She'd taken her duty seriously, even if it caused everyone around her to hate her. We've all but taken over the military and have people in all levels of government. He'd even taken her dancing once, and yesterday he picked her a mess of greens. What I can see is that we will all be taken. From the Cambridge English Corpus I think that everyone here was taken aback by ⦠Sofi said Jule, Dusty, and Damian would all be taken. In spite of his iconoclastic sympathies, he endeavoured to conciliate the image-worshippers, but incurred the wrath of the monks by entering into a second marriage with Euphrosyne, daughter of Constantine VI., who had previously taken the veil. 232+94 sentence examples: 1. Circumventing the Italian troops, Garibaldi entered Catania, crossed to Melito with 3000 men on the 25th of August, but was taken prisoner and wounded by Cialdini's forces at Aspromonte on the 27th of August. Cooma, with a mean summer temperature of 65.4°, and a mean winter temperature of 41.4°, may be taken as illustrative of the climate of the southern tableland, and Armidale of the northern. Maybe he was afraid she would take half of what he had taken a lifetime to acquire. Learn the definition of the word "taken" and how to use taken in a sentence. At first everyone was positive he'd taken a hike, but personally, I haven't seen a thing yet to tell me he didn't just do something stupid and pay the price for it. Without the light in front of him, his progress was brief pictures taken by the flashes from the sky. 5) a rising main is taken directly from the boiler to the topmost floor of the building, and from this branches are dropped to the lower floors, and connected by means of smaller branches to radiators or coils. Malacca was taken from the Dutch by the British in 1795; was restored to the latter in 1818; but in 1824 was exchanged for Benkulen and a few more unimportant places in Sumatra. "I've never heard you speak bad about anyone. If he'd thought for a minute she was suicidal, he'd have taken some steps to protect her from herself. The professional soldiers of the Continent could rarely be brought to force a decision; but the English, contending for a cause, were imbued with the spirit of the modern "nation in arms"; and having taken up arms wished to decide the quarrel by arms. high; the distortion has evidently taken place through the use of unseasoned timber and consequent warping of the woodwork. It bothered Dean, the choice Annie had taken. The majority of the species belong to the family Pulicidae, of which P. irritans maybe taken as the type; but the order also includes the Sarcopsyllidae, the females of which fix themselves firmly to their host, and the Ceratopsyllidae, or bat-fleas. He wondered if the demon had taken her as it had Memon, who looked well but whose skin was cold as death. At Ecbatana new masses of treasure were seized, but when once the necessary measures which its disposal and the occupation of the Median capital entailed were taken, Alexander continued the pursuit. She was taken in by the salesman's smooth manner of talking. Taken together, those findings suggest that almost all economic growth in the last 120-plus years was from technology. CK 1 2250033 Take a bath. A succession difficulty in Bavaria-Landshut was only decided after Maximilian had taken up arms and narrowly escaped with his life at Regensburg. It was taken by France in 1807, and in 1815 it passed to Prussia. CK 1 2111482 Take over. Rome, attacked by the French army, was taken by assault after a month's sanguinary siege. It should not have taken this to make me appreciate what I have. It has taken me a long time to adjust to life in North America. The difference between English and Roman miles would be compensated for by the more devious course taken by the railway. This year may be taken as the beginning of his literary activity and public life. Dean began getting ready for bed; the day's skiing had taken its toll. The faithful talking with tongues were taken by bystanders for drunken men, but intoxicated men do not talk in languages of which they are normally ignorant.2 Paul on the whole discouraged glossolaly. "Daniela," he greeted her, and Rhyn recognized the leader of the Sanctuary that had taken care of Katie weeks before. It's taken us a few weeks to get everything running smoothly. 2. It had taken a team of Guardians—including two Original Beings—to kill the last Other. She knew he could've taken so much more, made himself stronger by bleeding her dry. What did he do to those who hadn't taken that final step but probably would soon? While Dean was tactful enough not to mention it, it had, however, taken two weeks for Billie Wassermann to come home to port. The fineness of the hair may perhaps be ascribed to some peculiarity in the atmosphere, for it is remarkable that the cats, dogs and other animals of the country are to 'a certain extent affected in the same way, and that they all lose much of their distinctive beauty when taken from their native districts. She was taken care of by one of her friends. 232+94 sentence examples: 1. Chagrined at finding no notice taken of a wild scheme for founding a military colony in the South Seas which he had submitted to Pitt, he turned to Irish politics. She.d brought him nothing but pain, and now her family had taken Kris from him. They looked, as they thought, in every place where the lambs might have taken shelter. In 1747, however, the town was taken by the French, under Marshal Lowendahl, who surprised it by means of a subterranean passage. The six colonies entering the Commonwealth were denominated original states, and new states might be admitted, or might be formed by separation from or union of two or more states or parts of states; and territories (as distinguished from Provisions states) might be taken over and governed under the legis- of the Act lative power of the Commonwealth. In 1574 the first provincial synod of Holland and Zealand was held, but William of Orange would not allow any action to be taken independently of the state. She'd taken great pleasure in stuffing it there. It shouldn't have taken almost losing him for her to realize how vulnerable he was. But the effects of the trip had taken their toll. Believing he had only a year to live, his writing took on a feverish intensity. The first steps toward this change had been taken, however, by the Republicans in 1870. (firmly, gently, tenderly) " You need to take this medicine regularly. Pete, you can take a break. Taken aback by his anger, she watched him run a hand through his hair in an unusual sign of agitation. He had named them Roman patricians; the latter he had placed in charge of Florence; the former, for whom he planned to carve out a kingdom in central Italy of Parma, Piacenza, Ferrara and Urbino, he had taken with himself to Rome and married to Filiberta of Savoy. The choice fell upon Dr Saenz Pena, a judge of the supreme court, and a man universally respected, who had never taken any part in political life. Taken aback by his anger, she watched him run a hand through his hair in an unusual sign of agitation. Still, Alex had taken ownership for what he had done. lEthelbald of Mercia seems to have taken advantage of this campaign to ravage Northumbria. The sentence must contain a subject and a verb, otherwise, it will be considered a sentence fragment, not a complete sentence. Examples of Take in a sentence The husband and wife didnât take their children with them on the beach trip but left them with grandmother instead. Dean made surprisingly good time driving to Philadelphia in spite of having taken longer than he had planned interviewing the wife of the missing man. There was no real way to know which route she might've taken. It looked untouched, but a quick search revealed the only weapons remaining were those she'd taken when she left her room, and the beacon was gone. Hers wasn't the only life that had nearly been taken today. An elegantly dressed man in his sixties identified as Assistant Director Carlton Summerfield had taken charge. The equable temperature of these cellars and their freedom from drought is one cause of their great success; to this must be added the natural virgin spawn, for by continually using spawn taken from mushroom-producing beds the potency for reproduction is weakened. Only in her case religion must be taken in an even more restricted sense than Matthew Arnold's " morality touched by emotion.". She almost asked him if she could have her picture taken with him. He was taken aback momentarily, but he recovered swiftly. I guess they told A'Ran you were killed, not taken. I don't want to adopt only to have the child taken away. His health had to be bad for his place to be taken away and given to another. We've taken the men up there a few times. He'd regretted taking her to his bed initially but now wished he'd taken up her offer to become his companion, even if only for the few nights they had together. This accounts for the fact that the Greeks were not acquainted with the city until it was taken and plundered by Alexander the Great. If the helo ride hadn't taken three hours, she would have thought they never left. When spring arrives, I am going to take up a new sport. All of the weapons controllers had been taken from their positions all over the world and placed here, disguised as lesser systems. Donnie had pretty well taken over the project as the chores of Bird Song limited Cynthia's time. Fury rose within him again as he took in the Immortal who had betrayed them and taken Katie. The Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms are recognized and venerated standards in all the lands where British Presbyterianism, with its sturdy characteristics, has taken root. The work which the young Frenchman did for his countrymen was immense.3 The year 1555 may be taken as the date when French Protestantism began to be organized. A Cleveland mother had reported an infant child was taken from his crib while napping yet when Howie was able to enter the location before and during the alleged time, there was no sign of the child. But sometimes I look at Hannah and see Katie, Kris said, recalling how he'd taken Katie's blood by force soon after she went to the castle. Although planned in the shape of a cross, with a square and tower in the middle, the arms of the cross are not straight, the constructor holding the ingenious opinion that, in order to prevent little towns from being taken in at a glance, their streets should be crooked. I.ll have you taken back to the Sanctuary tomorrow. He was completely taken in by the story. On the 15th of October 1651 Lord Derby, who had been taken prisoner after the battle of Worcester, was brought here and executed the same day. After some heated argument a decisi take a toll (on someone or something) To cause damage or deleterious effects gradually or through constant action or use. 70. I was totally taken aback to see all this. Several of the students have taken her up on the offer. You took me by surprise when you showed up at my office with flowers this afternoon! Buying a house had taken all their savings. A flow pipe which serves also for expansion is taken from the top of the cylinder to a point above the cold - water supply and turned down to prevent the ingress of dirt. It was like she'd taken a wrong turn in a theatre, walked into a movie and couldn't find the door back to the theatre. In default of legislation the necessary measures are taken by decree of the head of the state; these decrees having the force of law. Methodism has always been aggressive, and her children on emigrating have taken with them their evangelistic methods. Carmen had only taken a few bites before the telephone rang – a reminder that her cell phone was in her room. Next year he suffered a crushing defeat at the battle of Hittin, and was taken prisoner by Saladin. He would have taken his title from Beaconsfield had he survived to enter the peerage. A scandalous charge against his mistress Aspasia, which he defeated by his personal intercession before the court, was taken very much to heart by Pericles. She'd never taken a chance on a man or let herself wonder what she was missing. C. Ross in the " Erebus " and " Terror " (1839-1843), and the bathymetrical maps published were largely the result of deductions based on one sounding taken -by Ross in 68° 34' S. It may now be taken as generally admitted that the current referred to breaks into three main branches. In all cases the mean value for the 24 hours is taken as 100. CK 1 1841186 Take a card. No, Kris, you deserved that for letting our brother get taken by demons. The United Kingdom in 1905 sent 60% of the imports taken by Australia, compared with 26% from foreign countries, and 14% from British possessions; of Australian imports the United Kingdom takes 47%, foreign countries 31% and British possessions 22%. "If you hadn't gone and taken it to the library with you someone else might have had a shot at playing master-decoder," Dean grumbled. Pitt had never taken a side against him, while Lord Chancellor Thurlow was his pronounced friend. You've taken the first step on a very long path. The rest of the meal was taken up with light conversation about the weather, the clinic, the animals... anything but their feelings about marriage. After spending two years at a private, school at Newington Butts, he was moved to Westminster, where among his contemporaries occur the names of Lord Thurlow and Lord Shelburne, Sir Elijah Impey, and the poets Cowper and Churchill. CK 1 2111485 Take cover! 4. He had taken her favorite picture of her parents to an artist and had a painting made that matched the one of his parents. The solution of the question hinges upon the interpretation of the canons, that is, upon whether they are to be taken as reflecting a recent, or as pointing to an imminent, persecution. 0 Brady had taken care ⦠A part of the revenue of confiscated church lands was allotted to the maintenance of schools, and the question of national education was seriously taken in hand by the Commonwealth. Take-in definition is - an act of taking in especially by deceiving. 4. Dan leaned back into the hollow of the tree in which they'd taken refuge. Fred had taken care of the early morning chores as Dean poured himself his first cup of coffee, dreading the inquisition he knew would be forthcoming from the old man. It must have taken a long time to say good-bye. I don't want to bond with a child only to have it taken away. Antoine, taken to the secret meetings of the persecuted Calvinists, began, when only seventeen, to speak and exhort in these congregations of "the desert.". From this pipe at various points are taken the supply pipes to baths, lavatories, sinks and other appliances. 3. Jenn drew a knife in case an animal had also taken refuge in the cave. He had long hated the Romans, who had taken Phrygia during his minority, and he aimed at driving them from Asia Minor. Great attention is given to the education of the ministry, a considerable number of whom, in recent years, have taken arts degrees at Oxford and Cambridge. "Taken" They were taken prisoner. In 1832 it was taken by the Egyptians under Ibrahim Pasha. But I don't know where the demons would've taken her. Everything was documented, every visit, every doctor-scrawled record, every prescription she'd ever taken. My husband has taken time away from school he shouldn't have and is pressuring me to do the same at the hospital. He had taken some strong steps against the sand mafia. It's difficult to see be taken by surprise in a sentence . Infiltrators will be taken by surprise. During his absence in Egypt, whither he had been sent by Pompey, without the consent of the senate, to restore Ptolemy Auletes to his kingdom, Syria had been devastated by robbers, and Alexander, son of Aristobulus, had again taken up arms with the object of depriving Hyrcanus of the high-priesthood. The vivid narrative of his career given by Lucian might be taken as fictitious but for the corroboration of certain coins of the emperors Lucius Verus and Marcus Aurelius (J. You have a thing for her?". I wish I had taken better care of myself. The choice of governor-general of the new Commonwealth fell upon Lord Hopetoun (afterwards Lord Linlithgow), who had won golden opinions as governor of Victoria a few years before; Mr (afterwards Sir Edmund) Barton, who had taken the lead among the Australian delegates, became first prime minister; and the Commonwealth was inaugurated at the opening of 1901. Share prices have taken a slight dip. Not any more than you could stop our baby from being taken away. taken in a sentence General News January 20th, 2021 January 20th, 2021 From time to time cannot, however, be taken as typical of their race, and other specimens are armed. If you'd taken time to talk to Weller and the rest of them, they'd be here, not just you. At the age of eight he was taken in charge by an elder brother of his father, Howard Hastings, who held a post in the customs. Silbermann's great organ in Strasburg minster (1713-1716), the pitch of which, taken in 1880 and reduced to J9° Fahr. Another … thing … had entered her nightmare and taken over. "It will be taken care of," he said calmly. CK 1 19766 Take ⦠On the 12th of May the dictatorship of Garibaldi was proclaimed at Salemi, on the 15th of May the Neapolitan troops were routed at Calatafimi, on the 25th of May Palermo was taken, and on the 6th of June 20,000 Neapolitan regulars, supported by nine frigates and protected by two forts, were compelled to capitulate. A "toucher" bowl is a characteristic of the Scottish game to which great exception is taken by many English clubs. They are back home and her MIL is now in a local hospital there, being taken care of by her own doctors. How to use the word take up in a sentence. The fever had taken her out of her mind and into the alternate reality of a dream. She was surprised Martha had taken to heart what her husband said the prior evening. In 1896 the grain area was 380,000 acres, a slight diminution having taken place since 1882. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Tinchebrai in 1106, but was subsequently released. It won't let me, and I lie here, unable to speak, my voice taken by my own hand. Robur, one of the most valued of the genus, and the most celebrated in history and myth, may be taken as a type of the oaks with sinuated leaves. Examples of taken in a Sentence; Examples of take. There it was hanged on a gallows, and in the evening taken down, when the head was cut off and set up upon Westminster Hall, where it remained till as late as 1684, the trunk being thrown into a pit underneath the gallows. I think the man who did it may have taken my wife and a young girl. She was taken on as a laboratory assistant. He was Vinnie Baratto's attorney, so presumably Vinnie told him of his suspicions that Byrne might have taken the drug money. They'd taken a step together towards their future by talking openly on topics he never thought he'd be able to bring up. CK 1 20362 Take care. How to use take-in in a sentence. Fischer appeared to be taken by surprise. Fortunately, room 22 was taken and they settled for adjoining rooms on the second floor near the end of the building. 3. He hadn.t thought he.d need her, or he taken the hand of someone else. As for the ranch, she had always known it could be taken away. She couldn't help feeling bad she'd never taken much time to get to know her neighbors better. He had the letter taken from his pocket and the table--on which stood a glass of lemonade and a spiral wax candle--moved close to the bed, and putting on his spectacles he began reading. The girl was younger than Annie, but she was taken from her bed, same as Annie, and held for a week or more. He should've taken some satisfaction at the full glass of wine. In 551 it was taken by Totila, but reconquered after his death by Narses for the Byzantine Empire. The stable manure is taken into the tortuous passages of these cellars, and the spawn introduced from masses of dry dung where it occurs naturally. Its existence was well-nigh forgotten by the people of Australia until the occurrence of its biennial meetings, and even then but slight interest was taken in its proceedings. No corpse can be attached, taken in execution, arrested or detained for debt. The name is taken from Nicotiana, the tobacco plant, so called after Jean Nicot (1530-1600), French ambassador at Lisbon, who introduced tobacco into France in 1560. 8 45, 1 333, according to whom Typhon, the "snake-footed" earth-spirit, is the god of the destructive wind, perhaps originally of the sirocco, but early taken by the Phoenicians to denote the north wind, in which sense it was probably used by the Greeks of the 5th century in nautical language; and also in Philologus, ii. People should not be taken by surprise. It is stated in the charter that the right to this privilege had been proved by an inquisition taken in the 14th century, and had then already been held from time immemorial. She owed him something for what she had taken away from him. Later they were taken to a room where they were introduced to their newest family members. He carefully tucked away the reality that—if Jonny hadn't crippled her—she wouldn't have been taken. CK 1 2250040 Take a look. Take effect definition: You can say that something takes effect when it starts to produce the results that are... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Darkyn said my weakness is being taken advantage of by others. Have you taken your medicine yet? If she hadn't screamed, maybe the man would have taken what he wanted and left. Frederick appeared to be taken aback both by the story, and the speed at which Sarah relayed it. He didn't realize how great of a transformation had really taken place within the small woman gazing up at him. She just doesn't have her usual quickness. by Rysbrack, sculptured out of a single block of marble taken from the French by Admiral Sir George Rooke. But the baby... he must have taken Claire! Before the accession of Charles, the only son of Philip, two steps had been taken of great importance in the direction of unification. We've never taken a vacation away from home. You yourself were taken in. I should have taken the money. I have taken delivery of a bale of clothes. The man before him had taken everything from him once; he wouldn't let him do it again! These waters had been erroneously taken for parts of one vast horseshoe or sickle shaped lake, only some 20 m. Lindsay's expedition, which was fitted out by Sir Thomas Elder, the generous patron of Australian exploration, entered Western Australia about the 26th parallel south latitude, on the line of route taken by Forrest in 1874. Fitzgerald still had not reported to Denver but it was now thought he'd taken a few days of leave to sort things out. He watched for quite a while, until the model reached a level that had taken him years of apprenticeship under his father to achieve. The wall-eyed pike taken in 1902 were valued at $16,915 (210,936 lb); white fish, $5777 (80,191 lb); pickerel, $4144 (51,711 lb); yellow perch, $ 2 575 (43,9 1 7 lb); sturgeon, $20 5 1 (1 5,59 0 lb), and suckers, $ 18 54 (37,375 lb); other varieties taken in smaller quantities included smelt, sun-fish and eels. She seems so taken with her, dressing like her and coloring her hair and all. Another word for taken with. This is the course taken by Jeremiah, who says boldly that God requires only obedience (Jer. I'll be over there in a few minutes so you can show me what needs to be taken care of while you're gone. He admitted he had taken bribes. He had taken a lock of her hair between his fingers and gently twirled it. He wasn't exactly babysitting... she wasn't that young, but he snuck off someplace and she was taken. take up (took, taken) in a sentence Posted in inasentence. Examples of taken in in a sentence: 1. The rival philosopher, who believes water to be continuous and without spaces between its particles, has a greater difficulty in accounting for the disappearance of the sugar; he would probably say that the sugar, and the water also, had ceased to exist, and that a new continuous substance had been formed from them, but he could offer no picture of how this change had taken place. Jonathan had taken the time to learn sign language so that he could talk to Alex and she had kept him away from the hospital. For purposes of measurement the polar boundaries are taken to be the Arctic and Antarctic circles, although in discussing the configuration and circulation it is impossible to adhere strictly to these limits. How to use take back in a sentence. When Napier published the Canonis Descriptio England had taken no part in the advance of science, and there is no British author of the time except Napier whose name can be placed in the same rank as those of Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Kepler, Galileo, or Stevinus. All remaining impurities, including the excess of oxygen, can then be taken out of the gas by Sir James Dewar's ingenious method of absorption with charcoal cooled in liquid air. Wynn had always taken care of her, yet she'd felt safe at the Sanctuary and safest in Gabriel's arms. He returned to the main medical bay, where he'd taken up a bed near Dan's. Taken is defined as to have acquired or gotten something. He's taken on the responsibility of raising her child, if she chooses not to mate with another. But this idea involves the further conception of Leibnitz, that of a pre-established harmony, by which the Creator has taken care to arrange the life of each monad, so that it agrees with that of all others. It was a blissful late afternoon and the Deans were alone in the kitchen—Fred had taken Martha to a movie— when Cynthia raised the subject. articles in the customs list; this value is estimated at the end of the year in accordance with the variations that have taken place and is applied provisionally to the following year. It was as if God had taken the boy to heaven. At one time whaling was an important industry on the coasts of New South Wales and Tasmania, and afterwards on the Western Australian coasts. Edmund Burke had taken the subject races of India under the protection of his eloquence. Trout are taken in most of the loughs, and pike of great size in the Loughs Erne. Wouldn't the bones be taken for a stage prop? It seems like everyone's taken advantage of me. It was taken by the parliamentary forces in 1645 after a desultory siege of three years. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adverbs: " She quietly took her friend outside to have a serious talk. He.d been spared for what he knew of the Immortals, and Darkyn had taken a personal liking to him. The town of Bourke, lying on the upper Darling, may be taken as an example of many of the interior districts, and illustrates peculiarly well the defects as well as the excellencies of the climate of the whole region. A human mate and so soon after he's taken command. An example of taken is to have grabbed the last cookie. When she is taken aback, he tells her he will leave her alone, and lies down some distance away from her. Would ever find them, they 'd be able to bring up the before... Coast region had been taken from the flow pipe, and I 'm glad you showed! Cynthia 's son had been taken only taken a vacation away from.. Are being taken away presumably Vinnie told him of his parents burns while his right side as! Writings of Descartes from copies taken by the salesman 's smooth manner talking. Had done pants where I stood the painkillers she 'd lost contact with her before... 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