Any carbohydrates included should come from digestible sources like whole grains, starchy vegetables, or legumes. This designer breed was developed by crossbreeding a purebred Chihuahua and an Italian Greyhound. With that said, here are 34 amazing and interesting Chihuahua mixed breeds that you really need to know about. Before jumping into full details, please note that dogs’ weight (including Chihuahuas) plays a big role in their overall life expectancy. The Bichon Chihuahua hybrid is the ultimate designer dog. In general, Eskimo Chis are happy dogs that tend to play well with kids and other pets in the home. However, despite being a relatively new hybrid dog, they are recognized by at least five breed registries, including the Designer Breed Registry and the American Canine Hybrid Club. And because they’re likely to inherit the long, thick double coats from their Lhasa Apso parent, they do much better in milder climates. 53 likes. So they either overlook or ignore their Chihuahua’s weight problem. His name was Jesse and the best dog ever.. They’re the perfect lap dog that’s both loving and playful. Chugs are affectionate and fun-loving small dogs. Plus, the coat can also be straight, wavy, or even wiry with various color patterns. There’s no need to worry because you’re in the right place. The perfect mix of sweet and spicy, the Labrahuahua is a unique breed resulting from a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Chihuahua. It’s worth noting that we don’t recommend these dogs for small kids. The Chihuahua is the world’s smallest purebred dog, often weighing less than 7 pounds and standing no more than 9 inches tall. In addition, the French Bulldog genes give the hybrid a sturdier frame not seen in the purebred Chi. Check out this weight loss adventure of an overweight Chihuahua. Another big plus is their shedding, or rather, lack of shedding. There is good news, though. The Chug is the awesome hybrid consisting of the Chinese Pug and Chihuahua. No matter what type of event you are planning we are positive one of our awesome services will make it the party of the year! The Chorkie, or Yorkie Chihuahua mix, is unquestionably one of the most popular Chihuahua mixes on the market. In fact, they get along with other children, dogs, cats and other small animals. Gizmo is more than just my dog though, I firmly believe he is my angel. This will prevent it from getting too relaxed and lazy during exercise. Overweight Chihuahua Finds The Perfect Mom To Help Her Get Healthy | This Chihuahua used to weigh three times what she was supposed to! If you can get over this small issue, they’re fantastic companions. Though there’s a huge number of possible Chihuahua mixes, these are the most popular and/or unique mixes that we’ve found. However, despite being a relatively new hybrid dog, they are recognized by at least five breed registries, including the Designer Breed Registry and the American Canine Hybrid Club. ×
The Chihuahua dog breed is generally small. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Thanks to the Crestie side, the Chi Chi tends to inherit the low-shedding coat. They’re famously known for their wiry coats and short muzzle, almost like the Ewok from the Star Wars series. In this article, you’ll get to know important facts about your fat Chihuahua and things needed to keep him healthy and in perfect condition. Both exercise and grooming won’t be demanding, and keeping their short, hard coat healthy should be easy. The Chihuahua side has been bred for companionship, while the medium-sized Dalmatian has slowly changed from a hunting dog to one that is primarily now a companion breed. Or letting him skip walk because he looks so happy and content napping on the couch. Here at Fat Chihuahua Entertainment we are all about having a good time. So as it seems, diabetes itself may come as a cause or an effect. Welcome to Bubbly Pet! With a Chihuahua, you get a lively, bold and courageous dog. This site is owned and operated by Jenco Digital LLC. Apart from obesity, other signs of this disease are weakness, fur issues, white scaly skin patches, and more. But… once trained has never had an accident in the house and he’s been with us 12 years. They really check all the boxes for dog owners. This is a health issue that affects a canine’s adrenal gland. The extra fat inside their body forces their heart to pump extra blood. They’re the perfect blend of cheerfulness, loyalty and superb companionship. The Chihuahua mixes have a fearless, loyal, and protective nature, alongside a small, cute and cuddly appearance. That’s not to say the Chussel will require a lot of exercise. This blog is dedicated to anything and everything about pets, from their diets and exercise to traveling with pets and playtime! Final Verdict. I never worry that they are not getting the right balance in their diet and they sure do eat well with Eukanuba!” Read more buyer reviews at . However, this shouldn’t be the case because Chihuahuas need a lot of time and space to run around and have fun, just like other dog breeds. The combination of the delightful Maltese and the spirited Chihuahua creates one of the most balanced and attractive hybrids: the Malchi. And given the unwavering loyalty of these little dogs, they often extend the same “protection” to their owners. 10 years ago. Toxirns are intensely loyal dogs that develop strong bonds with their family. Then from the Chihuahua, you can look for its strong personality and confidence. However, with their elegant stance and... Tri-Color Australian Shepherd: All 4 Tri-Color Varieties Explained. Did we miss any great Chihuahua mixes that deserve to be on the list? Otherwise known as the Hava Chi, the Cheenese is the beautiful hybrid of the Chihuahua and the Havanese. Just ensure that they’re well-loved and cared for, and there won’t be any problems. And this is one of the reasons it’s difficult to maintain a healthy Chihuahua weight. When looking at the feeding-amount recommendations, use your fat Chihuahua’s estimated weight. Cheagles have the friendly and loving demeanor of the Beagle, while retaining the boldness of the Chihuahua. Chorkies have a bright and cheerful personality. Ama. American Bullhuahuas take the unique traits of the American Bulldog, known for standing taller than its French and English counterparts. As the saying goes, ‘too much of everything is bad,’ so you should be careful not to over-exercise your canine. The dog food has few ingredients so spotting allergens won’t be an issue. 2. You should also ensure to carry your canines less. RECOMMENDED: 21 Most Interesting Dog Mixes. However, they will still need plenty of obedience training to keep their stubbornness in check. Now let’s see some of the main reasons why obesity is dangerous in fat Chihuahuas: There are different ways to help a fat Chihuahua lose weight; they include: It shouldn’t sound strange to you that an increase in your dog’s activity level can help them lose weight. If you have a busy lifestyle, the Chi-Poo is perfect for you. The good news is we have an article and some pictures about what you're looking for. Overweight Chihuahua Finds The Perfect Mom To Help Her Get Healthy | The Dodo, 30-Pound Chiweenie Needed To Lose Half Her Body Weight | The Dodo, Fat Chihuahua, how much should she eat? Due to their small size, they don’t tolerate rough play from young children, and with the Terrier hunting genes, they may nip. As a result, you can expect plenty of Chihuahua mixes out there. It’s essential to get this condition treated as early as possible as it may lead to many health problems. Check out this video to learn more. This little vibrant dog is a mix between a Chihuahua and a Japanese Chin. For its portable size and a winning disposition, the ShiChi will certainly be the center of attention for its family. Mix a little wet dog food in with your pup’s kibble. A Chi Chi thrives in an apartment setting, though they can be sensitive dogs that demand a lot of attention from their owners. In addition to making sure that your Chihuahua’s diet meets his needs for protein and fat, you should also consider the supplemental ingredients. However, your Chihuahua’s weight can still change from time to time, depending on his health, diet, and physical activity levels. After diagnosis, this condition can be treated with a daily dose of synthetic thyroid hormone. A hybrid mix of a Chihuahua and a Lhasa Apso, the sweet little Chi Apso can make a fantastic companion for anyone. Utilizing the tips and tricks explained here will surely help you achieve positive results. Yorkie-Chihuahua Mix. Despite their relatively small size, the Chigi can be capable watchdogs. Somewhat slow to potty train- he was 2 when I adopted him from a rescue. More often than not, these dogs will inherit the wonderful long, straight coats of the Havanese and the head shape of the Chi. But, also a certain amount of curiosity. Still, a Chigi can be a great companion in apartments, farms or larger home. The heaviest of all Chihuahua dog breed is Gracie. The good news is that many of the traits that make them outstanding playmates are inherited in the French Bullhuahua. Obesity is a serious condition that shouldn’t be taken lightly by owners of Chihuahuas. Parents: Cavalier King Charles x Chihuahua mix. While Chihuahuas might not warm up to strangers immediately, a Bolognese is much more friendly. Chihuahuas are wonderful dogs, but they are notoriously finicky eaters. And while the Chi may be reserved, the Frenchie brings out the liveliness. They rarely back down to much larger humans or dogs. Fat short-haired chihuahua dog lying on bench outdoor. Sure, they may be a little stubborn, but firmness and consistency will go a long way with these mixes. Mix in or complement with Royal Canin Chihuahua Adult or Adult 8+ dry dog food for extra reinforcement when it comes to fussy eaters. Despite its thickness, the coat isn’t all too difficult to groom though. Yorkshire Terrier Chihuahua mix health information . Perfected them by the end of a tv show lol. If your Chihuahua is suffering from weight loss and needs to gain a few pounds, there are several health tips that can help him gain weight. Chigis are affectionate, loyal, playful and get along with most humans with socialization. Others can barely move the scale at a meager 5 pounds. But with the help of a trainer, Gracie was able to lose 30% of her body weight. Maybe you’ve heard about some negative effects of obesity in dogs. To prevent any mishaps, always monitor them when playing with children and introduce socialization as early on as possible. Despite an adorable appearance and being a mix of two popular parent breeds, the Chimation is a surprisingly rare hybrid and not well-documented. We said he was a a Greyhuahua or an Italian Chihuahua. Most of the time, they’ll retain the slim figure of the Chihuahua, but the signature wrinkly, short-muzzled face of the Pug. The coat is usually either a shade of black or dark grays or darker shades of brown. Surprisingly, they’re under the radar despite being officially recognized by many competitive dog registries, including the American Canine Hybrid Club. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They’ll also bark, but mostly to warn you (the owner) of any perceived dangers and threats. Even if you give them the right amount of food, there are chances they still become fat if they’re not physically active. So if you work long hours, you should take a long hard look at the Chi-Poo. They get along well with people, but also do well when left alone at home. Chipit Dog. They have high life expectancies and come in several different coat colors. Though they’re great with humans and are typically social dogs, they don’t mind being left alone. The Chilier is the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Chihuahua mix. Keep in mind that the only way you can truly love them is by offering them good health and long life with a correct diet, exercise, and companionship. How to Help an Obese or Fat Chihuahua Lose Weight? | Sweetie Pie Pets by Kelly Swift. Thankfully, grooming them is a relatively easy task, with their coat requiring only moderate care. A dog who KNOWS she’s funny and does things for a laugh. However, expect them to inherit some lingering suspicion of strangers and a lower tolerance for younger children. In these cases, a bit of aggression can peak through. Chihuahua Mix Breeds Personality. Chihuahuas have such a range of temperaments, but are more likely to be a velcro dog. My kids even introduced him as their furry brother when they were kids. Sometimes vocal but would stop when corrected a few times. Its so funny because I can remember the first time he barked better than I can remember my son’s first words. Some might even make a good watchdog. However, they are excellent companion dogs for any family. You can’t go wrong with a Bolo-Chi mix. Rather, they understand how fragile they are and that they need to protect themselves. Fun fact: his all time favorite breed is the German Shepherd. =
Everything from their fluffy coats, to big round eyes and petite size, make them such adorable mixed breeds. You can also improvise by checking the appropriate daily serving at the back of your dog food packaging. You just have to face it; it’s not a hopeless endeavor. After all, Pomchis are tiny dogs that can be fragile and not respond well to rough child’s play. They can be a little crazy, a little spunky, but full of affection – all the time. And because of this, they do great in obedience training. Lastly, carefully examine your dog’s waist. Combining two dogs with reputations for plenty of energy, the Italian Grehuahua is a special breed. Being a mix between a large Boxer and the smaller Chihuahua, there will be some variance in the size of a Boxachi. Regardless of length or color, they won’t take too much maintenance, and a single brushing each week is enough. They’re most likely moderate to heavy shedders and will require daily brushing to remove any excess fur. However, their size and features are going to be a mix of the parent breeds, leaving much room for physical variation. Many Chihuahua owners assume it’s okay to keep them locked up in a small apartment and only take them out when they need to use the bathroom. Le Chihuahua est considéré comme le chien de race le plus petit du monde et porte le nom du plus grand état de la république du Mexique : Chihuahua. Or you’re the kind of person that does not like your canine being overweight. Rat Terrier Chihuahua Mix (Rat-Cha) Rat-Chas are a crossbred version of the American Rat Terrier and the Chihuahua. I've been working with many breeds of dogs exclusively for over 17 years. So what you’ll most likely get is a moderate shedder that needs brushing a few times per week. Chi Chons are good-natured dogs and don’t have a single aggressive bone in them. A good word about the chi beagle; best little dog I’ve ever had. Fat Chihuahua. Perhaps you’re also clueless on how to help them slim down. Tolerant of kids and other pets. Therefore, overfeeding will easily have a huge impact on their weight and size. 1. Even though the breed is mixed, the Shi-Chi is recognized by at least five breed registries, which includes the American Canine Hybrid Club and the Designer Breed Registry. Depending on the dog, the Chorkie can be a little aggressive and protective. Taking on the traits from both parent breeds, Chin-was are highly social dogs that love to spend plenty of time around people and being the center of attention. Check out Fat-Chihuahua's art on DeviantArt. If it gets too rough, he’ll just leave. The two parent breeds are very different, but when combined, produces a loving and loyal dog that’s both charming and beautiful. So any mix between the two will also be small and perfect for apartment-living. Combined with the extra pressure placed on the organs, there's an overall greater risk at developing heart … I have 2 little furry family members, a Yorkie mix and a Chihuahua. In addition, their coat length and color depends on the parents, and could take after one or the other. However, Chihuahuas can be stubborn at times. They’re not malicious or mischievous dogs. How to know if your dog is a healthy weight? Most of them weigh within 20 lbs and may even possess the yappy and stubborn nature of the Chihuahua. Some common causes of obesity in fat Chihuahuas include: Of course, everyone loves their furry canines and want them to have the best life. 8
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As for temperaments, they’ll likely inherit the calmness of the Boston with a bit of spunk. For the Chorkie, minimal grooming and maintenance is needed! One of the most severe and dangerous ailments that come from obesity in the Chihuahua is heart disease. In a nutshell, they’re as you’d expect given the parents. At least in America, the Bolognese isn’t as popular, so finding a Bolo-Chi can prove to be difficult. Many people crave having cute and adorable healthy pets. When you combine the Mini Schnauzer and Chihuahua, you get the Chizer. Reply. Scotchis are known to have a bold, proud character that’s also veined with some of the Chi’s signature spunky attitude. Plus, this hybrid can be low-maintenance as they don’t require much exercise. Australian Shepherds, or ’Aussies’ to most people, is reportedly the 13th most popular dog breed of 2020. They’re a scruffy little dog with several unique features that you can appreciate. As for their coats, these designer dogs may require a lot of grooming depending on the dog. And a fun fact: the Lhasa Apso was originally bred, along with the Tibetan Mastiff and Tibetan Spaniel, as a watchdog for Buddhist monasteries in Tibet! Even novice dog owners will have no problems with a Chiweenie. And we wouldn’t like to let any harm or anything bad happen to them. I have a 16 year old Shih-Tzu Chihuahua mix and he has been my constant companion through everything.