Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013, Microsoft Outlook 2010, Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, Outlook for Office 365; In this article. Cause Read more about why Windows Live Mail 2012 will not connect to Outlook.com. If you open that email while it is being sent, then outlook may change the status of that email but leave it in your outbox. ; Users have also said that selecting the Disable POP setting with IMAP enabled fixed Outlook not receiving Gmail emails ⦠As IMAP is the more current standard, select the Enable IMAP option if itâs not selected. The simplest fix to try when a mail has been left in your outbox unsent is to try to resend the email manually. When you compose and send an email, Outlook updates the emailâs status and places the email in your outbox. Please follow below steps to change the default mail delivery location of specified email account in Outlook. However, it could also be something a bit more complicated. But missing emails are when you are not receiving a certain type of emails or any email even with a good internet connection. 1.Click File > Info > Account Settings > Account Settings.. 2.In the Account Settings dialog box, please (1) click the Email tab, (2) select the specified email account whose default delivery location you will change, and (3) click the Change Folder button. Update Options â Outlook; If there are any updates, Windows will automatically download and install them on your computer. Users can select Enable POP or Enable IMAP to receive Gmail messages within Outlook. Mailbox not found, Invalid mailbox, or User unknown. When this problem occurs, the message remains in your Outbox folder until you manually initiate a Send/Receive operation (for example, press F9 or select send or receive). This could be because the recipient's address has changed or the recipient's email account has moved. Walking through common troubleshooting steps can help you fix Outlook not sending emails. This person is a verified professional. If you receive one of these messages, the address you used doesn't exist. For the past week emails sent from Outlook although appearing in my Sent mailbox are not being delivered. The type of email event and the type of recipient can provide insight into why your emails are not being received. This is not a problem where emails are sent from my iphone. CAUSE: If you are forwarding your emails to an ISP or 3rd party email service (eg; AOL, Comcast, Hotmail, AT&T, Gmail, Yahoo, etc, etc) The Most Likely Reason your emails are not being delivered is because the Email server you are forwarding to has started blocking the emails or Filtering them as Spam. Try this fix: Check the recipient's email address for typos. I am using a Windows 8 laptop with Outlook 2013. I have made no settings changes. If Microsoft Outlook will not send emails, the solution might be as simple as changing a setting. The built-in Mail app on Windows is the recommended replacement for Windows Live Mail 2012, and is the most-used email application among Outlook.com users today. Windows Live Mail users will need to use a different app or use a web browser to visit www.outlook.com. When you send an e-mail message in Microsoft Outlook, the message may remain in your Outbox folder as shown in the following figure. outlook sent emails disappearing and not being delivered. Original KB number: 2958272. by jeffgarruba. Launch Outlook.Once you are in the application, click on the File button present at the top-left side of the screen. File â Outlook; Now, click on Office Account from the left navigation bar and click on Update Options present at the right side of the screen. The combination of those also means there are different things that can be done on the recipientâs end to ensure email deliverability increases moving forward. ... freezes up for a moment the message window closes but the e-mail never hits the outbox or their sent items and is never delivered. After you send an email using Microsoft Outlook 2007 or later versions, a copy of the email message is not saved to the Sent Items folder. This seems to be a familiar problem but research has not produced a solution as most people give up. Symptoms.