Why it Works: This is a good answer because it reflects the applicant’s good fit with the company culture. So, I interviewed 3 long-time retail pharmacists to get their take on retail and the pharmacy profession. 8. The manager forgot that the extra 2 hours a day for the 10-hour shifts would increase the hours of coverage by 25%. ', How to Answer Interview Questions About Starting a New Job, How to Describe Your Work Pace During a Job Interview, Answers for Common Interview Question for Sales Positions, Best Answers for the Most Common Job Interview Questions, Answer Interview Questions About Applying for a Lower-Level Job, Interview Questions Occupational Therapists Can Expect, How to Give a Good Answer to "How Did You Pick Your Major? There are 3 part-time employees that are used to boost the coverage from 3 – 6 p.m. For example, many businesses that deal with the public are busier on the weekends than they are on weekdays when people are at work. If you are asked, “How long do you think you will be in this role?” or “Where do you see yourself in five years?” you can mention that you hope there will be opportunities for career advancement for you within the company. I expect to be here for as long as I can make contributions. Retail jobs have long been lower-wage. The key to recruiting quality employees is promoting and possessing a positive work environment no matter how large or small you are." He creates two schedule options: Example #7. That’s why you need to develop a specific list like this for your own store instead of using the old saw, “If you can lean you can clean.” 6. This … An independent auto repair shop is open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. The employer wants to know that their investment will pay off, not that their money will be wasted if you plan to quit in six months. Use to-do lists. These answers are a safe way to respond to the question. If you can work your way up to Store Manager, there’s nothing to stop you advancing to Area or District Manger. Try out these responses to the question, "How long do you expect to work at our company?" Anum Yoon 2017-06-21. Attention to Detail. It’ll be challenging to achieve record-breaking success if you … In some industries and occupations, you wouldn't even be expected to stay longer than that. 1. The owner has to balance the cost savings with the time the manager will spend hiring and training the constant turnover of part-time employees. The older you get, the less time you have to find new friends and … Alison Doyle is the job search expert for The Balance Careers, and one of the industry's most highly-regarded job search and career experts. On the flip side, don’t tell me that you just want to work in retail until you get a “real job.” Maybe you’ve thought there’s not much else to a career in retail—but there is. With those words in mind, a good first step is developing criteria for the perfect retail employee. Make your call friendly, but short and sweet. He or she is also unavailable when the store is busiest. It varies by time of day and day of the week. Example #4. For example, the register may decide to stop working and … All you can do is be as honest as possible. Although employee satisfaction is important, it should never be the starting point in the search for a new schedule. Skilled trade careers are a great option for people with retail sales backgrounds because you already know how to interact with customers, and you know what it takes to make them happy. Among full-time workers, hourly wages range from $14.42 on the high end of the scale to $9.61 for lower-paid people, according to Demos, a New York think-tank. With this type of fluctuation, the volume of work changes throughout the week. By bringing you on, the company is investing a significant amount of time and money into you. An appliance repair center needs 5 people on an 8-hour shift every day of the week. This overlap is a little longer than necessary, but it allows the company to only use full-time employees who want to work 8-hour shifts. Each category can be weighted differently to adjust for the time required by employees. By limiting their hours and their training it leads to part-timers willing to … Wed, Thu and Fri have almost 50% more prescriptions than other days of the week. While upfront, those responses are not likely to impress an interviewer, and they can swiftly get you removed from the candidate list. This Chart Shows How Many Years You Need To Work Before You Can Retire How long will your money last? Approach #2. Workers often stand for long periods and may need permission from a supervisor to leave the sales floor. Sometimes, candidates will blurt out that they are only looking for a short-term stint as they are looking to move across the country or go back to school. Example #5. The downside, of course, is that the manager is unavailable to supervise the part-time employees. The first mechanic leaves at 4:30 p.m. and the second leaves at 5:30 p.m. He says attitude and work ethic aren’t the only ways to get noticed though, your performance is key. Examples of service businesses include dry cleaners, pharmacies, auto repair, dentists, optometrists, and barbers/hair salons. There is no need to give a lengthy explanation of your plans for the future. Forget about your retail job after working hours. Working in retail may not be the glamorous job of your dreams, especially when you have to muster a smile for the 15th customer asking a ridiculous question on your 10-hour shift. This requires 7 employees working 40 hours a week. After a rough shift, it might be hard to turn off your racing thoughts as you replay certain scenarios in your head over and over again. A job in retail is a great way to learn an abundance of skills as a young person, and start to earn some cash. For example, the evenings are often busier than the rest of the day in many retail stores. This should ideally take the form of a concrete retail job title and job description. A pharmacy is open every day of the week. Let the employer know why working for them is very attractive to you. Dear Work It Out, I'm looking for a job in a new field, but I work in retail part-time to pay the bills. The total cost is calculated below: 3 FT employees * 40 hours/week * $12/hour wages * 1.4 cost of benefits = $2,520 per week, PT employees * 21 hours/week (average) * $10/hour wages = $210 per week (note that it doesn't matter how many part-time employees are used; it's only the total hours per week that's important). An employee working under 20 hrs a week simply won’t be engaged enough with your brand or your store. Hourly Variations. Mention that the company culture seems to be a good fit for your skill set. For example, I had a manager of a business that ran 16 hours a day (two fixed 8-hour shifts) for 7 days a week. You have to be competitive enough to offer an exceptional and unparalleled shopping experience in which consumers develop long-lasting and emotional ties with the brand. Cultivate relationships. According to reports (pdf), 13% of all retail workers, and 18% of low-wage retail workers, are working part-time but would like more hours if they could get them. Mention Company Culture. This forces them to make tradeoffs. Making a conscience effort to leave work at work and thoroughly enjoy your time on your days off can prevent much unneeded stress. This approach emphasizes the use of part-time employees with two full-time employees who will supervise the part-timers. Let's take a closer look at each of these two types of workload fluctuations. With this type of fluctuation, the volume of work changes by time of day. Where do you see yourself in five years? There are probably hundreds of tasks to give retail staff when it is slow that will help you when business picks up. Two pharmacists work on Mon and Tue. Call Long Forgotten Customers. How long do you expect to remain employed with this company? This requires 7 employees working 40 hours a week. So the choice for employees usually boils down to the preferred work pattern. The three typical ways to address these hourly workload variations are: Since there are so many different situations, I'll try to give a simple example of each approach. The owner stays until 6:00 p.m. to accommodate customers picking up their vehicles after work. The total cost is calculated below: 2 supervisors* 40 hours/week * $15/hour wages * 1.5 cost of benefits = $1,800 (note that the supervisors' time counts toward the coverage requirements), PT employees * 53 hours/week * $10/hour wages = $530 per week (note that it doesn't matter how many part-time employees are used; it's only the total hours per week that's important). In Example #6, they must choose the increased likelihood of getting a weekend off. This example is a retail store that is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon – Sun. Examples of service businesses include dry cleaners, pharmacies, auto repair, dentists, optometrists, and … In Sum. Above all, don’t lie. It’s okay to work a job to pay your way through school. You don't want to mislead a potential supervisor, as you may need to use him or her for a reference at some time in the future. The owner works by himself Mon-Fri. Instead of misrepresenting your intentions, focus your response on saying something positive about the employer, your level of engagement, and your enthusiasm for the position. Say something positive about the company, that you are excited to interview for the position, and that you would be happy working there. Talk about a recent industry or company development and how that fits in with your goals. Make an effort, even if your natural preference is scruffy and comfortable. I think this role is a great match for my skills and experience and that it would offer me a chance to grow professionally. Keep your response focused on the job at hand and what you would contribute to the company if hired. The shifts overlap from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Weekends are the lightest, whereas Mon and Tue are average. Although using part-time employees often is the least expensive approach, other considerations may override this. In this post, we will take a closer look at each factor from the perspective of businesses that are less than 24/7. How long do you think you will be in this role? Don’t Misrepresent Your Intentions. In most cases, shift length is not left up to employees since this is more or less defined by the hours of operation or the hours in which overlapping shifts are needed. This approach emphasizes the use of full-time employees supplemented by part-timers. If you know you are going to be relocating to another city in two years and you work, for example, in retail, you should say so (although you might also add that you hope, if you do excellent work for their store, that the retail chain might ultimately find a position for you in the city you are relocating to). If the interviewer asks, “How long do you expect to be employed with this company?” don’t say the first thing that comes into your head. Here's a link to the original article: http://www.shift-schedule design.com/Shift_Schedule_Design_for_Dummies. Reasons for expanding the hours of operation include the following: There are three factors that the business owners should consider when creating work schedules for the employees: I've discussed these criteria previously, but only in the context of continuous 24/7 operations. It also shows the interviewer that you plan to stay with the company. They often forget that longer shifts will either increase the staffing requirements or reduce the available coverage. Only one pharmacist works on Saturday and Sunday. The manager creates two schedule options: In both examples, the employees are shown the two schedules. Most customers don't drop off their cars until 8 or 9 a.m., so he starts one mechanic at 8 a.m. and another at 9 a.m. If you are applying for a retail or service position, be as honest as possible when you answer. ", Tips for Answering Interview Questions About Your Weaknesses, How to Answer Interview Questions About Your Career Goals, Tips for Answering Interview Questions About Failure, How to Answer Interview Questions About Your Previous Job, Top 12 Entry-Level Interview Questions and Best Answers, Answering Job Interview Questions About Strengths and Weaknesses. Working long and hard is standard procedure for many retail professionals. To be able to work in retail all you really need is to be of legal age to work and watch a few training videos. Why It Works: This answer works because the applicant ties a forward-looking organization’s research and development to the skill set the applicant possesses to let the interviewer know that they plan to remain with the company as long as it is a good fit. Daily Variations. Copyright © All Rights Reserved 2020 by Shift Schedule Design, Employee Work Schedules for Retail and Service Businesses, < Matching 12-Hour Shifts to Your Workload Distribution. Interview Question: "How Long Do You Plan On Working Here? Consider References. A hardware store needs 4 sales people on a 10-hour shift every day of the week. The staggered work hours not only extend the coverage to 11 hours a day, but they also match the coverage with the workload. I'd like a job where I can have continuity and be part of a team. A stationery store is open every day of the week. If you think you’re ready to move up in retail, check out these five steps you can take to get there. At this time, state when your last day will be at the job. But is work all there is? Most full-time retailers work 40+ hours while getting little to no sleep. Working a retail job when all your friends work 9-5 is literally The Worst. This means you are not prepared for every obstacle that may come your way. A few claimed that the 10 reasons I cited don’t apply to retail. Smart grooming and good clothing are an important part of presenting a professional image that inspires confidence in anyone dealing with you. Because my spouse is in the military, we will likely be moving in two years, but I would like to work here steadily until then. They match this workload distribution by using two 8-hour shifts (0900 to 1700 and 1300 to 2100). I can't count the number of times I've been contacted by managers who selected the hours of operation to justify a shift length that he or she thought employees would like better than 8-hour shifts. Note specific aspects of the job that appeal to you and would encourage you to stay on for a long time. Sometimes the best way to gain repeat customers is to let them know you miss them. They do not give a specific timeline, but do demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role and the company. Not according to the happiest retail pros. A store that sells bicycles is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Examples of retailers include apparel, sporting goods, building supplies, household items, jewelers, stationers, and variety stores. You’ll need strong leadership and coaching skills, and the ability to manage others effectively, but it can be quite rewarding and lucrative. Plans change, but you want to make sure that you are honest about what can be expected of you. Give employees a pep talk. If you are working in a luxury retail environment, you are expected to provide a unique ambiance and atmosphere, reflecting and reinforcing the values of the brand. They tracked the volume of prescriptions filled by day of the week. Regardless if you work in retail or any other industry – if you hate your job, then I hope this article will give you the push needed to do something about it. More than 15 million people work in retail, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and a recent CareerBuilder survey found that 33 percent of retail employers are likely to hire seasonal help this summer.Considering the high employment numbers, along with varying education requirements, on-the-job training and transferable skills, a job in retail can be the … 6. ... excessive entertainment and retail … Don’t Volunteer Too Much Information. See also, 11 Ways Your Retail Employees Convert Buyers Into Lookers . They are busiest from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. To match the coverage with this workload distribution, they have a 10-hour shift staffed by full-time employees plus a 3-hour shift (from 1600 to 1900) staffed by part-time employees (mostly students). Example #3. Job interviews can be nerve-racking experiences, particularly if you have been searching for a new job for a long time. If you know you are going to be relocating to another city in two years and you work, for example, in retail, you should say so (although you might also add that you hope, if you do excellent work for their store, that the retail chain might ultimately find a position for you in the city you are relocating to). I don't have any immediate plans to move on. It may sound simple, but you’d be surprised at just how effective to-do lists … He employs several part-time people to work the weekend shifts. There are many career directions that have nothing to do with retail that allow you to go from training to ready to work in 6 months or less. The best way to do this is to gather historical data using measures such as: Since some calls or visits require more time and effort than others, it might be necessary to classify them into 2 or 3 categories. The two typical ways to address daily work variations are: As with the hourly variations, there are too many possibilities to cover them all, so I'll just give one example of each approach. That's why it's important to compare the cost of different staffing/scheduling approaches before picking one. Example #1. Retail surrounds us in all of our lives - whether we work within the industry or not. Thinking about how you would respond to this question before your interview will ensure that you are prepared with a strategic answer. They needed 2-person coverage. Most retail sales work is performed in clean, well-lit stores. Note that Category 2 work takes twice as long at Category 1 work so it counts double in the total work volume. Using data on the number of customer visits by hour of the day over the past year, the manager established the following coverage requirements: Mon-Sun             1000 to 1500       2 people per hour, Mon-Sun             1500 to 1800       3 people per hour. 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