Report Save. The community-run, developer supported subreddit dedicated to Apex Legends made by Respawn Entertainment. If you find yourself below that 1.0KD ratio, however, don’t worry, as there’s more to Apex Legends than just getting a ton of kills without dying. When looking at the the normal player base, this KD is usually in the 95th percentile of players. Since there are 20 teams that means most of those teams are getting a low kd ratio. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the apexlegends community. However, you must also bear in mind that some deaths are not caused by another player. To find out whether or not you have a “good” KD, you can go to the “View Stats” screen by clicking next to your player name. Here’s what you need to know about the average kill / death ratio in Apex Legends. Modern Warfare Black Ops Cold War Black Ops 4 WWII Infinite Warfare Black Ops 3 Fortnite VALORANT Apex Legends Destiny 2 Call of Duty Rainbow Six Teamfight Tactics Hyper Scape Halo: MCC Rocket League Battlefield Overwatch Brawlhalla Rocket Arena Fall Guys The Division Realm Royale CS:GO PUBG Splitgate For Honor For any positive impact on a player’s KD ratio, there must also be a negative impact on another player’s KD ratio. Im at 4kd and I feel that's low. The answer is roughly 1. Follow your Apex Legends rankings and find out who is the best Apex Legends player! That is you have 4 kills for every 1 death. Apex Legends is breaking insane records left and right with more than 50 million players in one month. So I know where you are coming from but honestly I think it's way lower. In Fortnite , for every kill that a player earns, another player must die. The average KD ratio in Fortnite , which can then be used to assess whether or not your kill/death ratio is “good,” is around 1.0. Check your profile and weapon statistics. is probably somewhere between 0.5-1.0. Wraith . Pls dont roast lol, Ive been playing about a week and I have .70. The problem doesn’t lie within the Apex player base. 2. share. Bro wtf haha, how much kills have ya got? Here’s what you need to know about the average kill/death ratio in Apex … 0.98 in season one 2.15 and climbing in season 2, It's a nice way to see how I'm improving. Watch Queue Queue. For example, a player can die by spending too much time outside the play area, taking damage from the circle. User Info: NihilistIAM. 4 months ago. More matchmaking changes. For example, my KD right now is 3.6, once I actually knew my KD when the season started I kind of tanked because of the stress of trying to keep my kd up, I was at a 4. Accidentally falling off a cliff can also mean death. For any positive impact on a player’s KD ratio, there must also be a negative impact on another player’s KD ratio. Mine was always around .6 or .5 but in season 4 i started playing only on weekends cause of my grades and thought that my k/d was goin to drop but it actually went to 1.3 and im so happy. SykoslocosXRZ 1 year ago #14. because THEY are judgmental and will scoff at players with a low level/kills ratio so naturally they will want their own stats to be "desirable" "First comes smiles, then comes lies. Modern Warfare Black Ops Cold War Black Ops 4 WWII Infinite Warfare Black Ops 3 Fortnite VALORANT Apex Legends Destiny 2 Call of Duty Rainbow Six Teamfight Tactics Hyper Scape Halo: MCC Rocket League Battlefield Overwatch Brawlhalla Rocket Arena Fall Guys The Division Realm Royale CS:GO PUBG Splitgate For Honor My current K/DR is 1.31 with 3,186 kills and 2,420 deaths. Check your stats and leaderboards ranking for Call of Duty Modern Warfare (MW), Warzone, Black Ops 4 (BO4), WWII, Infinite Warfare, and Black Ops 3. Apex is a top 1% game, where the best players in the server tend to get the largest portion of kills. We understand that not all players have the time to spend countless hours grinding that 20 kill or 4K damage badge, or any other badge for that matter. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "af9293fb9d46db2bcba1d5a75369bedf" );document.getElementById("c14c413190").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Since there are 20 teams that means most of those teams are getting a low kd ratio. I think it's less than 1. Nessy . 1. share. Weird question but what would you guys and girls say is an average kill death ratio? My average is 350, but I normally get around 450 - 500 a match. Loss forgiveness (when a teammate leaves the game or … BTW I have a 1.09 ratio : User Info: _Keihan_. You can see leaderboards for combat, score and team play, including stats such as kills per minute, head shot accuracy and seasonal win stats. User Info: peterpoon. But Almost EVERY single game I get connected to Casual players or just bad players in general, oblivious to how they crawled to gold tier. You can then see your KD report for that current season, as well as previous seasons and life. 1. share. Apex Legends requires you to play a lot in order to increase your KD, if you count in all the bad teams that you will play with on the grind, we’re talking countless hours. Use our apex legends stats tracker to see who is the best in the world. Continue this thread level 1. The game is a competitive one, so players naturally want to find out where they stack up against others. In order to increased your Ranked Points, get you your favorite badges or boost your KD in Apex Legends, we hire only the best Apex Predator players in the world. What is Leverage Ratio? If this were the case all the time, the universal k/d ratio would be 1. Of course, some players are not actually adults just yet and, therefore, must adhere to whomever they are living under be it a parent or guardian. Caustic . If it is above that ~ 1.0 mark, then you can consider yourself above average in the KD ratio. Want to check your Apex Legends stats?Here you will find the best Apex Legends Tracker.Our tool is the best stats tracker for Apex Legends game, because it includes very detailed charts and information about your Legends gameplay history, kills, wins and legends progress over time. I think 1.00 and less is bad, 1.01 and more is average, 1.50 is good. Apex Predator is now limited to the top 500 players per platform, and it is possible to demote from Apex Predator back down to Master if other players earn more RP than you. The average KD ratio in Fortnite, which can then be used to assess whether or not your kill/death ratio is “good,” is around 1.0. This video is unavailable. This keeps things balanced around the 1.0 mark. How Does Liquidity Ratio Works, Ultimate Apex Legends Guide - Tips, Tricks and Secrets, How to play Apex Legends for free on Windows 10. As with any other battle royale, victory is only awarded to the team that was last standing, which sometimes means playing safe and avoiding firefights. Definition of Leverage Ratio, What Is Liquidity Ratio? Players like me, who average a few kills per game, delight in moments of absolute beastliness, yet fall prey to panic easily, can’t be in the minority. What is good KD in Apex Legends? Like other battle royales the objective is to be part of the last team alive while eliminating your opponents. Valorant Stats! 9 months ago. I followed Shroud's "7 Secret Pro Tips" for an entire day in Apex Legends to see how much I could's what happened. Most of the time, one person is credited with a kill and one person is credited with a death.