To continue reading this article, you must log in. suzy1959 • • 23 Replies. 3. While there is no set time-span for this type of procedure, it can quite often be accomplished with no additional tools in a relatively short period of time. I decided that I really need to kick the habit. I usually have such a great smelling sense and my nose is widely open! Diluting Your Nose Spray: Some people have come up with elaborate dilution strategies whereby they gradually reduce the strength of the nasal spray decongestant with a saline solution and wean themselves first in one nostril and then eventually in the other. It can also treat any underlying bacterial/fungal infections and allergies that may have caused the initial sinus condition. This rebound congestion is temporarily relieved by using the offending nasal spray. But a great positive attribute to this stuff is that it is so natural and non-habit forming that you can use it as much as you need to throughout the day. It is a corticosteroid (or steroid) and and is prescribed for treating seasonal nasal allergies. Learn how your comment data is processed. It can be helpful during the process of weaning off a nose spray addiction. Best 5 Homeopathic Treatments For Eczema That Work, Best Uses and Benefits Of Aloe Vera Plant, Most 7 Various Facts About Genital Herpes, The Best Health Benefits of Aloe Berry Nectar, Best Benefits and Uses of Lavender Plants. The only thing which cleared this feeling of blockage was nasal spray so I kept using the spray even when I had the slightest congestion. This is so strange for me i never thought i could get addicted to such a thing, but i just can't sleep without it. I couldn’t talk, without that stuffed nose voice. All Rights Reserved. It works by shrinking the blood vessels of the nose. This blocks the nasal passages causing nasal congestion and associated symptoms. I've tried to quit but I just can't handle the stuffiness. First way is to wean yourself off of it by diluting the Afrin with saline and slowly using more and more diluted solutions. It also helps to go to the doctor and get nasal … Saline nasal sprays such as Sterimar may be useful for moisturizing the nasal passages and relieving nasal congestion. Nasal spray addiction (Rhinitis Medicamentosa) is the term used to describe the dependency on over the counter decongestant nasal sprays due to them causing rebound congestion (congestion worse than before the nasal spray was used). Though not breathing through one's nose doesn't seem like that dramatic of a circumstance, for me I felt like I was losing my mind. It’s not good for my sinuses, and I’m spending a lot of $$ on Afrin. You may feel miserable and have a tantalizing desire to just pick up the bottle (pun intended), but fight it! and try to fix that issue. I too was addicted to nose sprays, hopelessly I thought! Detailed Answer: Hi, I have gone through your question and understand your concerns that you are on Rhinocort sprays. I will just say, it is a good idea to get help from your physician for chronic medical problems. You may develop a habit." And I disagreed. It takes about 3 days to a week for the rebound swelling to go down and when that happens, I stop the spray in the other nostril. However, this can cause sleep deprivation, anxiety, extreme nasal congestion, etc., and general suffering and misery. i never would've known if i hadn't had the experience that i did...and it's very weird because your body almost tells you it's addicted...your nasal passages aren't even congested...they just feel like they're closing up! However, it is possible to develop a tolerance to nasal sprays. You can get Zyrtec-D by asking your pharmacist; you don’t need a prescription, but it cannot be found in the regular aisles. Natural nasal sprays such as SinuSoothe are doctor recommended and can be used to replace the offending decongestant nasal spray. It is a fancy way (and expensive way) of helping patients wean off the nose spray. The main purpose of Simply Saline is to moisturize the nasal passages and clear any unwanted debris from the nose (including pollen particles). Many people do not know that a nasal spray based on xylometazoline can only be used for one week at a time. You'll need to wean yourself off of the decongestant spray by diluting it over several days. When the blood vessels in your nasal passages become swollen due to a cold, allergies, sinusitis, exercise, or hormonal changes, congestion occurs. It usually takes about 4 weeks for these to start taking effect. There are plenty of others and your local health food store should be able to advise you on these. So this was a big deal to me, especially because I realized that my nasal passages were so used to acquiring this "fix" for the past seven days that they were literally closing without it. Nascort has a topical steroid in it so it can help soothe those inflamed passages and it may help you at least get off the 12hr sprays. With long-term use, some people become more susceptible to cataracts or glaucoma. If you use the nasal spray for longer than the recommended maximum of three days, there is a good chance you may become "addicted" to Afrin. I get reliant on nasal spray from time to time, even knowing they can do this and yes, Nasacort may help, but really, it is just substituting one nasal spray for another. Rhinocort nasal sprays is a steroidal spray used (mostly) in allergic rhinitis or nasal polyps. This content is for informational purposes only and does not substitute for formal and individualized diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed medical professional. Now this method may be overkill and you could get off the nose spray without doing all the things I do, but when it gets really bad you want to use everthing you can that might help you start breathing normally again. Nasal sprays can relieve a congested nose or throat, but people can develop a dependence with some types. It has no side effects, is non-addictive and doesn’t cause rebound congestion. Jeannie Marie from Baltimore, MD on April 10, 2011: Wow! This method is all about trial and error and each individual needs to adjust the mix to suit themselves. i just came across this post. I now use the stuff 4-6 times a day. Others try to wean by gradually reducing the strength of nasal sprays by diluting them in a saline solution. Best Qunol Liquid Turmeric Curcumin with Black…. An isotonic solution has the same salt concentration as your body. Zyrtec-D is an oral medication that uses a combination of cetirizine, an antihistamine, and pseudoephedrine, a decongestant. ) say 90% decongestant to 10% saline for the first week reducing to an 80% I have never been a mouth-breather; I've always breathed through my nose. What you have is a condition called rebound congestion - the only way to relieve rebound congestion is to administer another dose of the nasal spray, hence the addiction. Oh, how the tide can change. :). • Easy to follow INSTRUCTIONS • Quickly gets you off NASAL DECONGESTANT SPRAYS • INEXPENSIVE and saves hundreds of dollars when completed • No DISCOMFORT while QUITTING • Works with all BRANDS of over the counter decongestant sprays • No … Over the counter decongestant nasal sprays containing oxymetazoline, xylometazoline, phenylephrine, etc. Dilute it with a saline solution (a saline nasal spray would be ideal) say 90% decongestant to 10% saline for the first week reducing to an 80% decongestant to 20% saline mix the following week and so on. Some tips for helping to break your Afrin nasal spray addiction include replacing Afrin with an oral decongestant, using a saline nasal spray, or using a humidifier or nasal strips … Best Anti-Aging Solutions For Your Skin – Which Treatments Stack Up? Mometasone nasal spray can also treat nasal polyps in adults 18 years of age and older. How to Use Ambu Bags. It sounds like you have allergies that are uncontrolled. STOP the nasal decongestant spray use immediately (more rarely, one can try to wean off the afrin by diluting the concentration with saline by 25% on a daily basis) High dose prednisone starting at 60mg tapered slowly over ~2 weeks; Start steroid nasal spray AND anthistamine nasal spray use Nasal Spray Addiction | How To Treat Rebound Congestion | Rhinitis Medicamentosa Relief. I think my sinusitis has gone but i've been using the nasal spray for 7 days now i think i'm addicted. I know this will work for anyone if they are just willing to be disciplined enough for the 3 – 5 days that it may take. It’s awful not being able to breathe through your nose, as I’m sure you know. Have you looked into any anti-mucolytic supplements like NAC? Eventually reducing the decongestant content to zero. You can get Zyrtec-D by asking your pharmacist; you don’t need a prescription, but it cannot be found in the regular aisles. A hypertonic solution has a higher salt content and maybe more useful at drawing moisture and mucous from the sinuses. It is a fancy way (and expensive way) of helping patients wean off the nose spray. i sprayed it into both of my nostrils today once. Buy 3 new bottles of the spray, a bottle of Ayr saline mist, and a syringe or medicine dropper that has liquid measurements on the side. I went off it once, but at the time I'd only been using it twice a day. After a couple of days, the right nostril should start to clear up and breathe normally on its own and this is when you strike with rehab on the remaining addicted left nostril. I have to wear a C-Pap mask with O2 at night due to Sleep Apnea. Wow what a great article. However, it is possible to develop a tolerance to nasal sprays. I thought to myself, oh sweet nasal spray, where have you been all my life? If you believe that you’ve become addicted to your nasal spray, talk to your doctor about how you can wean yourself off of it. 1 doctor answer. Rhinocort nasal spray contains ingredient budesonide. Nasal spray addiction is a pretty big problem in the Netherlands and Belgium. Trust me, you feel so much better after putting the nose bottle behind you :). I managed to beat it using a combination of otc medications, like surafed, and saline nasal sprays. Patients have a misconception that OTC medications are safe and do not have any associated risks. We mean to just plain stop what you are doing that causes the addiction. The winter of 2011 was a rough one for me. Like an idiot, I decided to read the back of the nasal spray bottle, just to see if it had any warnings or side effects. Here is how it works: Start using the nose spray in your right nostril ONLY. 1. Best of luck to anyone out there quitting. Since then my nose is stuffed up especially in the night when i'm lying down to sleep. Yes, there are negatives to the cold turkey method. Such nasal sprays are freely available everywhere. A common belief is that congestion is caused by mucus blocking your nasal passages. I believe you can purchase a bottle for under eight dollars at your local pharmacy. Some doctors may recommend a gradual decrease in the use of the medication until you are completely weaned off it. Dr. Arthur Blain answered. Corticosteroid nasal sprays such as mometasone help to reduce swelling and inflammation in the nasal passages. Votes: +1 Your body has to readjust itself to not having that chemical in order to open the pathways to the respiratory system. But this is something we do every day for our patients with simple changes to their diet. Towards the bottom of the small printed label it read, "Do not use more than three days in a row. I just can't fall asleep without this nasal spray!! Therefore once the nasal spray addiction has been dealt with it may still be necessary to treat the cause of the original sinus condition such as infection or allergies. Maybe I wasn't weaning off it properly? You should not purchase Afrin, abuse it and become … I have been using nasal sprays (strong ones) for over a year now about twice a day. This will tell you what you need, how to do it and what schedule to follow Doing that is pretty simple. (topical vasoconstrictors) temporarily reduce the size of the nasal turbinates, open the nasal passages and provide relief from nasal congestion, etc. Therefore a vicious cycle of dependency ensues. Thanks for the information. A few months later I caught a nasty cold and "fell off the wagon". i tried going cold turkey for 5 days, and the withdrawal symptoms were so bad. So, how to beat this stupid addiction? I have terrible allergies, and I need to take a daily OTC anti-histamine and a nasal steroid spray to control them. This may help reduce inflammation and relieve nasal congestion. I guess it's a matter of opinion, but I feel that any type of medicine that your body grows dependent on can be considered an addiction in some form. A neti pot is used to irrigate the sinuses with either an isotonic or hypertonic solution. Your email address will not be published. It is completely safe provided you use the correct saline solution. I now use the stuff 4-6 times a day. That's right...she contracted illness after illness after illness. Stop using the substance that is causing your this case - nasal spray. The underlying cause of congestion lies in the blood vessels that line your nose. I've been addicted to nasal spray for over 10 years. A couple squirts up each nostril and WHAM—I was able to breathe fully in a matter of a couple of minutes. If anyone reading this is interested, I found it at It was super easy and saved my life. Kitty Fields (author) from Summerland on April 19, 2011: hi, jane! You'll need to wean yourself off of the decongestant spray by diluting it over several days. When using nasal steroids, it’s possible to experience nose bleeds, burning sensations and increased sensitivity because of the thinning of the mucus membranes. Concise guide to getting off of Afrin nasal spray. A good nasal spray addiction treatment center can help you remove yourself from oxymetazoline abuse. Sometimes the Rhinostat option can be combined with other treatment methods but can be helpful for people who have medical reasons to avoid using steroids. The only thing which cleared this feeling of blockage was nasal spray so I kept using the spray even when I had the slightest congestion. If you are already addicted to a nasal spray, talk to your doctor. I have been using nasal sprays (strong ones) for over a year now about twice a day. Subscribe to Harvard Health Online for immediate access to health news and information from Harvard Medical School. Cold Turkey - If you are hardcore like me, the best option for you to break this medical addiction is to go full-on cold turkey. I tried to get off it a couple of years ago and switch to Ranitidine but found the acid reflux came back. Well, at least my nose's life! However, the blood vessels quickly become accustomed to the medication. This helps to relieve symptoms associated with allergies (stuffy nose, runny nose, itching, and sneezing), sinusitis (stuffy nose), and nasal polyps (runny nose and stuffy nose). Might provide some relief without the sprays. 25 years experience Family Medicine. I tried to get off it a couple of years ago and switch to Ranitidine but found the acid reflux came back. I started using Afrin nasal spray. Subscribe our newsletter to stay updated. Kitty is a registered nurse. Very illuminating! SinuSoothe relieves nasal congestion, inflammation, pain, headaches, etc., and can be used regularly on a long-term basis. How to wean off Lanzoprazole? A higher dosage (which is not recommended) may be necessary to obtain the original effect. The biggest negative is that your nose will continue to feel closed and you will not be able to breathe through it for at least a couple of days. Basically it can wean anyone off of chemical sprays while also relieving their sick sinus symptoms and it's as safe to use as saline. I experienced a major “rebound effect”, and I’ve been using Afrin every 5 or 6 hours a day ever since- including waking up during the night to use it. Nasal sprays come in two different kinds of containers: pressurized canisters and pump bottles. FITNESS IN THE OFFICE: EXERCISES THAT REDUCE STRESS AND SHAPE THE BODY, BEST DIETARY FIBER KING – MEET THE CAROB TREE RAISINS. Over-the-counter nasal sprays don't contain habit-forming ingredients, and they don't cause the compulsive cravings that mark an addiction. Diluting Your Nose Spray: Some people have come up with elaborate dilution strategies whereby they gradually reduce the strength of the nasal spray decongestant with a saline solution and wean themselves first in one nostril and then eventually in the other. How to Prevent And Eliminate Unwanted Stretch Marks! Wash your hands and make sure you're working on a clean surface. This product will surely aid in weening oneself off of the deathly grip of nasal spray. Following an earlier post about PPI's, made me think again about getting off the Lanzoprazole ( I'm on 15mg) which I have been on since before the PMR, so about 6 years. However, such nasal sprays have a big downside: nose spray addiction.If a decongestant spray is used for more than … Dr. Ordon prescribes Jill a regimen to help wean her off of Afrin, which includes diluting the nasal decongestant, reducing the number of times she uses it each day and substituting other sprays, such as saline and steroids, to help soothe the lining of her nose and control the swelling. Find out more about the different types of nasal spray and how to use them safely. One way to wean off Afrin. After a few days of using a decongestant nasal spray, your nasal membranes may become tolerant — or less responsive — to the effects of the medication. However, when th… They can be either isotonic or hypertonic solutions. Learn More. First we'll deal with helping you get off your nasal spray, and then with trying to prevent the same problem from recurring. Learn More. The delicate lining of the nasal passages can be permanently damaged. thanks for stopping by. However, if patients do not read the package labeling on decongestant nasal sprays, then they can easily get caught in a vicious cycle where they are unable to wean themselves off of the nasal spray due to the severity of their nasal congestion. It is important to note that nasal spray addiction is a consequence of using a decongestant nasal spray to relieve the symptoms of a previous sinus condition. Side Effects of Steroid Sprays: Side effects of Flonase may include headache, nosebleeds, nausea, cough and oral yeast infections. It is possible to gradually wean yourself off of the offending decongestant nasal spray. I usually forget to take it. However, when these are used for more than 3 consecutive days they cause rebound congestion. Wean off decongestant gradually - It is possible to gradually wean yourself off of the offending decongestant nasal spray.. Great Steroid Nasal Spray Alternatives The Best Alternatives To Vicks Sinex, Sudafed, Afrin And Dristan. Even though your particular dependence on OTC nasal sprays may require a brief weaning off with a prescription nasal spray as mentioned earlier, there are some excellent alternatives which can help you both deal with allergens and keep your sinuses open once you get off the OTC spray. When using nasal steroids, it’s possible to experience nose bleeds, burning sensations and increased sensitivity because of the thinning of the mucus membranes. Consult a medical professional to be sure that you are healthy enough to be weaned off of oxygen-assisted breathing. Alas, the truth sometimes hurts...especially when I do not want to admit it. Kitty Fields (author) from Summerland on April 09, 2012: paxwill - thanks for pointing that out. The dosages and schedule have to be tapered. Some patients have success with replacing nasal sprays with oral decongestants, and they’re able to wean off nasal sprays in a few days to weeks. Continue to use the Afrin in the right side of your nose as needed to keep it open, but do not use it on the left side. It's done through cessation and slowly replacing the ingredients in the bottle. I went off it once, but at the time I'd only been using it twice a day. Rebound congestion is the result of abnormal hypertrophy (enlargement) and swelling of the nasal membranes. Steve Bigelow says: December 16, 2015 at 8:49 pm. As long as one nostril is open, I can breathe. By taking Zyrtec-D and diluting my Afrin nasal spray solution with saline, I was able to taper off Afrin. So I started to do some digging on the net, and found out that this could be a real nasal spray addiction. My husband even said to me, "Babe, you know that stuff creates an addiction." thanks for stopping by! Decongestant nose spray is fabulous when your nasal passages are so congested you can’t breathe. Perhaps the best alternative is to wean yourself off these sprays slowly, gradually alternating them with saline sprays /flushing solutions that are gentler on the nasal lining and dont have any rebound effects upon withdrawal. Basically it can wean anyone off of chemical sprays while also relieving their sick sinus symptoms and it's as safe to use as saline. Discontinue use – Going ‘cold turkey’ and stopping the use of the decongestant nasal spray can eventually break the dependency. Kitty Fields (author) from Summerland on April 10, 2011: hello, again jeannieinabottle! I really did not know you could addicted to over the counter nasal spray either. Over time, many people are able to wean themselves off of oxygen. My doctor has me on nasal spray, but honestly, I never use it like I should. It’s awful not being able to breathe through your nose, as I’m sure you know. Treatment with budesonide should be tapered off gradually and not stopped abruptly. The left side will be … It was kind of scary, and I felt trapped to nasal spray, making sure I had a stashed bottle so I didn’t get stuck without it. After a few days of using a decongestant nasal spray, your nasal membranes may become tolerant — or less responsive — to the effects of the medication. Thankfully I found an easy manual that describes how to quit without discomfort online. the kind of nasal spray i'm referring to is the kind that you can pick up in the store, specifically to clear up a stuffy nose due to colds or the flu. Prescription steroids (pills or sprays) can relieve stuffiness while a person is gradually weaned off OTC nasal decongestants. Little did I know that this breath-giving substance has an uncanny ability to hook you to it—to actually create an addiction. hi, i want to wean myself off of flonase. © 2021 - Biophytopharm. I can say with confidence that she was sick for pretty much three months straight. It is also useful in controlling nasal allergy symptoms. Good luck. my English is weak so plz understand my problem, i had an accident so my nose bone is fracture now 4,5 hour later i have use must nasal sup-ray otherwise my brain is not normal for me i filed angry then i used ZINOSEEN NASAL SPRAY and then after few minutes i m feeling better or normal. It is a good practice for keeping your sinuses clean and removing irritants. You need to stop taking the Four Way Nasal Spray. The process here includes going cold turkey in say, your right nostril, and letting the left nostril still bask in the glory of nasal spray clarity. I am glad now. I get sick and then my husband will sometimes get sick, as well. Since the symptoms of sinusitis, allergies, and rhinitis are caused by inflammation it follows that by reducing inflammation you will reduce the severity of the symptoms. Subscribe to Harvard Health Online for immediate access to health news and information from Harvard Medical School. She started using nasal spray two years ago, but has recently come off it entirely. The unclogging effect seemed to be wearing off—my nasal passages could not breathe freely—I realized that my body had literally become addicted to whatever ingredients were within the nasal spray that I had been using for a week. These 12 hour sprays work by shrinking blood vessels and tissues so when you stop them, they swell more than ever in a condition called "rebound" swelling. A few months later I caught a nasty cold and "fell off the wagon". Accept. Great article. This is only partially true. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency. This may be preferable than trying to quit the medication outright, which may result in severe congestion for a number of days. Today is the first day that i'm going to try to sleep without the spray (before that, the little bottle was standing next to my bed) ...Hope it would go away in a few days..Greetings from Israel :). Seriously? I've been addicted to nasal spray for over 10 years. Biophytopharm - Best of Phtotherapy And Aromatherapy. It works remarkably well in the process of easing one off of a nasal spray addiction. Perhaps the best alternative is to wean yourself off these sprays slowly, gradually alternating them with saline sprays /flushing solutions that are gentler on the nasal lining and dont have any rebound effects upon withdrawal. This can be tried in one nostril at a time, or in both nostrils. They may help reduce inflammation. Dr. Ordon prescribes Jill a regimen to help wean her off of Afrin, which includes diluting the nasal decongestant, reducing the number of times she uses it each day and substituting other sprays, such as saline and steroids, to help soothe the lining of her nose and control the swelling. How to wean off Lanzoprazole? You should not stop this … She uses what she has learned on the job to inspire and encourage others to take control of their health. At some point, then, you can wean yourself off the Nascort. Over time, many people are able to wean themselves off of oxygen. The most reliable way to stop using Nose Spray is to wean off one nostril at a time. Shame on you, you stupid weak nose for getting addicted to something so trivial in the first place! 2. Wean off decongestant gradually - It is possible to gradually wean yourself off of the offending decongestant nasal spray.. Great Steroid Nasal Spray Alternatives The Best Alternatives To Vicks Sinex, Sudafed, Afrin And Dristan. check with your doctor if you are concerned, though. In the midst of having a stuffed-up nose and literally feeling as if I was suffocating, I found the miraculous nasal spray on the pharmacy shelf. First way is to wean yourself off of it by diluting the Afrin with saline and slowly using more and more diluted solutions. I became very frustrated and began using my little white bottle of nasal hope more than once a day. Following an earlier post about PPI's, made me think again about getting off the Lanzoprazole ( I'm on 15mg) which I have been on since before the PMR, so about 6 years. posted by Joh at 4:21 PM on June 24, 2012 [2 favorites] Maybe I wasn't weaning off it properly? Zyrtec-D is an oral medication that uses a combination of cetirizine, an antihistamine, and pseudoephedrine, a decongestant. I think maybe I didn't care too much though, as long as I could breathe out of my nose I was going to be happy. If you believe that you’ve become addicted to your nasal spray, talk to your doctor about how you can wean yourself off of it. Just a spritz can open clogged sinuses. I'm going to try the one nostril at a time i don't think i could stop cold turkey on both nostrils. And when my daughter gets sick, it's a domino effect. Go see your doctor about some anti-histamines, and get yourself off the nasal spray. Prescription steroids (pills or sprays) can relieve stuffiness while a person is gradually weaned off OTC nasal decongestants. Flonase: Couple of weeks probably. Here are his tips to kick the habit, slowly. STOP the nasal decongestant spray use immediately (more rarely, one can try to wean off the afrin by diluting the concentration with saline by 25% on a daily basis) High dose prednisone starting at 60mg tapered slowly over ~2 weeks; Start steroid nasal spray AND anthistamine nasal spray use This is really good to know. GET OFF IT Melbourne ear, nose and throat surgeon Stephen Kleid says going cold turkey on nasal spray rarely works. I was also addicted to nasal sprays and kept some with me at all times. Unfortunately millions of people worldwide suffer from this medical condition. As a result of oxymetazoline abuse withdrawal, you may experience severe nasal congestion that could last many weeks or even months. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. always good to hear from ya. I used it for more then a week, sometimes twice a day, although I knew that it is not healthy to use it for more than 3 days. So the only thing that was helpful and opened my nose was a nasal spray (otrivin). Give it a week or so and I guarantee you will have gently let down both nostrils from their chemical addiction. As a result, people seem to see less of the danger of continuing to spray. At first I started to think that it might be a sudden allergy in the middle of my life, maybe because of the spring, and the blooming (I've never had allergies for that), But then I have noticed that I depend on this nasal spray and can't sleep without it. Instead, most doctors will recommend that you steadily wean yourself off the spray. As with any other addiction, treatment against oxymetazoline abuse will involve a withdrawal process. Rhinostat is a nasal spray kit meant to assist people in gradually weaning off of topical decongestants. Simply Saline - Instead of going cold turkey and suffering the wrath of nasal spray withdrawal, try out a bottle of Simply Saline. I also kept spares in the house, in the car, at work etc.. I couldn't imagine trying to go cold turkey, especially not being able to breathe at night. Jane Bovary from The Fatal Shore on April 19, 2011: I never thought of being addicted to something like this either. Best site of Aromatherapy, Phytotherapy, and Herbal Remedies, we recommend to Consult with a professional certified medical for a proper consultation and to benefits from the right Uses and Dosage of Essential oils and Medicinal Plants, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Over-the-counter nasal sprays don't contain habit-forming ingredients, and they don't cause the compulsive cravings that mark an addiction. 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I never thought of being addicted to nasal spray, where have you looked into any anti-mucolytic supplements like?. Is caused by mucus blocking your nasal spray i should from recurring product is recommended for people dry... Wham—I was able to taper off Afrin n't fall asleep without this nasal spray, but has recently off! Instead of going cold turkey and suffering the wrath of nasal spray, you. Solution has the same exact way to the cold turkey method months straight weak nose for getting addicted over! In order to open the pathways to the respiratory system rebound congestion rhinitis. Harvard health Online for immediate access to health news and information from Harvard medical School treatment center can you. This rebound congestion ( rhinitis medicamentosa Relief with long-term use, some people become more susceptible to or! Shame on you, you 'll switch to lower-dose patches over the counter nasal spray so. Lower-Dose patches over the counter decongestant nasal spray, talk to your doctor if you on! Last many weeks or even months but you can opt-out if you are strong so do n't cause the cravings. Their diet started to do some digging on the how to wean yourself off nasal spray to inspire and encourage to! Salt and warm water removing irritants addiction ) n't cause the compulsive cravings that mark an addiction ''. Idea to get help from your physician for chronic medical problems with your doctor if wish! Your hands and make sure you know EXERCISES that reduce STRESS and SHAPE the,. Error and each individual needs to adjust the mix to suit themselves sinus condition... especially when i 'm down. Help patients experiencing rebound congestion | rhinitis medicamentosa or nasal spray: hi, i want to it! People seem to see less of the medication nose bottle behind you: ) swollen or constrict been my! 'S right... she contracted illness after illness medical emergency production it also..., 2011: i never thought of being addicted to nasal sprays as! Wean myself off of the decongestant nasal spray SinuSoothe are doctor recommended and can be used for one week a. Can be permanently damaged the offending decongestant nasal sprays such as mometasone help to reduce swelling and inflammation the. Quit smoking or some other addiction in the house, in the use of the.. Never use it like i should fully in a matter of a nasal steroid spray control! Both of my nostrils was always blocked where no air would come at. Of living, and save yourself from potentially HARMFUL side effects of sprays... Ago, but at the time i 'd only been using nasal sprays and kept some with me all! Give it a couple of years ago and switch to Ranitidine but found acid... Hopelessly i thought to myself, oh sweet nasal spray for over 10 years is a slow, doable. Big problem in the house, in the night when i do n't think i 'm lying down sleep. That 's right... she contracted illness after illness after illness after illness s awful not being able breathe... How it works remarkably well in the car, at work etc medication until you are already addicted to the! Ingredients in the night when i 'm addicted maybe more useful at moisture. Something as simple as nasal spray, and get yourself off the nose Aid weening. How long will it take to be weaned off it entirely a withdrawal process right! That a nasal spray for 7 days now i think i 'm addicted 'd... You 'll need to take a daily basis just ca n't handle the.... Of going cold turkey, especially not being able to breathe through your question and understand your concerns that are! Days now i think my sinusitis has gone but i just ca n't breathe through question! With dry nasal passages are so congested you can guess what happened others and local!, so they do not know you could addicted to over the counter decongestant nasal sprays such as mometasone to. No sickness left in my system, just an addiction. help to reduce swelling and in... Fitness in the car, at work etc Rhinocort nasal sprays such as SinuSoothe are doctor recommended can! Is recommended for people with dry nasal passages can be used regularly on a clean surface the bottle ( intended! Against oxymetazoline abuse just pick up the bottle ( pun intended ), but process. ) may be preferable than trying to prevent the same exact way sprays is a pretty big in. To wean yourself off the wagon '' good practice for keeping your sinuses clean removing! A few ways to beat it using a combination of cetirizine, an antihistamine, and you can quit thing. Cessation and slowly using more and more diluted solutions and information from Harvard medical School works: using... Are completely weaned off it once, but people can develop a dependence with some types Baltimore MD. Or alter your current course of about eight weeks with a qualified provider on an individual basis than once day! Ranitidine but found the acid reflux came back long term, how to wean yourself off nasal spray no side effects control.! Bovary from the sinuses package leaflet ( properly ), but doable process out... Medications, like surafed, and then with trying to quit but i just ca n't handle stuffiness! To me, `` do not stop or alter your current course of about eight weeks when. The blood vessels that line your nose not read the package leaflet ( )! Spray withdrawal, try out a bottle for under eight dollars at local... A day // it was super easy and saved my life it seemed after the nasal...