Adult Regina 1 finds out her hotel is going to be forced to close due to financial trouble. Michael Kahnwald: Michael is the Kahnwald family patriarch who dies by suici… There are four families at the center of the series. After seeing an article about the unsolved Marburg murders, Adult Aleksander 1 enlists Wöller 1's help in finding something for him. -- Aug. 1 (All Worlds, All Realities): Adult Claudia gives birth to Regina. -- June 26 (Adam, Reality 1A): Adult Claudia 1 records herself discussing what she's learned about the God Particle. Ines is deep in grief and is often seen in 2019 alone in her apartment. Darkalso shows Ines in 1986 and later, in 1987, working as a nurse at the Winden hospital where she eventually meets Mikkel Nielsen (later revealed to be her son, Michael). -- June 26 (Adam, Reality 1A): Adult Egon 1 examines Old Claudia 1's body in the morgue and suspects she was an accomplice to Child Helge 1's abduction. Adult Ines 1 brings Child Mikkel 1/Michael 1 home after a few months away. Winter Gifts for Geeks and Movie Nerds 2020 Christmas Gifts for Geeks and Movie Nerds - Anyway, if you purchase any of the posters, prints (heck, shower curtains) below, it will go towards keeping this site online. ~ (Adam, Reality 1A): Teen Noah 1 and Child Elisabeth 1 dig out the passage. Teen Hannah 1 tells Teen Katharina 1 that Teen Regina 1 was the false witness to the rape. Adult Egon 1 first visits Adult Ulrich 1 in his prison cell. But in the first episode, it is revealed he is being experimented on in a bunker by a stranger, eventually revealed to be Helge Doppler (Peter Schneider), in 1986. ~ (Adam, Reality 1A): Teen Silja 1 arrives from 2053 in Adam's world and meets Teen Bartosz 1, whom she begins a relationship with. -- Nov. 5 (Adam, Reality 1A): Erik 1's corpse appears in the bunker from 1986 in Adam's world. Teen Silja 1 breaks Teen Jonas 1 out of his cell and demands he show her what's really in the dead zone. Ines Kahnwald: We first meet Ines in 2019 in the immediate aftermath of her son Michael’s death by suicide. Adult Jonas 1 attempts to destroy the wormhole but only closes the passage and winds up helping to create the wormhole in the process. Yes, that enigmatic, complex and wonderful country in Central Europe. Dark is a German science fiction thriller co-created by Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese, produced by Netflix.The connections between four troubled families in the small town of Winden are revealed when a child disappears. Adult Charlotte 2 goes to the bunker and finds Old Helge 2's penny. Child Helge 1 goes to 1986 in Adam's world through the wormhole. Teen Hannah 1 witnesses Teen Aleksander 1 dispose of his real passport and a gun; she digs them up and keeps them. ~ early 1800s (Adam, Reality 1A): Gustav Tannhaus 1's mother Charlotte Tannhaus 1 dies and his father becomes obsessed with time travel. We rewatched all of Season 1 and Season 2 so you don't have to. Adult Hannah 1 hasAdult Charlotte 1 come meet Adult Jonas 1. Adult Hannah 1 lies and tells Adult Katharina 1 that she ended the affair with Adult Ulrich 1. Dark is a German science fiction thriller streaming television series co-created by Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese. Child Claudia 1 goes into Child Tronte 1's bedroom and undresses. Just a wall of spoilers here, basically.) Dark the netflix series has finally come to an end so I've put the complete timeline for all three seasons in chronological order. Adult Ulrich 1 arrives from 2019 in Adam's world. Plans for the nuclear power plant in Winden date back to 1953. When two children go missing in a small German town, its sinful past is exposed along with the double lives and fractured relationships that exist among four families as they search for the kids. Yes, that enigmatic, complex and wonderful country in Central Europe. Realizing what's happened and that Helge is involved in the disappearance of the young boys, including the deaths of his brother and son, Ulrich attempts to kill a young Helge (Tom Philipp) in 1953 so he can't kidnap children in the future for Noah. Based on the horror franchise. -- Sept. 22 (Adam, Reality 1A and Reality 1B): Gustav Tannhaus 1 visits the Tannhaus factory where Adult Jonas 1 is building the time machine. So if you are still watching the series, please do not read further, massive spoilers ahead. They discover a sinister conspiracy that has chased them across generations. Clausen 1 arrests Adult Aleksander 1 for identity theft. Adult Charlotte 1 finds Adult Peter 1 in the bunker. On Nov. 4, 2019, 11-year-old Mikkel Nielsen (Daan Lennard Liebrenz) accompanied his older siblings, Magnus (Moritz Jahn) and Martha (Lisa Vicari), and their friends Jonas Kahnwald (Louis Hofmann), Bartosz Tiedemann (Paul Lux), and Franziska Doppler (Gina Alice Stiebitz) to the caves in the Winden woods. The mystery-drama series introduces an intricate puzzle filled with twists that includes a web of curious characters, all of whom have a connection to the town's troubled history -- whether they know it or not. Adult Peter 1 visits Benni 1 and Teen Franziska 1 sees. Adult Jonas 1 kills Adult Hannah 1 and sends Child Silja 1 to the post-apocalyptic future in Adam's world. ~ (Adam, Reality A): Adult Silja 1 dies giving birth to Agnes 1. Teen Bartosz 1 takes them to 1987 in Adam's world. -- Sept. 25 (Adam, Reality 1A): Adult Claudia 1 and Teen Jonas 1 begin working together on stabilizing the God Particle. Old Ulrich 1 sees the kids from inside the police car but is unable to make contact. -- Nov. 9 (Adam, Reality 1A): Adult Helge 1 disposes of Yasin 1's body. Teen Peter 1 moves to Winden to live with Adult Hegle 1 after his mother dies. Adult Hannah OG, who is expecting a baby with Wöller OG, reveals she may name her son Jonas. -- Sept. 22 (Adam, Reality 1A and Reality 1B): Adult Katharina 1 meets Teen Katharina 1, Teen Ulrich 1, and Teen Hannah 1 at the school. Seasons 1 and 2 are currently streaming. When you're done, head on over to check out our Season 2 refresher and explainer too. Adult Claudia 1 kills Adult Claudia 2 so she can find a third path where Regina will live. Child Helge 1 arrives from 1953 in Adam's world through the wormhole. Later on, in that same episode, her friend Yasin is kidnapped by 1986 Helge and taken to Noah, whom we only see at one age no matter the year, to be a guinea pig in his time machine prototype, aka the chair in the bunker. The man kills Adult Peter 1 but Child Elisabeth 1 kills him. Adult Tronte 1 gives Teen Regina 1 a ride home. -- Nov. 11 (Adam, Reality 1A): Teen Boris Niewald 1 arrives in Winden and adopts the identity of Aleksander Köhler 1 after involvement with the two deaths in Marburg. Old Claudia 1 rips out the last pages in the Triquetra notebook. This is Barry, welcome to my site, and here is the DARK series ending explained. Adult Ulrich 1 and Adult Hannah 1 begin their affair at the party. Teen Noah 1 arrives from 1921 in Adam's world and gives Teen Jonas 1 a letter from Martha saying he must save Teen Bartosz 1, Teen Magnus 1, Teen Franziska 1, Adult Agnes 1, and Teen Noah 1 so that Teen Martha 1 will live and the prophecy is fulfilled. Adult Regina 1 sees the files in Adult Jonas 1's hotel room. Teen Aleksander 1 rescues Teen Regina 1 from Teen Katharina 1. Eva introduces herself to Teen Jonas 1. Erik 1 is transported to 1953 through the chair, but dies in the process. Old Helge 2 recognizes Adult Ulrich 2 as the man who assaulted him in 1986. He was killed by the same chair experiment as Erik and as a result was transported from 1986 to 2019, where his body appeared in the Doppler family bunker. Adult Jonas 1 reveals Adult Hannah 1 took the machine. Adult Charlotte 1 suspends Adult Ulrich 1. Past Teen Jonas 1 and Teen Martha 1 have sex. Future Jonas (Andreas Pietschmann) finds them in the back of a truck and takes some of the radioactive isotopes contained within them to be used in a device that he believes will create a blackhole that will destroy the wormhole. Adult Ulrich 1 follows Old Helge 1 into the caves. -- June 27 (Adam, Reality 1B): Teen Martha 2 arrives from 2019 in Eva's world and rescues Teen Jonas 1 from the apocalypse.They both leave for 2019 in Eva's world.-- June 27 (Adam, Reality 2): Adam rescues Teen Jonas 1 from the apocalypse and brings him to 2019 in Eva's world. -- June 23 (Adam, Reality 1A): Adult Noah 1 successfully transports Child Helge 1 to 1954 in Adam's world through the chair. Teen Jonas 1 tells Teen Martha 1 that they can't be together. Adult Claudia 1 travels to 2040 in Eva's world. Adult Ulrich 1 finds the door to the power plant in the caves. Additionally, since Martha and Jonas' son was never named, we refer to him as the Son(s) throughout. Adult Claudia 1 travels to 2020 in Adam's world. -- June 24 (Adam, Reality 1A): Adult Claudia 1 arrives from 1986 in Adam's world and learns Adult Regina 1 has cancer. Much like the MCU, everything is connected in Dark. -- Nov. 5 (Adam, Reality 1A): Child Mikkel 1/Michael 1 arrives from 2019 in Adam's world. His photo appears in the paper because of the arrest, and it is found by Charlotte in 2019. Teen Magnus 2, Teen Franziska 2, Teen Bartosz 2, Killian 2, and Past Teen Martha 2 see Mads 2's body fall through the crack in time and into the bunker and call the police. In my mind, the key to understanding all this starts with Tannhaus’s monologue at the beginning of episode 7. By … The audience finds out very early on that Erik died as a result of the chair experiment, but it is not until his actual body is discovered in 1953, on the future grounds of the nuclear power plant alongside that of another young boy (Yasin), that anyone within the show's narrative knows. check out our Season 2 refresher and explainer. ~ (Adam, Reality 1A): Adult Agnes 1 and Doris 1 begin their affair. -- Nov. 7 (Eva, Reality 1A and Reality 1B): Teen Bartosz 2 and Teen Martha 2 arrive from 2020 in Adam's world. This is when Adult Claudia 1 disappears, leaving Teen Regina 1 on her own. ~ (Origin, Reality 1): Adult Tannhaus OG visits the grave of his family and starts building the time machine in the bunker. Tannhaus 1, gives him A Journey Through Time, and tells him to explain the machine to her one day. ~ (Adam, Reality 1A): Adult Peter 1 stops visiting Benni 1 after Adult Charlotte 1 finds out. ~ (Adam, Reality 1A): Adult Noah 1 arrives from 2040 in Adam's world and meets Teen Noah 1. The God Particle is created and a wormhole between 2020 and 2053 opens up, allowing Adult Charlotte 1 to travel to 2053 in Adam's world. Teen Magnus 1, Teen Martha 1, Teen Franziska 1, and Child Elisabeth 1 go to the caves where they run into Teen Bartosz 1. Old Claudia 1 visits Adult H.G. -- June 27 (Adam, Reality 1A): Teen Jonas 1 brings Adult Claudia 1 to take an isotope from the waste in the caves. Based on the horror franchise. Adam tells Teen Martha 2 the origin of the knot is her son with Jonas. Dark Season 1, Explained: What You Need to Remember. It ran for three seasons from 2017 to 2020. Adult Hannah 2 threatens to blackmail Adult Aleksander 2 unless he helps her destroy Adult Charlotte 2. Adam tells Adult Agnes 1 to give the newspaper clipping of Old Claudia 1's death to her. But understanding the complex, interwoven series of choices that led them to finally be able to break the cycle is enlightening and makes you appreciate just how expertly this show juggled its complex narratives across worlds, realities, and time. The older version died at the scene while the younger survived. Everything You Need to Know About ‘Dark’ Season 3, Explained. Tannhaus 1's shop. -- Sept. 22 (Adam, Reality 1A): Adult Claudia 1 records the tapes that Teen Jonas 1 listens to in 2053. ~ (Adam, Reality 1A): The power plant starts cooking the books. Teen Jonas 1 and Teen Martha 2 disappear as Adam and Eva's worlds are erased from existence. -- Nov. 12 (Adam, Reality 1A): Teen Jonas 1 arrives from 1986 in Adam's world and is taken captive by Adult Elisabeth 1's people. The birds die. Teen Franziska 1 reveals to Teen Magnus 1 that she sells hormone therapy prescriptions to Benni 1 since Adult Peter 1 no longer supplies them. Adult Jonas 1 arrives from 2052 in Adam's world and goes to stay at Adult Regina 1's hotel. Adam is shown to have the St. Christopher necklace. Everything "starts" when Mikkel disappears. -- June 22 (Adam, Reality 1A): Old Claudia 1 visits Adult Claudia 1 at her office at the power plant and reveals her identity. -- Nov. 9 (Adam, Reality 1A): Adult Ulrich 1 first confronts Old Helge 1. Old Claudia 1 brings Teen Jonas 1 to the caves, beginning their year together before Teen Jonas 1 goes to 1987 in Adam's world. -- June 27 (Adam, Reality 1A): Teen Bartosz 1 tells Adult Regina 1 that Claudia isn't dead and visited last fall. Teen Magnus 1 follows Benni 1 from Teen Franziska 1's secret tin in the woods to Benni 1's trailer and assumes Teen Franziska 1 is a sex worker. Thirty-three years before the start of the series, in 1986, Ulrich Nielsen's (Oliver Masucci) younger brother, Mads (Valentin Oppermann), vanished. -- Nov. 6 (Adam, Reality 1A): Adult Claudia 1's first day running the power plant. Adult Hannah 1 breaks up with Adult Egon 1 after finding out she's pregnant. The truth is there is also a wormhole that allows people to travel 33 years into the future or the past, hence the show's Season 1 storylines taking place in 1953, 1986, and 2019. Adult Katharina 1 arrives from 2020 in Adam's world. Adam arrives from 1921 in Adam's world. Adult Charlotte 1 finds the bunker. Adult Jonas 1 begins to burn himself while trying to make the time machine work and switches his focus from trying to return to the future to trying to destroy the origin. Old Egon 1 visits Adult Helge 1 in the psychiatric hospital and asks him about Mads 1's disappearance. Microsoft may earn an Affiliate Commission if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. Dark is a German science fiction thriller streaming television series co-created by Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese. Adult Noah 2 meets with Adult Martha 2 about their plan to keep the cycle intact. Adult Hannah 1 arrives from 2020 in Adam's world and goes to Adult Egon 1's office to find Adult Ulrich 1. The time portal opens over Winden. en Dark (Netflix Original Series) ^ Season One Explained. The Dark Season 3 finale ending may have left your brain feeling as tangled as the Winden… MENU. Teen Magnus 1, Teen Franziska 1, Teen Martha 1, Teen Bartosz 1, and Child Elisabeth 1 return to 2020 in Adam's world. That's why we put together this timeline of everything that's happened on Dark in every world, reality, and time. Adult Egon 1 givesAdult Hannah 1 the St. Christopher necklace. Teen Bartosz 1 agrees to work with Adult Noah 1. -- Nov. 6 (Eva, Reality 1B): Teen Jonas 1 and Teen Martha 2 arrive from 2019 in Eva's world and meet Adult Martha 2. Old Bernd 1 reveals the information about the God Particle to Adult Claudia 1. -- Sept. 21 (Adam, Reality 1A and Reality 1B): The Sons kill Old Bernd Doppler 1 and steal the master key to the plant. Teen Martha 1 finds the St. Christopher necklace Adult Jonas 1 left for her. Reality 1: The reality in the origin world before Adam and Eva's worlds are createdReality 1A: The reality where no one saves Jonas before Old Claudia intervenesReality 1B: The reality where Martha saves Jonas before Old Claudia intervenesReality 2: The reality in all worlds after Old Claudia intervenes, Adam's world characters = 1Eva's world characters = 2Origin world characters = OG, Bold names are people in their natural time/world. Teen Jonas 1 brings Teen Martha 2 to Adam's world in 1986 before she can go with Adult Magnus 1 and Adult Franziska 1. Adult Helge 1 gifts Adult Claudia 1 A Journey Through Time. Teen Jonas 1 and Adult Claudia 1 use the time machine and reopen the passage. -- Nov. 4 (Adam, Reality 1A): Adult Helge 1 arrives from 1986 in Adam's world. -- Nov. 10 (Adam, Reality 1A): Yasin 1 and Erik 1's bodies are discovered at the construction site. This is just more than 3,000 words of spoilers. Adult Noah 1 gives Teen Bartosz 1 the Triquetra notebook and warns him to never trust Claudia. Child Elisabeth 1 goes to live with Teen Noah 1. -- June 27 (Adam, Reality 1A): Adult Noah 1 counsels Teen Noah 1 about his role, telling him he must follow the same path he did. Dark is a Netflix series from Germany, and it’s impossible to talk about without discussing its central concept, which is revealed within the first few episodes: time travel. Adult Egon 1 interviews Child Helge 1 about Old Claudia 1. Old Claudia 1 visits Adult H.G. ~ (Adam, Reality 1A): Adult Noah 1, Adult Claudia 1, and Adult Jonas 1 experiment on the God Particle and get close to it stabilizing. ~ (Adam, Reality 1A): Teen Jonas 1 tries to end his life but Teen Noah 1 stops him and explains there's no way for Teen Jonas 1 to die because Adam already exists. Teen Noah 1 leaves for 2020. -- Nov. 6 (Adam, Reality 1A): Teen Jonas 1 starts exploring the caves. Dark, Netflix's German-language sci-fi drama, has the well-earned reputation of being one of the most confusing shows on TV. Old Claudia 1 tells them to dispose of the body and gives them the Triquetra notebook.-- Nov. 4, 2019 (Eva, Reality 1B): Teen Martha 2 and Teen Jonas 1 arrive in Eva's world after escaping the 2020 apocalypse in Adam's world. Yasin 1 is transported to 1953 through the chair, but dies in the process. He was befriended by Hannah (Ella Lee), whom he later married (Maja Schöne), and together they became parents to Jonas. Adam kills Teen Martha 1 to ensure that Teen Jonas 1 will eventually turn into Adam. Teen Magnus 1 sees Teen Franziska 1 skinny dipping at the lake and begins to have feelings for her. The first season finale of Netflix's first original German series "Dark" likely left a majority of at-home viewers with their minds simultaneously blown and full of questions. ~ (Origin, Reality 2): Adult Regina OG hosts a dinner party with Adult Katharina OG, Adult Hannah OG, Adult Wöller OG, Adult Peter OG, and Adult Benni OG. © 2021 TV GUIDE, a RED VENTURES COMPANY left a suicide note instructions! 'Ve created a GUIDE to all the files she 's collected Claudia 1 visits Adult Ulrich 2 attempts destroy. 1 promises Adult Claudia 1 goes missing, having traveled an additional 33 years dark netflix explained!: Clausen 1 arrests Adult Aleksander 1 for their son to live with Noah. Picks up the finished time machine so he can travel to 2020 in Adam 's world in... 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