New requirements for POE have been added to the Code in the form of new Rules 16-300 through 16-350, and Table 60.2. 62368-1 (AV and IT). Understanding the 2015 Canadian Electrical Code provisions In simplified terms, arc-fault circuit protection is required in 125Vac, 15A and 20A circuits supplying receptacles throughout the home ⦠In addition, conductor ampacities are determined by Section 4, not 8, as confirmed by several related changes to Section 8. Their inaugural ... Schneider Electric Promotes Adrian Thomas to Canadian President, Susan Uthayakumar to Lead Global Sustainability Business Division, Enough is Enough: Ontario Engineering Community Committed to Uprooting Systematic Biases, Skills Ontarioâs Jennifer Green Presented with Canadaâs Most Powerful Women Top 100 Award, Southwire Branded 12/2 Gauge Coiled, Pre-Cut Red Electrical Wire Recalled due to Fire Hazard, EFC Launches electro|POD â EFCâs Electrical Community Podcast, Rittal Systems Ltd., Canada Announces New President, Bridgeport Fittingsâ Color-Coded EMT Steel Connectors and Couplings Make Circuit Installation Easier and Quicker, 2018 Canadian Electrical Code, Part I: Top 15 Changes, Salex Announces Promotion of Paul Manson to GTA Sales Manager, Use of this Site constitutes acceptance of our, Alberta Electrical Inspectors Solar Workshops: New Dates. POE is typically implemented as a "structured" cable system, wherein cables are bundled together for extended lengths. As with all of the fixtures in this exterior family, these wall packs offer advanced features, are built durable and are able to withstand harsh, all-weather conditions. Marking for maximum continuous load 2015 Code — no labelling requirement2018 Code — maximum continuous load required to be field marked on equipmentThe maximum continuous load determined for a given installation may be substantially less than the equipment rating. Subrules 8-104(1) through (4) remain intact however, Subrules 8-104(5) through (7) have been distilled down two Subrules; one for switches and breakers marked for continuous operation at 100%, and one for switches and breakers marked for continuous operation at 80%. Cable heating is a function of the power it carries and as such, installation and layout become critical factors in ensuring safe operation. an outlet branch-circuit-type arc-fault circuit interrupter is installed at the first outlet on the branch circuit, and, the wiring method for the portion of the branch circuit between the branch circuit overcurrent device and the first outlet consists of metal raceway, armoured cable, or non-metallic conduit or tubingâ. The change, mandated by the 2009 Canadian Electrical (CE) Code, is in response to concerns about children sticking everything from pins and keys to their fingers into outlets: in a six ⦠Founded nearly 100 years ago, the company is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Learn about Legrandâs solutions to install, including modular power systems that allow spaces to be quickly re-arranged, and electrical wiring devices designed to stand up to rigorous cleaning. Electric vehicle energy management system 2015 Code — EV supply equipment loads added to load calculations at 100% of rating2018 Code — demand factors recognized where energy management system used.Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) can draw a substantial load when in the charging mode. Trilliant, an international provider of utility solutions for advanced metering and smart grid systems, recently announced a custom-made product for the North American market with the release of its Trilliant Libra Series Edge-Ready Smart Electric Meter. The Small Wall Pack is perfect for light commercial uses such a smaller storage units and municipal lighting, as well as commercial Main Street buildings. References:Safety Standards Act This directive provides clarification on the interpretation of Section 26 of the BC Electrical Code. in width [CEC 210.52C1]. It provides instructions about the location of panelboards, placement of receptacles in closets, balconies and counters, altering existing branch circuits, and the location of outlet ⦠Complementary to the introduction of EVEMS, a new Table of loads and demand factors has been added specifically for EVSE.14. Alternatives such as in-counter âpop-upâ receptacles, surface mounted receptacles, or receptacles mounted to the underside of the cupboard are acceptable, provided they are approved for the purpose, accessible, and installed as close as feasible to the wall. ââ¦a sufficient number of receptacles (5-15R split or 5-20R) along the wall at counter work surfaces (excluding sinks, built-in equipment, and isolated work surfaces less than 300 mm long at the wall line) so that no point along the wall line is more than 900 mm from a receptacle measured horizontally along the wall lineâ,  ânotwithstanding subrule 1), the entire branch circuit need not be provided with arc-fault protection where. A second option is to install a system to monitor the power being drawn by EVSEs and other building loads, and control the EVSE loads such that the overall load does not exceed the limits of the existing service, feeders, and branch circuits. In this case, the first option is to increase the service size. As such, Subrule 8-106(1) was deleted.11. Kitchen wall (not counter) receptacles 2015 Code — separate branch circuit required2018 Code — separate branch circuit not requiredWall receptacles provided in a kitchen are required to be supplied by a separate circuit. Revisions to Section 16 now set the requirements for approval of such equipment based on application, location, voltage, and waveform, and maximum permitted voltages for dry, damp, and wet locations.8. UNDERSTANDING GROUND-FAULT PROTECTION Introduction to electrical codes for ground fault circuits and devices: NEC 210-8 At dwellings, ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protection shall be provided for all receptacle outlets installed in bathrooms, garages, grade-level portions of unfinished accessory buildings, crawl spaces, unfinished basements, at kitchen ⦠As the number of devices increases, the cumulative current through the bonding system will become unacceptable. Introduction to Electrical Codes for Outlets and Receptacles NEC 210-7 Receptacle Outlets shall be of the grounding type, be effectively grounded, and have proper polarity. In addition to that, all your counter spaces, the plugs are going to be split. 2015 Code â Two wire simple switch loop ⦠In kitchens, electrical outlets should be placed no farther than 48 inches apart, so that no point on the countertop is more than 24 inches away from a receptacle. 66.3 (Class 2 transformer) C22.2 no. For example, Section 26 now mandates the use of tamper-resistant receptacles in additional areas where children may be present. Many of these devices require power to operate, and where used in a simple switch loop, create a small current through the bonding conductor. More and more appliances ⦠Arc fault circuit interrupters2015 Code — AFCI protection required, with some exemptions2018 Code — exemptions tightened, application to existing circuits clarifiedClarification is now provided for AFCI protection of existing branch circuits that are extended due to renovations or additions. GFCI Protection of Kitchen Counter Receptacles Rule 26-700 (12) The 2002 edition of the Ontario Electrical Safety Code includes an Ontario amendment to Rule 26-700, which requires Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) ⦠Power over Ethernet2015 Code — No specific requirements2018 Code — New Subsection 16-300POE (Power over Ethernet) has existed for many years however, recent revisions to IEEE standards for communications cables has opened the door to higher power applications for POE, such as room lighting. In addition to the NEC code recommendations, local building departments have their own code ⦠The output voltage from these supplies can vary substantially in magnitude and waveform, up to 60 Vdc. Installation of identified conductor at control locations2015 Code — Two wire simple switch loop acceptable2018 Code — Identified conductor required at every control locationControl devices are increasingly used as an essential part of energy management systems. Requirements for power over ethernet systems have been added to Section 16, and requirements for marinas, wharves, and similar facilities have been substantially updated and reorganized in Section 78. Taking a Closer Look at the Trilliant Libra Smart Meter with Steven Lupo. Equipment connected to devices having Class 2 outputs 2015 Code — approval requirement based on application2018 Code — approval based on voltage and application. 250.13 (LED), and C22.2 No. Designed to provide a simple and effective energy monitoring solution, the 0.5% Mini Meter Kits accurately capture measurements of power consumption and meet the rigorous requirements of ANSI C12.20 (0.5) Code for Electricity Metering. In both cases, the Subrules now simply require two things:(1) that the continuous load not exceed the continuous operation marking on the fused switch or circuit breaker, and(2) that the continuous load not exceed a specified percentage of the allowable ampacity determined from Section 4.Gone are references to specific columns in Tables, underground installations, and derating (correction) factors.10. You call counter plugs in the kitchen convenience outlets and for the most part convenience outlets do not exist in a kitchen. â split receptacles, etc. The requirement does not apply to refrigerators installed in other locations.Pre-order your copy of the 2018 CE Code here. 3) Kitchen refrigerator receptacles. In combination with new Rule 8-500 and new Subrules 8-106(11) and (12) such systems are now recognized in the Code as Electric Vehicle Energy Management Systems (EVEMS). On Jan. 1, 2015, the Canadian Electrical Code requirements for arc-fault protection changed. If itâs a 15 amp circuit, which means itâs two circuits and thatâs 15 amp, two pole breaker, not two single pole, 15 amp breakers, but a split 15 amp receptacle. How should outlets be installed in a kitchen area? The Canadian Electrical Code requires homes to have arc-fault circuit protection installed for 125Vac, 15A and 20A circuits supplying receptacles throughout the home (with some exceptions). Receptacles installed to meet the requirements of this subrule are considered to be provided in each area, such as a balcony or porch, only if they are located within the area and readily accessible from floor level. I say ârelativelyâ because, in point of fact, some networked control systems have been available for decades. Safety Standards General Regulation, 1 866 566 7233 (8 am—5 pm, Monday—Friday). This is what is known as a split receptacle kitchen ⦠Outdoors Install a separate GFCI-protected circuit for outside receptacles ⦠Now in its 24th edition, the 2018 Canadian Electrical Code, Part I includes a number of significant updates and changes to better help electrical workers in the safe maintenance of electrical equipment and create safer electrical installations.This edition features important revisions to many sections. Kitchen Electrical â Receptacles: Receptacles shall be installed at each countertop space ⥠12 in. Nowadays, it is more common to run 12/2 and install 20 amp devices. Objectives for solidly grounded, impedance grounded, and ungrounded systems are clearly specified at the beginning of the Section.