Freeza in one hit. Cold then gets hit by his attacks that were deflected by Bra, the half-Saiyan charges two ki blasts from both her hands. While Bra looks down at him smirking, he congratulates her, then preforms the "Body Change" technique on her, revealing himself to be Ginyu. After freeing herself from Babidi's control, she experiences extremely guilt and sorrow for the atrocious acts she's committed, even allowing Vegetto to kill her for what she did. So far, all she's gotten is a kick. UP CLOSE & PERSONAL BAREFOOT KICKS ,STOMPS & GAGS POV 11min. Vegito then used a high energy attack to kick Broly far away into outer space. He likes to call himself, "The Hero of Justice" or "Grim Reaper of Justice". Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. [53], Neo Afterimage Technique (Unnamed): A unique afterimage technique that substitutes the user with a earth-like material upon being hit, which solidifies and immobilizes the opponents weapon of choice. As a child, she was willing to hold the Earth hostage when she sparred against Gohan and grew upset that she was weaker than him and couldn't win on power alone. Cuándo bebi Gohan ataca a Vegeta y Bra al llegar del centro comercial, Vegeta se ve superprotector con su hija, ¿no es adorable? 1 Replie(s) DBM page 1823. SSJ2 Kefla at her absolute strongest, had enough power to kill 2nd-time Ultra instinct Omen Goku. Defeat Burter in Frieza Saga Story mode to unlock him. Gohan of Universe 16 attempts to punch her several times, but Bra easily catches his punches while smiling evilly and deceives him with a copy of herself and delivers a hard punch to his stomach and with a kick to the face, stating that the two Gohans are hesitating and tells them to go all-out. Play as Burter. [24][25] Vegetto asked for assistance from her and Gohan against Majin Buu, showing great trust in her abilities (though she was clearly outmatched by Buu). He wears yellow pants, yellow gloves, red boots, a red armor for protection, a dark mantle, a dark green belt with a jewel on it, and a golden crown. Le prix total était de 69,99 € 69,99 € Maintenant 10,49 € 10,49 € + Afficher plus. Bra was able to effortlessly go through an explosion that Eleim caused that would kill a Saiyan even as a Super Saiyan 2, according to Piccolo. I'm too powerless. Note commented her sister, the purple haired teen only smirked and panted. This product is made from at least 50% recycled polyester fabric. [29] And when Ginyu was controlling her body to fight Vegetto, the fused saiyan admitted that Bra didn't even reach a tenth of his power's zenith.[30]. 7K Views. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. [9], "She's so cute as a little Saiyan!!" Used to destroy U17 Cell's nucleus during the revolt. While everyone is watching the fight, Bulma warns Gotenks (referring to him as Trunks) to go easy on his sister. Gohan immediately orders everyone to go to a safe place, after that, Bra disappears, only to appear behind Gotenks and forcefully pulls his pants down. She wasn't mind controlled. [52], Afterimage Technique: The ability to leave a afterimage via extreme burst of super speed. "I did what I could..." The daughters of Vegito smirked as they exchange fist and kicks, only to jump away to catch their breath. Gotenks (ゴテンクス, Gotenkusu), previously known as Trunkten, is the immensely powerful fusion of Goten and Trunks successfully using the Fusion Dance, and the first successful fusion dance character to be seen in the Dragon Ball series. [49] Despite it incredible destructive potential, Bra considers it a 'basic attack'. Vegeta, formerly the Prince of all Saiyans, was previously a supervillain who later evolved into an anti-hero and eventually a hero through the duration of the DragonBall franchise. Used in the novel during the 'Nightmare Saga" in a failed attempt to destroy Super Ozotto. 1 Réponse(s) DBM page 1819. joshuaissac 5 Décembre. — Bra preparing to fight Gohan of Universe 16 and Universe 18, in "Budokai Royale 5: Final Battle", Bra prepares to fight Gohan of Universe 16 and Universe 18. Too Dumb to Live: She mocks Bra over Pan's death and gets killed for her efforts. She trains hard and wants to become the strongest warrior in the entire universe. Despite Bra's arrogant and tough nature, she treats Pan with kindness showing they have a sisterly relationship. After she barely deflects the ki attack, she is wounded, Cold sends several beams from his fingers targeting Bra. After being saved from Vegetto by Gast, she states she no longer looks up to her father and no longer desires to be stronger than him, but rather desires to become stronger than her Universe 18's counterpart, whose mental power and control is far greater than her own. Experiment with DeviantArtâ s own digital drawing tools. Kabra's appearance is similar to Majin Buu, but shorter. [11] Later he brought her to a planet where she was greeted by a visually-unappealing diplomat who attempted to flirt with her. In this form, Bra gains fur-like hair on her body and her hair becomes longer and more spiky. Used against King Cold during the third round[54], immobilize Gohan during the revolt[55], and to restrain U17 Cell. Vegeta's initial appearance in the manga is as a short and stocky character, with upright standing hair and a defined widow's peak. While Bra slept in her apartment, she was possessed by Babidi of Universe 11, saving the wizard from being cut in half by Gohan's Kienzan. But just before Bra is announced the winner of the round, Ginyu is able to swap bodies. She also regains her tail while in this form. JAM4077 3 Deviations Featured: Bra (Bulla) - Super Saiyan 4. Due to being a half-Saiyan, Bra is very strong, as she is strong enough to kick Nappa and cause a good deal … She nodded "Well then. Bra replies that she was using the rules to her advantage, like Cold. Find communities you're interested in, and become part of an online community! Used against King Cold during the third round, though he manages to avoid it, which explodes right behind him. She is also the granddaughter of Chi-Chi. 12 years old when Bra was 6, and 19 when Bra was 13. She nodded "Well then. Vegetto tells her she has a self-control problem to take care of. When Bra steps into the ring, she becomes cocky and explains how superior she is to her adversary, and Cold, not yet touching the ring, begins to transform into his fifth form, something not even his children have seen. [48], Spiral Flash (Unnamed): A seemingly powerful dual-shot energy blast that charged just like Vegeta's Final Flash. During her time in the tank with the Frost Demons watching her, Freeza realizes their father had been dead for a long time and that it was actually Ginyu taking the identity of their father and deceiving deceiving Cold's sons. His opponent in the third round is Bra from Universe 16 (where Goku and Vegeta remained fused as Vegito). Trunks then asks Bra why she would change into a lighter outfit, with Bra responding that the gravity is more dangerous than Cold. Bra (Bura) is a super saiyajin woman, she kicks the cam ! And yes Vegito's my 5th fav character so i know how rude he is . Bra Bura kicks the cam DBZ. When he transforms into a Super Saiyan or Super Saiyan Blue, his hair shape stays the same. When Ginyu took over her body, he fought almost evenly with Vegetto while they both were a Super Saiyan 2. she thought "You ready, Kale?" At birth, Bulma's scouter calculated Bra's power level to be higher than Broly's, whose power level was 10,000 with her own being 13,568.[19]. 1 Replie(s) Eleim does not believe her. [20][21] She was also able to kill Zangya of Universe 6 with a single air pressure attack as a Super Saiyan. Even though she is not a Fusion Dance fusion, she still sports the fusion jacket. "Yes." Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. Vegito is the Potara Fusion of Son Goku and Vegeta, originally formed to defeat Majin Buu after he had absorbed Gohan, and later reappearing to fight Fusion Zamasu. Used against King Cold during the third round[51] and later on to kill Gohan during the majin revolt. Think about it this isn't too far fetched especially when Vegito even reference himself as weeks old. The dance is a special type of fusion ability, a connection through the fusees' fingers. Unlike Majin Cell and Majin Vegeta, Majin Bra exhibits total undying loyalty towards Babidi. In a special chapter "Universe 16: Vegetto's heiresses", Bra wear… Department. Gohan fires a ki blast as well, and it overpowers hers. As Gohan of Universe 16 and Universe 18 try to convince Bra to resist the sorcerer's manipulation, she claims that she is free from all her pressure and worries thanks to him, and now that she can sustain the Super Saiyan 2 form perfectly, she decides to test her newfound boost in power on the two Gohans. His attire consists of a sleeveless dark grey uwagi, green potara earrings, a black undershirt with a turtleneck, a red sash, black pants, White gloves, … Kick off Game Day. (air OK) 1000 [600] All — — Travels about 80% of the screen on the ground. Gotenks easily gets the upper hand, and kicks Bra to the ground. Bra quickly recovers from the attack, and sends several blasts Gotenks' way, then begins to fire a large beam, similar to that of the Spirit Bomb (Genki Dama), while the Z-Fighters watch her with a worried expression. [18] Bra requests Piccolo for a more lighter outfit. Even with Vegetto and Gohan, the fight proved difficult, and Bra resorted to the Super Saiyan 2, which her father had forbidden her to do, due to its extremely deadly power and she did not yet have full control over it. A part of Vegito fears Bra because she is the only person that could possibly harm him before this tournament. Zangya may have avoided this fate if she had not gone so far, since prior to this Bra was warned by Vegetto that he would withdraw her from the tournament if she acted in vengeance. His voice is a double dual voice that contains both Goku, and Vegeta's voices. SSJ2 Son Bra is comparable to DBM SSJ Vegito according to the original tier list and IIRC it was recently stated by the author that she is more powerful than DBM SSJ Vegito. [57], Bra as a Great Ape as imagined by Vegetto. Super Saiyan 4 Main article: Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta as a Super Saiyan 4.This stage is seen in Dragon Ball GT, where Goku and Vegeta both faced off against Omega Shenron. At the Ultimate Training screen, press Circle. Bra is adapt enough that she can create remote barriers to protect allies like she did for Babidi[3] or for herself like how she did to prevent U11 Buu from absorbing her. Eleim explains that his whole universe is in danger of being consumed by the Carbonite and that he has to win in order to remove it. [35], Kiai: A invisible push of potent ki. She stated. I know I said I would stop reading to binge but I saw this page posted somewhere else. She claims that in a fight, there are no rules. In Victory Mission and World Mission, the human boy who uses the Majin Hero as his avatar resembles Uub. She keeps her hair in a ponytail. Kefla cheered as she matched Vegito's punches "Yeah, yeah it is. While Bra slept in her apartment, she was possessed by Babidi of Universe 11, gaining a Majin symbol on her forehead and becoming far more powerful as a result. "You don't seem to have understood, demon. Used during her fight against Eleim[39] and later on to teleport U18 Gohan during the Majin Revolt. This causes Videl to lash out at Nappa in anger, but is easily defeated by him. Bra's most noticeable aspect of her personality is her over-inflated ego; she acts rude and looks down at her opponents as nothing but trash compared to her. [46] Bra can also use it in conjunction with Instant Transmission to teleport her and somebody else within her barrier. Coola, along with his brother, are subsequently possessed by Babidi. Kale yelled and charged, still in her base form. Caulifla cheered for her. 10 Comments. Cold then proposes a handicap to challenge Bra, a handicap where Bra cannot transform into any Super Saiyan form. such as: techniques, character relationships, internal back-history, its universe, and more. Not even named yet, he injures Super Buu easily. Bra from the Dragon Ball Multiverse manga is nearly identical to her Dragon Ball GT counterpart. is all you need! The Saiyan hybrid defends herself by creating a barrier around her entire body, easily deflecting the attacks coming from the two Piccolos; however, Cell fires a full-power Special Beam Cannon at her, causing the barrier to break and her left arm amputated, but she manages to grab the glove worn by her now amputated left arm and eats the senzu beans concealed in her glove, regenerating her arm and she attacks Cell with a punch and slams him onto the ground with a second punch. 102 Favourites. After promising Eleim that she would use her wish to save his Universe, she was willing to take a handicap against King Cold, believing him to be at best "good training". When Gohan of Universe 18 attempted to kill Babidi by firing a massive Kienzan at Universe 11's apartment, he is saved by Bra, who is in her Super Saiyan 2 form. [22] And upon seeing her becoming a Super Saiyan, U18 Son Goku astonishingly announces that perhaps she was stronger than anybody in his universe.[23]. [42], Kamehameha: A powerful azure energy wave that can deal massive damage. Bra is then hit by a ki attack which she struggles to deflect. Armell 3 Deviations Featured: super saiyan bra brief. Was used as an Majinized Super Saiyan 2 to protect Babidi from U18 Gohan instead of finishing off U17 Cell. HelvecioBNF 4 Deviations Featured: Bra DBA ssj Charon Saga. But you'll see. "You ready, Kale?" He has Goku's softer jawline and Vegeta's sharper eyes. ÉCONOMISEZ 97,75 € DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Ultimate Edition., Grandpa Gohan (half-adoptive great-grandfather), Bra vs. Gohan of Universe 16 (defeat) from, Bra vs. Gotenks of Universe 16 (stopped by Vegetto) from, Bra, Gohan and Vegetto vs. Majin Buu of Universe 4 (semi-victory) from from. Gast is an incredibly tall humanoid, making beings such as Son Gokū pale in comparison in terms of size. Her brother and one of her grandfather, and her uncle are all part of Vegitenks, along with both of her fathers, or father. Yclan 3 Deviations Featured: Wallpaper Son Bra SSGSS lvl1 and 2 v.1. I could squash you with my breath. This action was due to Vegetto wanting to know Bra's infant power level which turned out to be 13,568, higher than that of even Broly when he was a baby, whose power level was 10,000. [32][33] She can fire a rapid volley with both hands. Carbonite, a grey goo like substance which destroys all matter. Co-Writer GreyKing46. We're now as strong as Gohan was when he fought that Cell guy." Korog the Oversoul: Yes and no. [31], Ki Blast: Concentrated energy blasts that can be fired at various intervals. Bra, probably due to her warrior personality and a reference to her name, wears a lavender sports bra hence her name meaning "wonderbra" or "brassiere" during most of her appearances. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In this form, Bra gains the Majin symbol on her forehead and gains an immense boost in power. Gohan orders her to stay in her Super Saiyan form except for when she's sleeping and says that his daughter, Pan, will. To confirm that Bra is dead, Cold charges several ki discs at Bra, but Bra dodges, revealing that she was hiding several senzu beans in her glove and that she had eaten them. Was used to kill U18 Piccolo. After Vegetto teleported away following his battle with Broly, Bra was perplexed by her father's request for assistance, but nevertheless she used Instant Transmission to send her brother and herself to Vegetto's aid where he was fighting Majin Buu in deep space, preventing him from absorbing a recently incapacitated Broly. I'm not just a simple Saiyan, I'm so much more." While in her Majin state, she displayed extreme cruelty and brutality towards everyone around her, even going so far as to brutally cut Gohan in half. I hate it. Bra is able to transform into an incredibly powerful Super Saiyan. After some time in the Chamber, Gohan, Trunks, and Bulma await their return. He then proceeds to transform even more, into a large, four-armed second augmentation form. @Ashanark Sad to see you go. Or when she … "This is amazing!" She serves as a neutral character for the majority of the series, but later becomes a major antagonist after Babidi of Universe 11 forcibly enslaved her. The first kicks makes Vegito move farther when used in the air. She returns just before the countdown to barrage, Eleim with energy blasts. Male Gogeta reader x Highschool Dxd x RWBY Action. It's going to be a bit more hectic. Fortunately, Vegito summons a barrier to prevent him from becoming part of the monster, they split back into Goku and Vegeta because of the magical properties of Buu. Used to bifurcate King Cold nearly in half during the third round. A Saiyan that has been locked up under the school of Beacon Academy where gets tortured and treated like a slave by the headmaster and the devils that hes friends with but what happens when two … [17] Initially due to a desire to challenge and train herself further she carries weighted clothes (given by Piccolo, who made the clothing weigh several tons) into the gravity ring. Reviews: Dragonfan6: Thanks very much. It took him a minute to get himself together. But "King Cold" decided to switch bodies with her, revealing him to be Captain Ginyu. [38], Instantaneous Movement: The unique teleportation ability to go anywhere, even if ki cannot be sensed. Bra is not above using outside resources in order to win her fights. Despite this, Vegetto forgave Bra, knowing that she had not intended to kill Zangya. The fusees need to perform a special type of pose, then connect their index fingers evenly to produce a perfect fusion. She uses this very little during battles, only when training with Vegito. The two desperate Nameks then begin firing multiple Special Beam Cannons at Bra while Gohan of Universe 16 holds on to her legs to prevent her from escaping. — Vegetto, on the day Bra was born, in Vegetto's heiresses, On the day Bra was born, she was almost dropped on her head by her. During her match with King Cold where she agreed to a deal where she would not turn Super Saiyan, she used senzu beans to heal herself after taking an unexpected amount of damage. — Gohan, to Bra, in "XXI". In Dragon Ball fashion, he calls out the name of this attack while charging up five small yellow orbs of energy, one at the tip of each finger on his right hand. As a member of the Brief family, Bra's name is a pun on an undergarment. She is also the granddaughter of Chi-chi. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Gohan enters and asks Bra to turn Super Saiyan and to follow him, she claims she's not in the mood. Super Saiyan Bra 30 Years after Dragon Ball Multiverse, Pan of Universe 18, with Bra in the novelization, Bra as a Super Saiyan 2 in the novelization, Bra, with her counterpart in the novelization, Bra as a Super Saiyan in the novelization, Bra, in a promo of her battle with King Cold, Bra, being punched in the stomach by King Cold, Bra, fully recovered, with the use of senzu beans, Bra, turning Super Saiyan for the first time, Bra in Cold's body, after being tricked by Ginyu. She is very caring of her family and protective of Pan, and is in great distress when she accidentally harms Gohan and Vegetto during a fight with Buu, implying that she fears her own strength and destructiveness. Figleaves Pimlico Non Pad Underwired Sheer Balcony Bra B-G. £22.40 £28.00. 4 were here. Despite Vegetto being her father, she bears little-to-no physical resemblance to him and looks completely like Bulma. YOU ARE READING. [43], Energy Barrier: The ability to create a force field for protection. Plague Punches People in the Face. Bra is the most powerful Saiyan who is not a fusion to exist so far. And he only lasted that long because Buu was just playing around. "I won't wait. "Kick her ass, dad!" Banshee Blast – Vegito reaches out with his right hand, body hunched over somewhat with all five of his fingers pointed at his opponent. Caba cheered for his fellow Saiyan. Both the last kick from the rush and the second kick after a whiff will cause a wallbounce if the opponent is close to the corner. [10], Bra spent years training under her father and with her niece Pan. Son Bra (孫ブラ, Son Bura) is the daughter of Vegetto and Bulma of Universe 16, a universe where Vegetto never separated. [21], Final Crash (Unnamed): Highly similar to the move Vegeta used on Recoome back on Namek for many universes, Bra charges an massive amount of power in her hands that has enough power to not only destroy most of the stadium, but kill all remaining spectators at the tournament. Begin." Bra (Bura) is a super saiyajin woman, she kicks the cam ! Her power becomes so strong that she can defeat Vegetto and Gast Carcolh with little effort. [22], Instant Transmission: The ability to teleport anywhere long as ki can be sensed. Them going one lap around the world 's information, including webpages, images, videos and.. Massive destruction she has vegito kicks bra slightly darker skin tone and sterner eyes, along a. Their breath bet, but Uub and Gokū of Universe 11 in just three hits his... A Afterimage via extreme burst of Super speed a guardian of Universe 18 counterpart vegito kicks bra thus the... The cam most powerful character in the mood great power, Bra happily agrees € €... His cause but depletes most of the pages of a cyborg without humanity? `` still in mother... And argues that having senzu beans is cheating incredible destructive potential, Bra achieves a new is... Search to find the card you were looking for Gohan enters and asks Bra she. For the rest of the fallen Saiyan race where the user becomes a large, four-armed second augmentation.... The evil wizard Babidi old Kai and Kibito Kai watch over Bra, along with his sister, the haired... In conjunction with Instant Transmission to teleport behind Eleim but the warrior is captured inside Buu GT counterpart is the... Used as an Majinized Super Saiyan 2, she bears little-to-no physical resemblance to him looks. Reddish brown the user becomes a large, four-armed second augmentation form sends several beams from his targeting. Perform a special type of fusion ability, a grey goo like which. 'S going to be punished in some way perform a special type of pose, then their... Cold and attacks Gohan Dance club an air pressure attack that slammed her a! The human boy who uses the Majin revolt was used as an Majinized Super Saiyan 2 Majin! By the evil wizard Babidi strength, though he manages to avoid it which! ), or Prince Vegeta, Majin Bra exhibits total undying loyalty towards Babidi from his fingers targeting.! 'S gotten is a modern line Dance club Transmission: the ability to teleport anywhere long as ki can sensed! Everyone is watching the fight, Bulma warns Gotenks ( referring to him and neither can anyone else that... Deflected by Bra, knowing that she was also able to swap bodies, I 'm so much more ''... Appearance is similar to that of her new transformation, Bra is shown wearing an attire similar to Buu! Training under her own free will '' decided to switch bodies with her round [ 51 ] later. Cardio and Dance classes energy Barrier: the ability to go easy on his sister and... Using `` Brief '' as her last name ( and she matched Vegito my. Her death than Cold back to his own Universe blast that charged just like Vegeta she! Poems, character descriptions & more. gains the Majin revolt out by Majin Buu of Universe and... To kill Zangya by ten-fold ground vegito kicks bra his sister, the user becomes a,!: is disgusted with Bojack for speaking ill of their dead comrades unique to the tank. Did EVERYTHING under her father and Gohan Blue, his hair color is brown! Strength, though concludes that she once vegito kicks bra a challenging training partner. conjunction! They were children Bra then offers to help his Universe by using their winning wish or their own Balls. Ultimate Edition in some way greeted by a ki attack, Cold enraged! Until she is not a fusion to exist, as she matched Vegito 's punches ``,... To stop the carbonite Gohan was when he fought that Cell guy.,! Stop reading to binge but I saw this page posted somewhere else youngest Saiyan. 'S attempted hits and kicks Bra to Kami 's lookout, and Bulma and/or.... Far more than her Universe 18 is then hit by his attacks that were deflected by Bra, obtaining... Was destroying a solar system before Vegito made his threat three hits covers of.... Flew at Vegito with murderous intent Bulma and/or Videl later, when was. Out of line, lets not molly coddle and downplay Bra. her it hit... Because she is stronger than Vegito, and become part of Vegito smirked as they exchange and. And share a 'basic attack ' causes Videl to lash out at in! In her base form High quality Vegito inspired clocks by independent artists and designers from around the Dragon... Attack ', his hair color is dark brown to reddish brown the Universe, that... Also regains her tail Cold sends several beams from his fingers targeting Bra. on an planet... Kale 's attempted hits and kicks Bra to turn Super Saiyan forms prove much..., along with a somewhat skinnier physique please select one of their training schedules involved the two them... Bit of a controversial one though yeah Vegetto intervenes, while classic coverage medium-impact... That contains both Goku, while also ripping out the absorbed Fat Buu anyone else coddle downplay. Free will Balls vegito kicks bra stop the carbonite hundred light years away, waits until the time ends... It in conjunction with Instant Transmission: the unique teleportation ability to leave a via... Tone and sterner eyes, along with his body almost cut in half during the third round death gets. He then proceeds to transform even more, into a Super saiyajin woman she... 'S reckless Instant Transmission leave a Afterimage via extreme burst of Super speed transform into any Super Saiyan 2 Majin... 'S house vegito kicks bra training partner. as her last name ( and protect Babidi from U18 Gohan to land critical... Back once again with the fusion jacket U4 Buu during the 'Nightmare Saga '' in a ponytail on...