Anonymous answered . And most of the time, this doesn’t include call center expertise. For below position: Customer service Rep. Or Call center agent And Sales Rep. “I empathized and said that it must not have been the experience they’re hoping for and told her that I’d recheck with the chef. Step 2: Pick a common call center problem to solve.An irate customer who makes unreasonable demands. Here are a handful of reasons why your business should hire a professional call center service like TeleDirect: Optimize return on investment (ROI). Don’t be conceited. 5 Reasons Why You Should Hire Me. more than 6 months ago by anonymous SUJEETA BOGATI . This is not the time for you to slouch on your chair and for your voice to shake. It is all about what you can do for the company rather than what the company can do for you! Top tips for answering "Why should we hire you?" The scenario presented was imaginary and hypothetical but it was still as effective as the first example because it’s addressing a problem that call center companies know too well. “Why Should We Hire You?” - 10 Best Answers for 2020. As a service crew, saleslady and cashier in SM, I’ve dealt with customers face to face every single day. please can you make the tips how to do the upselling to cross selling…maam thank you. Here’s how to answer the call center job interview question, “Why should we hire you?”. And at some point during the interview, you can expect to be asked straight up, “Why should we hire you?” Answer correctly, and you'll pass an important test. Check out my YouTube channel "Kwestyon" where I talk about all things call center. For more good sample interview answers to "Why should we hire you?". If you can do that, then you’re good. Overall, this is an ideal answer if you have some weaknesses in your professional background. “Why shouldn’t we hire you” is a good question for asking applicants to think on their feet, but there are way too many ways you can answer this question poorly. There are supposedly 22 working days in a month, 45 x 22 = 990 which we, to use another buzzword, will call “1000”. To answer this question, convince the interviewer how your background matches the requirements they're looking for. TeleDirect assists with reservations for any size business, in any industry, so you’re always up to speed – and face-to-face – with all of your customers! I know that the shift is mostly at night. While it’s true that most call centers have no problem hiring high school graduates, it’s still possible that some interviewers might be a little reluctant about it. Tell a story that supports your answer. To prepare your answer, follow the three steps below to create an answer that is unique to yourself alone. Painting a scenario is an effective way to convince an interviewer. Contact us today for a personalized consultation. You may be asking “why should I hire you?” and that is a great question. Sure, your call center is a communication tool. I’m hoping that your company would give me a chance to prove myself even if I don’t have a call center experience.”. You’re a multi-talented, super good employee. In this case, confidence when dealing with irate customers. S. Answered by Sujan Rishikesh Gavankar more than 6 months ago. Of course, you still wanna promote yourself but beware, there’s a fine line between bragging and presenting yourself positively without inciting a negative impression on yourself. “You should hire me because I want to build a career in this industry and I intend to stay long term.“I know that this could be a stressful job. This question not only gives you the opportunity to learn more about the position and the company, but also the ability to promote your skills and desire to become a part of the team. She was also calling me names.“Take note that it was Valentine’s Day and it was very busy. “Why do you want to work in a call center?” This is one of the most common call center interview questions asked to call center virgins. If you are in a job search and you want to attend an interview, you should know your unique selling proposition and be ready to answer this question. One of most difficult challenges faced by call center managers is employee attrition. Customer Service Call Center Callcenter Sales Recruitment. At most, you can state two but no more than that. Posted on May 29, 2018 by April. Focusing on one positive reason sounds more credible and genuine. The beauty of it is that it doesn’t have to be something that you actually did in the past. Of course, you don’t wanna overdo the vulnerability factor. As a service crew, saleslady and cashier in SM, I’ve dealt with customers face to face every single day. The most reliable, ready-for-anything call centers offer the ultimate one-two combination of customer support: advanced automated tools and highly-trained agents, for both inbound and outbound requirements. Can You Give Me Four Reasons Why We Should Hire You? And I really believe I could apply this to customer service. 3. Hiring out a call center to take care of customer contact lets you focus on getting your business off the ground. Interview questions about why the company should employ you come up in every interview in some form or other. These were the few things that should be known to the candidate while he goes for an interview. To learn more about how we can help, contact our call center consultants online and we’ll get back to you with common-sense, affordable solutions. When you hire a complete and competent call center like TeleDirect, your message is always on-point and aligned with your brand, whether you’re handling orders or communicating important information about your products and services. There's no reason why you shouldn't hire me because I have skills and qualifications that your company have been looking for. “This way, customers are satisfied, there are no unnecessary repeat contacts, and the workforce is strong as it should.”. “Why Should We Hire you?” – Sample Answers “Based on my research and everything you have said so far; your organisation is seeking an administrative assistant with outstanding technical and interpersonal skills. That means to get to 5k, you have to be there on time every day (or should I say night), achieve your KPI and do all the night shifts. You should hire me because I am a person having a positive attitude, I believe in hard work and honesty, I am confident and patient. Obviously, you can’t respond, “Because I need a job.” And as always, nothing beats a good old preparation. “She asked for the manager. Why Should We Hire You? You might answer “Why shouldn’t we hire you?” by emphasizing your devotion to task completion — and de-emphasize another quality that is not important to the job anyway. blurted this. You can say that you are frequent in language. Inbound call centers field the customer calls placed towards a business and your time will be spent addressing customer questions and concerns. Below are some examples: “You should hire me because I never shy away from irate customers. Step 1: Pick one good reason to hire you. Step 1: Pick one good reason to hire you.The desire to build a career in the call center industry. We interviewed some of SYKES’ tenured employees who were successful in establishing themselves within the call center industry. Otherwise, your answer would sound shallow. Whether you’re applying in sales or in customer service, expect to hear Sell me this pen during your call center job interview. If you are venturing into a startup business, there’s no better time to hire a call center service. You sound pretentious when you say three or more good traits about yourself. 3.1K + Answer. they say why shouldnt we hire you ,… all you got to do is turn around and say ill give you a hundred reasons why you should hire me … then go with it . The HR interview question “Why Should I Hire You” turns out to be tricky no matter how simple it may sound. First of all, try not to feel overwhelmed by the process. “If you give me a chance to work for your company, you won’t regret it. Job Hunting. Job interviews can be daunting. Interviewing. The candidate has to answer that I had very good communication skills. This is really less about your actual job and professional background but more about how you present and showcase yourself to your interviewer. We also have different activities that cater to the interests of our employees such as family days and sports fest, engaging them and providing an avenue to relax and unwind from the busy work days. 19 Best Example Answers “Why should we hire you?” is an interview question that requires an answer that must convince the interviewer that you are a perfect match for the job position. “You see, my number one rule when helping customers is, as much as possible, they should not have to call for the same problem twice. Why You Should Hire a Medical Call Center During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Overall, it’s just bad for the company. It could be a trait, a habit, or a goal. How to Answer “Why Should We Hire You?" Many of our customers realize these additional benefits once they’ve settled in with their outsourced call center. Sticking to only one trait sounds more genuine. Ted_S. 28.8K + UPVOTE (11) SHARE. Everyone is flawed. To answer the call center job interview question Why should we hire you, highlight one positive thing about you and then back up that answer well. When she started yelling at me, it was only 30 minutes in. Think about it, unnecessary repeat contacts means more queue. A similar question, of course, is the more common "Why should we hire you?" Esta es una de las preguntas cruciales para un gran SI en la entrevista y te enseño cómo responder en 5 pasos súper fáciles de llevar acabo. It takes confidence to deliver the scripts and sound convincing to your customers to give the impression that you know what you’re talking about (even if at times, you don’t). And at some point during the interview, you can expect to be asked straight up, “Why should we hire you?” Answer correctly, and you'll pass an important test. Wipro BPO Solutions Pvt Ltd Strengths Analyst. Step 2: Pick a common call center problem to solve.Attrition: when call center agents leave too soon. So right at that moment, I knew it was only up to me to calm her down and make her see reason until the manager gets back.“So I tried one more time and told her that although I really wanted to help, the circumstances just didn’t make it possible for me to meet her request. If your current call center can’t handle important administrative tasks like reservations, it’s time to explore an expert outsourced solution. Our complete training system gives you video lessons, sample answers, and an interactive practice tool for all of these different versions of “Why should we hire you?” Land Your Dream Job Watch this brief video to learn a little more about Big Interview, and click here to look inside at the proven, step-by-step system we’ve developed for interview preparation. List of Strengths and Weaknesses. And as far as I know, this is the only industry where I have equal opportunity as everyone else, where I actually have the chance to build a career. If you have any questions, drop them in the comments below and I’ll get back to you ASAP. You: Of course, I haven't met and won't meet the other candidates for the job … For example: "I believe that I can work on you system to make it ten times faster, that will low the cost on you and make you able to … You can’t just claim that you’re a good hire then expect the interviewer to believe you immediately. Not to mention that when a customer has to repeatedly call for the same problem, she gets more and more irate each time. Now that we’ve looked at the technical side, let’s explore the human aspect of call center quality assurance. Clients and customers are an investment – the most important investment your company will ever undertake. To answer the call center job interview question Where do you see yourself in 5 years, think of employment as a money game. Call Center Interview, “Sell Me this Pen” Call Center Job Interview Answers, Describe a Color to a Blind Person: BPO Sample Answers, What Are Your Strengths? I get it. But my manager was out having lunch. No 7k’s were harmed in the making of this interview. Why... We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. In this case, it was the unnecessary repeat contacts by customers. Thank Writer; Comment; Blurt; thanked the writer. Thanks for considering TeleDirect for your next call center! With TeleDirect’s comprehensive business process outsourcing (BPO) services – including our popular call center platform – your business will enjoy more flexibility, enhanced customer service, and even a bolstered bottom line. Bring on a quality assurance manager . We offered five reasons why you should hire TeleDirect for your call center needs, but there are many more. After all, more should be better, right? We asked them about their experiences, their reasons for staying with the business, as well as some advice for fresh grads who might be interested in applying with the company. I want you to know I have the experience, the qualifications, the ambitiousness, and more to assist my clients in running their businesses. Our manager instructed us to inform the customers before they order that foods were going to take around 45 minutes to an hour. Call center managers already have a great deal on their plate. All the tips I'm sharing here are based on my experience. Cost. By Shakira Mansoor August 9, 2020 Administrative Support, Business Sustainability, Call Center Support, ... We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I want to utilize my skill. Call Center Interview Answer 14: I have all the qualities that a good call center agent should possess. Note that the applicant also acknowledged the fact that she’s only a high school graduate but she did emphasize that it won’t stop her from learning what the company has to teach. But if that's not the case, then let them know that you're a fast learner who can thrive in a fast paced environment. Together. I’m hoping that your company would give me a chance to prove myself even if I don’t have a call center experience.” EXPLANATION: Step 1: Pick one good reason to hire you. prev next Why should we hire you? But one of the hidden downsides of a sudden surge in orders and customers is keeping up with the often stressful time & resource requirements. Why should we hire you? Call Center Interview Question 14: Why should we hire you? What is the best answer for "Why should we hire you? Step 1: Pick one good reason to hire you.Attention to quality. After all, at this point in the job interview, they already know your professional background and the previous job experiences you’ve had. Below you will find five reasons why you should hire me. For instance, if the interviewer stresses the need for a certain skill, you will want to address that, even if it was not one of the skills that you included on your resume. Why Do You Want to Work in a Call Center? DEMONSTRATE STAYING POWER. “And I would really love to take advantage of that and make that happen specifically in your company. A similar question, of course, is the more common "Why should we hire you?" Therefore, it’s very important to look and sound confident when delivering your answer. If you follow the 3 steps above and organize your answer like the answer examples we looked at, you’ll have a great answer for “why should we hire you.” After this, make sure to practice a few times at home. Use these answer guidelines to help prepare your own winning answer and stand out from the other candidates as confident in your ability to successfully perform the job. Here are five ways to answer that question without groveling! As mentioned earlier, one way to answer this question is by turning it around. BPO means that Business process outsourcing. they say why shouldnt we hire you ,… all you got to do is turn around and say ill give you a hundred reasons why you should hire me … then go with it Ted_S August 30, 2014, 10:31am #16 “Why do you want to work in a call center?” This is one of the most common call center interview questions asked to call center virgins. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. I know that the schedule changes from time to time. She was yelling at me about how incompetent I was because their food was taking forever to arrive. Question added by Mohamed Abdelhak , Translator , Translind for Translation Services Date Posted: 2016/05/24. My short school education won’t stop me from absorbing everything that you have to teach.“I’m also not gonna be one of those employees who leave after months of being hired. Call Center Job Interview Answers, What is Your Greatest Weakness? An irate customer who makes unreasonable demands. You won’t have any problems with me when it comes to attendance and my behavior. Many of our customers realize these additional benefits once they’ve settled in with their outsourced call center. Why Should We Not Hire You, As A Call Center Agent? Or, call TeleDirect at (800) 776-1081. To do this, think of one positive thing about you (that you truly possess) that you’re most proud of. Anonymous answered . Stating this reason might sound desperate in some circumstances. But when combined with the right words and delivered right, this is actually the kind of answer that effectively convinces an interviewer that you’re sincere simply because of the vulnerability involved in it. Stake Your Claim for The Job by Learning How to Answer the “Why Should We Hire you?” Interview Question. Step 3: Support or back up your answer.In this answer, the applicant supported her answer by telling a story about one of her encounters with an irate customer and how she solved the problem without having to rely on her manager. Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years? But where can you turn to, in the face of ever-increasing customer communication requirements in a fluid business environment? | Developed by. Step 3: Support or back up your answer.The applicant supported her answer by stating a vulnerable yet very convincing reason for why she truly intends to stay with the company: Her being only a high school graduate and her seeing call center as her only ticket to a career. And Why Should We Hire You? I said no, that wasn’t possible because their orders were already being prepared and should they decide to leave, they’d have to pay for it. You have to back up your claim! Anything that paints you in a good light. But it’s also an indirect branding resource. Both are not necessarily the best questions to assess a prospective candidate. . This is the time when you should muster all the confidence you have in you and apply it to the delivery of your answer. First, let’s take a look at the two of the most common answers applicants say. If you need sample answers, read on. That calmed her down a little.“In the end, she finally budged and probably realize the logic behind my reasoning and with the help of her boyfriend, she calmed down. We'll respond immediately and come up with a gameplan. To answer this question, you need to first think of the most common problems that call center companies face when hiring employees. There are several ways to support your answer. Special Tip: “Why should we hire you?” is just one of the dozens of difficult questions you may dace in your job interview. “In my 2 years of experience as a waitress, I’ve dealt with all sorts of customers face to face and not all of them were friendly. “Being a front liner in customer service for 2 years, I understand this task and I’m confident about my ability to handle it. “I did just that. 3. If your business is growing, that’s a good thing! Because then, it wouldn’t be so hard to back it and it would sound authentic. Turn your answer into a confident 2-minute-long speech. The problem is, the interviewer can’t even get her shit together, can’t get out of bed without hitting snooze five times, can’t make sunny-side up eggs without the yolk broken; and here you are, talking about how punctual, detailed, diligent, thorough, responsible, and hardworking you are. You will find yourself sitting in a room with the hiring manager, having to answer tough questions about your experience and qualifications for the position you are seeking with the company. All these sample answers will be of much use when you face this tricky interview question “Why should I hire you”. All rights reserved. When you sound more genuine, your intervi… Thanks for reading. Related Articles: Practicing HRM & Tourism Courses in the Call Center Industry; 5 Helpful Tips on Starting a Career in a Call Center You focus on getting your business, there ’ s actually Simple a similar question of. To attendance and my behavior back to you ASAP mention that when customer... The time when you face this tricky interview question, convince the how. Apply because of the most common answers applicants say no better time to hire a call center job interview 14... On one positive thing about you ( that you are happy with it - 10 best for... 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