A great stupid fellow, a large ugly mass of anything. A chooser, one who has a choice, a gleaner, gatherer. Know the meaning of the Courtyard word in Hindi with this amazing online English to Hindi dictionary. fem. Of a brown complexion, tawny, brown hair. The lid of a chest. Take a look at this page to find out more Kacha Meanings in English. Dark thick clouds, cloudiness. Meaning and Translation of To Carry Oneself in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Reference and Related Words • Praise the bridge which carries you through, • Ion a species that carries an electric charge. Blazing and emitting the sound of blazing a fire, brightness, splendor. A rub, scrape. A shrub, a plant. A A cry, shout. var m = pw>(e.gw[ix]+e.tabw+e.thumbw) ? A kind of pigeon with a ring round its neck. A lewd person, rake. A sword knot, a bundle of papers tied up in a cloth, the place in a spear where it is held in the hand. } A bachelor, a widower. Color. Eighty fish in counting them. to one’s house. The piece of cloth forming the armpit of a dress. A small thorn bush or branch cut down. A body of persons as fishermen under charge of any head man. Short and stout, fat. Business. The sign Virgo. مخصوص مادو جيڪو رت جي جزن جي واڌ ۽ ويجهه ۾ خاص مددگار ثابت ٿئي A soluble substance that promotes cell growth. A purse, money collected in a purse, chest &c., a till. Name of a wood or leaf used for dying yellow. A kind of sweetmeat made with curds. Dust, powder, ashes, dust taken from a saint’s tomb. plu. Milk boiled till only a hard lump of curds is left. To be in travail. To become separate, be disjoined. A kind of large earthen vessel. A house, abode, family, household. Watching a field from, sleeping on a पेहु پيههُ, second person sing, imperative of पिहणु پِهڻُ or पेहणु پيهڻُ. To move at a snail’s pace; to walk slowly. English to Sindhi Dictionary (Free). To have credit (سهرو a chaplet, garland.). chattering, gabbling. Name of a plant used in medicine. You can get meaning of any English word very easily. Grain injured by insects. This page also provides synonyms and grammar usage of carries in urdu Ride up translation in Urdu are ikhtiyar say bahar kaam karna - اختیار سے باہر کام کرنا. Smelling of, or defiled by fish a pot in which fish have been cooked etc. of an other; to sacrifice one’s self for the salvation of another. .woocommerce-page .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-range, The leaves of a plant used in making a cooling beverage Fumaria Parviflora. It is larger than a langoti. To make a crackling noise, to make a loud pealing noise, to assail by a succession of sharp sounds. A musical pipe. A kind of sea shell, flat like a cockle or oyster. Festivity, rejoicing, congratulation, a song of congratulation or rejoicing. Write Sad in Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, Bangla : صد, साद, سعد, সাদ., Baby names meaning in Urdu, Hindi Subscribe to: Post … bitter truth, Hindi translation of bitter truth, Hindi meaning of bitter truth, what is bitter truth in Hindi dictionary, bitter truth related Hindi | हिन्दी words What does gospel truth expression mean? A hardening of the cuticle of various appearances. An expression of regret at the birth of a daughter, in reference to a shed being needful for her wedding. A fakir who ges about begging with a dish of burning charcoal in his hand. A cutting or slip for planting. The yoke to which drang bullocks are attached. A grain merchant, a shopkeeper with whom is a running account for articles of food. An eruptive disease of the skin. Adj. Gold or silver leaf foil. A general inundation or flooding of the river, a fall or cascade of water. Concord, state of agreement, congruity. See Ride up words meaning used in the idiom & with more related idioms. A youth, lad, stripling. P A goblet, kind of drinking bowl. A group of disorders associated with abnormalities of erythrocytes, platelets, granulocytes and mon, مخصوص قسم جي گلائيڪو پروٽين جو هڪ وڏو ماليڪول، جيڪو رت جي اڇن جزن جي واڌ ويجهه ۾ مددگار ثابت ٿئي، ساڳي وقت سِيريبرواِسپائنل فِليوڊ جي مُخفف طور پڻ ڪم اچي ٿو. One who rears or sells flowers. A case for holding anything. A species of pigeon with a crest or top knot. जां جان or जांकी جانڪِي with तोंणी توڻِي etc. A kind of cockroach or cricket. चब॒ चोचो چٻ چوچو A false charge or claim. A small earthen pot finely painted, used as a toy, or given filled with sweetmeats as an offering. A dress or a single article of apparel given by a fakir to a layman. The sticks supporting छज॒हरी ڇڄهرِي or the projecting eaves of a house. Wanting manners, ill bred, unmannerly, in a bad manner or style. A kind of thimble put on the finger in playing the sitara &c. to strike the string with. a place for storing grain, built outside a house, small and of circular form. An insect destructive to pulse grains adj. One of the strings suspended from above in a loom supporting the web. Anything spread out and extending over considerable space, as a flood of water, a body of clouds, a large desolate plain. a hard grain of mung which will not soften by cooking. A marking iron. Of or belonging to a kasidu. A vessel for baling out water from a boat. Boasting, bragging. A confident, favorite. To give milk a cow etc. A kind of cane. A kind of singing or song. Peasantry, tenantry. The covering up the face with a cloth to defend it from hot wind &c. in traveling. To remember, call to mind. Strange, foreign, of another. One thing following another consecutively, a layer, the story of a house. A pile. Fanciful. One who performs incantations over a snakebite &c. One who plays on a musical instrument made from the tumbo. To cause to stand, to stop, to erect, place upright, set up, to appoint to an office, engage, entertain a servant. A shade to keep the wind from a candle, a lantern. A brother, a comrade, partner. Hindi translation of Winery. To do anything to please a person (even to reach up and pluck the stars). Name of a game played with the knuckle bones of a sheep, or of the bones with which it is played. The leaving of a great man or spiritual guide. The upper cross stick in the frame of a water wheel. Deep darkness, darkness from a dust storm. To make a mistake. To be constantly winking, to blink. A large kind of water vessel, a buffalo horn used as a trumpet. Funeral obsequies or a funeral ceremony observed at various fixed periods consisting of offerings to the manes and food to the relations and Brahmans present. One who has children, a father. A place, residence. cleave Edit. Search for: jury meaning in sindhi Published by on January 6, 2021 on January 6, 2021 The junction of stars &c. in astrology. The quantity of oil seeds put into a pressing mill at one time, the pressed circular lump of remnants that issue from the machine. A large kind of wooden dish or platter, a wooden through. A looking glass, a kind of finger ring with a piece of looking glass in it. Trust-worthy. Waste, devastated. The piece of cord in the eyehole of the balance of a scale, also the hole itself at each end of the balance. To stir up a wasp’s nest, to foment a quarrel. The name of a tree Ziziphus Vulgaris and jujube. s. m. A trio, novice. The pieces of sick forming the felloe of Persian water wheel. A stab, poke, thrust. Stopping, ceasing. اُمید (omid, meaning "hope"). beautiful foot (as of a deity & c.), Lit. A cloth worn by Hindus round the loins with the end passed between the thighs and tucked in behind. Beyond. Name of a large fish. To let pour over or overflow, to spill. The visual appearance, form, and shape of a cell, بنيادي انگريزي، B برٽش A آمريڪن S سائنٽفڪ Iانٽرنيشنل C ڪمرشل انگلش، چونڊيل ٩٠٠ لفظن تي مشتمل انگريزي. Acquaintance, knowledge of a person, friendship. A kind of Brahman. s. m. A week. A sawyer, one who splits wood &c. A kind of cotton cloth. Try using different hindi words for love. 2. A trap for birds let off by pulling a cord. A furnace made from cow dung &c. in which goldsmiths purify gold. the long string by which bullocks are guided in a plough. A conch-shell. Liberal. Lit: To ascend the couch (like a bridegroom); to marry. Similar words of With the help of this platform, learn the appropriate use of the Carries in a sentence. To emit a certain sound from the lips in performing a dance. A miser. وڏي وزن واري لحميات نالي گلوبيولن A high molecular weight protein of the globulin type. A bundle of straw etc. Fascination. To run out, to slip (as a word from the tongue). A small kind of earthen pot. young person; young disciple; a young of an animal, آتشڪ جي جراثيم جو پتو لڳائڻ لاءِ رت جي امتحان جو ھڪ طريقو A serum test for syphilis, آنڊي جو سوڙھو ٿيڻ A narrowing of the intestine, اصل مرض، اصلي بيماري A disorder or disease without an identifiable external etiology, self originated, اطلاع،اعلان،ڪنهن بيماريءَ جون نشانيون واضع طور پڌريون ڪرڻ. The display of the symptoms of a disease or disorder, امراضيات تشخيص Determination of a disease, اهڙي قسم جي ڪينسر جنهن دوران رت جي اڇن جزن جو تعداد ٿورو وڌي وڃي، يا وري نابالغ خلين جو تعداد هڏي جي مِک اندر وڌي وڃي. The cleaning grain from dirt by fanning with a sheet. Mercy, favor. Naruto And Sasuke Nike Hoodie, To move or lean lightly on, a limb after being laid up from disease or a hurt. One of the cross sticks of the hatch which pass one above and one below the web in a loom. Of bird Tattoos every bird Carries his inscrutable smile and Carries Act off and Carry is essential... Kohaan for the word Humper s online home away from home Bar Kash - synonyms grammar... Pile of earth, gravel, sand, rocks, or debris for... A sentence the word rescue completely if you have trouble reading in Urdu Bar! A burial ground, cemetery, graveyard. Name of a Rag or musical mode. To lose a good (wife & c.) and have another useless one. A pneumothorax (noo-moe-THOR-aks) is a collapsed lung. for (var i in e.rl) nl[i] = e.rl[i]