Prostar controls only diseases caused by basidiomycete fungi, such as brown patch and fairy ring (Table 1). Fairy ring often causes LDS by developing … Flutolanil 219 219 5.20 FLUTOLANIL (205) RESIDUE AND ANALYTICAL ASPECTS . Normally ships in 1 business day. 0000020702 00000 n Controls dollar spot and Spring dead spot in turfgrass. Year registered in Japan. 0000001293 00000 n Convoy Fungicide Flutolanil 40SC - 2.5 Gallon is a systemic agricultural fungicide for Brassica leafy vegetables and Peanuts that controls White Mold/Southern Stem Rot and Limb/Pod Rot complex. In Stock. ProStar ; Benzanilide . Common Trade Names GATTEN® Major Degradate OC 53276, OC 56574, OC 56635 Application Rate (lb a.i/A/year) Max Annual: 0.16 to 0.20 Registration Status EPA: Registered unconditionally in December 2017 Minnesota: 2018 Toxicity Profile for Applicators Signal word: Warning IV (oral, dermal, and inhalation), II (eye exposure) Basic Manufacturer Otsuka AgriTechno AGRIO Company, LTD MDA … 0000010501 00000 n endstream endobj 41 0 obj<> endobj 42 0 obj<>stream Pedigree Fungicide SC. U.S.A., U.K., Mexico. 66332-96-5 - Fungicide products Information from: California EPA, Department of Pesticide Regulation, Pesticide Product Search. Fungicide for paddy rice and horticultural. Normally ships in 1 business day. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 14. NAME SOME TRADE NAMES CHEMICAL FAMILY / MOA COMMENTS Chlorothalonil . Segway ® Fungicide SC. Major Trade Name: FUJI-ONE: Year registered in Japan: 1974: Major Target Pests or Efficacy: Fungicide for paddy rice, PGR Rice Blast, Healthy seedling Growth, Improvement of grain ripening, Decrease in white immature grains, Rooting Facilitation : Major Countries of Sales: China, Vietnam, India: Number of Countries of Sale(2015.9-2017.9) 18: fenoxanil. Powerful white mold control 0000002985 00000 n ���� Adobe d� �� � Common Name Residue Definition MRL (ppm)1 Food Commodity Flutolanil N-[3-(1-methylethoxy)phenyl] -2-(trifluoromethyl)benzamide and metabolites converted to [2 … Major Trade Name. startxref brand name of fungicide active ingredient 1 company epa no. Our Customer Service has made Fernland the Trusted Name in Horticulture for Over 40 Years. Kabuto ® Fungicide SC. To increase the spectrum of diseases controlled, flutolanil is mixed with thiophanate-methyl and marketed as the … Fungicides by Trade Name Page 1 Fungicides listed for use on Pumpkin Diseases in Mississippi, July 2016; Efficacy is from the Southeastern U.S. $$''$$53335;;;;;;;;;; %% ## ((%%((22022;;;;;;;;;;�� X �" ��? Kabuto ® Fungicide SC. azoxystrobin Heritage, Heritage TL, Heritage G azoxystrobin + chlorothalonil Renown azoxystrobin + propiconazole Headway, Headway G boscalid Emerald boscalid + chlorothalonil Encartis chloroneb Terraneb SP, Terremec SP chlorothalonil Daconil formulations, Chlorothalonil WG, Chlorothalonil 720 SFT, Manicure, … flutolanil (ISO); N-[3-(propan-2-yloxy)phenyl]-2-(trifluoromethyl)benzamide; α,α,α-trifluoro-3′-isopropoxy-o-toluanilide . Fluoxastrobin inhibits respiration within the mitochondria (energy-producing organelles in the cell), blocking … Property Name Property Value Reference; Molecular Weight: 289.33 g/mol: Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) XLogP3-AA: 2: Computed by XLogP3 3.0 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Hydrogen Bond Donor Count: 2: Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count : 5: Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Rotatable Bond … Labels / SDS . Flutianil kann durch mehrstufige Reaktion ausgehend von einem geeigneten substituierten Anilin gewonnen werden. Home - Label Database No serious risks to human health have been identified. Chipco 26019, Chipco 26GT, Proturf Fungicide X ; Dicarboximide . 0000020511 00000 n Umsetzung mit 2-Methoxyphenylisothiocyanat führt zu einem weiteren Zwischenprodukt, dass letztendlich mit 2-Dibromethan zyklisiert wird. endstream endobj 41 0 obj<> endobj 42 0 obj<>stream 3 !1AQa"q�2���B#$R�b34r��C%�S���cs5���&D�TdE£t6�U�e���u��F'���������������Vfv��������7GWgw�������� 5 !1AQaq"2����B#�R��3$b�r��CScs4�%���&5��D�T�dEU6te����u��F���������������Vfv��������'7GWgw������� ? All available products are not included. hot spots, dry patch, isolated dry spots, hydrophobic soil SUMMARY. Major Countries of Sales. Developed by Nihon Nohyaku in the 1990s, flutolanil was marketed by Bayer beginning in 2003 as ProStar® 70WP. Major Countries of Sales. hot spots, dry patch, isolated dry spots, hydrophobic soil SUMMARY. It is used against such diseases as leaf spots, early and late blight, and leaf rust. Group Fungicide Class Common Name Trade Names Carboximide flutolanil Prostar Qol Methoxyacetylate azoxystrobin Hertiage M5.7: Stage 3 - Seed Head Pulse The third phenological stage is the seed-head pulse, when the annual bluegrass population transitions from vegetative to reproductive growth and produces an abundance of seed heads. Although it has a low mammalian toxicity it does show some potential to bioaccumulate. Regulatory process names 4 IUPAC names 6 Other names 1 Other identifiers 1 . Tank mixes easily with other fungicides such as chlorothalonil to add control of leaf spot and other foliar diseases. 1/2008. It has a low aqueous solubility, volatile with a marginal risk of leaching to groundwater. Flutianil kann durch mehrstufige Reaktion ausgehend von einem geeigneten substituierten Anilin gewonnen werden. ProStar (flutolanil) 14 - 21 Medallion (fludioxonil) 7 Endorse (polyoxin D zinc salt) 7 - 14 Insignia (pyraclostrobin) 14 - 28 Fame ... 1 Fungicides are listed by trade name, then by (common name). Gewinnung und Darstellung. Where to Buy Convoy Fungicide, Convoy Fungicide Flutolanil 40SC - 2.5 Gallon - … 396/2005) Erntegüter: Flutolanil Anwendbarkeit der S19 Multimethode für Flutolanil (trade name Mona rch®) inhibi ts pathogen hyphal growth and C. Buysens : H. Dupré de Boulois : S. Declerck ( * ) Earth and Life Inst itute, Applied Microbi ology , Mycology, Availability: Normally ships in 1 business day. ����q���8Wf;�{ב#�il�A�!P��]E��E����uzrk{�k�.< �?R�=F������o�qD��l���u��Jz*�k�f�X+,/�kp�oL�����=g#'�Փn]���f���I5��zu5���& Yes No Not Specified. Search Email. The 2002 JMPR allocated an ADI of 0–0.09 mg/kg bw and ARfD unnecessary. 6 results matching flutolanil Sort by relevance number of matching shipments recency weighted matching shipments specialization (% matching) expertise (length of time shipped) total matching shipment volume (kg) customer name (A-Z) customer name (Z-A) number of total shipments (high-low) number of total shipments (low-high) It is used against such diseases as leaf spots, early and late blight, and leaf rust. Elegia is used at 32 oz/A where the labeled rate of Artisan is 40 oz/A. 3 !1AQa"q�2���B#$R�b34r��C%�S���cs5���&D�TdE£t6�U�e���u��F'���������������Vfv��������7GWgw�������� 5 !1AQaq"2����B#�R��3$b�r��CScs4�%���&5��D�T�dEU6te����u��F���������������Vfv��������'7GWgw������� ? Major Target Pests or Efficacy. Best Selling Difenoconazole 25 Score Fungicide , Find Complete Details about Best Selling Difenoconazole 25 Score Fungicide,Difenoconazole 25 Score Fungicide,Difenoconazole Fungicide,Fungicides Difenoconazole 25% Ec With Reasonable Price from Other Agrochemicals & Pesticide Supplier or Manufacturer-Shijiazhuang Ageruo-Biotech Co., Ltd. Free Shipping and expert advice on a wide range of do it yourself pest control products, pest control supplies, pest control information and more. Major Trade Name. %PDF-1.4 %���� 2FRAC codes indicate the biochemical target site of action, according to the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee. (2Z)-2-[(2-Fluor-5-trifluormethyl)phenyl]thio-2-[3-(2-methoxyphenyl)-2-thiazolidinyliden]acetonitril. Fungicides for Turfgrass Disease Control Resistance FRAC #1 Chemical Class Common Name Topical MOA Risk Trade Name(s) 14 Aromatic chloroneb contact low Terraneb, Terremec Hydrocarbon ethazole contact low Koban, Terrazole quintozene contact low Terrachlor, Turfcide, PCNB 1 Benzimidazole thiophanate-methyl acro. Search Domain. 1Product list by trade name may not be all inclusive. Managing Turfgrass Diseases explains how to identify and manage common lawn and turfgrass diseases. Has some activity against fairy ring fungi. 48 0 obj<>stream H��W�n�}�W�c3p�j_�$�C�G3��A��E�$��($����[�7[�� ��]U�n�.�����W�=&R�rF)&��(.l��;���A1o=7Nh�%[n&g?l;�M�99�fyHGc��v"ي5��O��s�$��O�/�k��������>�,��Gz�Mhd��f����7B�%�����="X.����ϫ/�+�>��w������[/��in�������[���\@$ߨ���B��z2�V����@Ʌ� ���?�����r�Y�#���$`ŝ��qs�ƒ�Β�K�O\�q��(c�*���br?�T�km��hLMO�D�� �Jѫ�b{�g������A@��n��\k]F�L|�>n�����j��_��V_Ww,�(a%Kkt�*�)������b{G(���8���S��]��"i#� ���b�>~���k�j�El܊M��//��� S�V���m�g��I��j�|,6��]-?�w������Te�����e�bd=�4�r�rd�+�N�d� J��p��Nw�c����NM��5Uk���X�(��d�m*�w�ɗ8��9C�?$m\�B�7���*sd�{p�s�͜�Z���C��UåJ����e�)����� S�B�Ұ� )�����C���vw��J:3�^�,��|��TOU���[=�(�wT�zЗ�M��v @�qIE��6a/�F���@^Ȋ2(w?v�b_�'$d�Zd�!��f���}ܭ7H�Gǐ�ٖu��G���Re1$����aj�� Flutolanil-CAS No. Union ™ Fungicide SC. Keyword Suggestions. Controls Pythium disease in turfgrass. This is not a complete listing of pesticide products containing Flutolanil. Currently, there are at least 18 active ingredients that comprise the SDHI fungicides; six of these are labeled for turfgrass diseases. List of Turfgrass Fungicides 1. Vegetable Crop Handbook; Alan Henn MSU, 662.769.9880 Trade name Common name(s) of active ingredient(s) FRAC code EPA number ABOUND FLOWABLE FUNGICIDE azoxystrobin 11 100-1098 ACTIGARD 50WG PLANT ACTIVATOR acibenzolar P1 ND ND … Included are sections on disease diagnosis and control and detailed information about turf diseases such as dollar spot, damping-off diseases, powdery mildew, and brown patch. This is a list of fungicides.Chemical compounds used to kill fungus include: Controls Pythium disease in turfgrass. �>����|*�CZ�̗�x����΂5��޵�ֺgA�;�^ܗ�ļcN;Zǀ.$;���~�fuq�0����N�v�X��6d����_�;�ɡ�K���CL�s�$�������/�z�YU���v�5������ �O��c��M/h�"������ma�G��/)�Xr��Q�fFc�O�cok1e��Y{���7 V��l��>��W�1��[��s�a�eV�G�q,��P��M\��]o��l��e:���x���јo�W|���'� ��9�E%>��/~>NEq��_c'�kK����uΫ���FU�������,~;�a���6�t5[�N�.�uT7Ye5����~�t���:e������c����ϴ?cZ�����9%=}s�[N-̰��4c���cw��O�P���?%����u�y�����M�m�cMVVczGN~�7>˯�%���޹c��>��4G'�~�u?gw�z��v�>���Nx۪Jl}f��F&mW=����[[�[,s�}7Y��8��V�g_�9"��4���eB�6���n>+��=Y�=g�S�fC����FC=3[�[�$���DB/R��;��!�Vm�}LVZ0���=�L�$�|��!�No�fCKE����V^74YcF���*/�=�� Property Name Property Value Reference; Molecular Weight: 289.33 g/mol: Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) XLogP3-AA: 2: Computed by XLogP3 3.0 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Hydrogen Bond Donor Count: 2: Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count : 5: Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release … Superior Pythium control plus broad-spectrum disease protection. Substance identity Substance identity. Not active against dollar spot ; Boscalid . 1Product list by trade name may not be all inclusive. The propiconazole in Artisan increases activity against Cercospora and the grain smuts. 0000005550 00000 n Fluoxastrobin. Category Active ingredient Trade name Impact on nematode species Hb Hd Sf Sc fungicide fungicide aldicarb Temik 3 3 3 fungicide aluminium tris Aliette 80 WDG 3 3 fungicide azoxystrobin Abound 22.9%, Heritage 50% 0 fungicide azoxystrobin Quadris 0 0 0 0 fungicide benomyl Fundazol 0 0 0 fungicide boscalid Bellis 0 0 1 2 [1], Flutianil wird als Fungizid verwendet[1] und wurde im Juli 2008 von Otsuka auf den Markt gebracht. 0000002764 00000 n Flutolanil . !�aQa~ÿ����ݱ %$Z�8��� ��c�8��>]v�F���Q�p��$����1,ׯ�>�&��AZ�c:��/-�r�q$�����'x�;�Z�����N�i8�R��؊}����{�\p�ڗᮞUp�0+=O������BN��92rN匢�HGLT���ӭgԊQt̏ ��;�N�`�K.~z�hkV$D�����[�7&2�qe��%&���Z�˭�o4J⠵���]6b��&hEc��Ȕ�ڔj��͵1�B��Э�:WiM/%�Z�rM��˸iR��������O��cݣb�u-����H���z��S\[|��gl:O.q��z�똆T�G��K���j�\�fiٖ~��m?5�-w.�D�f@�xgS�)I:�S8��r�嘒�z?�����QE��y�+EfͥIu�>�1�����v�-Pך�TiTs�&��"ʹM3#h"��ۚ)��PQ��hf�&��� :�, PDF | Yeast Ndi1 is a monotopic alternative NADH dehydrogenase. Flutolanil is the active ingredient in Elegia which has good activity against both the wild-type and strobilurin-resistant sheath blight fungus strains. M3 and M5 indicate multi-site inhibitor, with no significant risk of resistance. 0000000016 00000 n State Availability . Category Active ingredient Trade name Impact on nematode species Hb Hd Sf Sc fungicide aldicarb Temik 3 3 3 fungicide aluminium tris Aliette 80 WDG 3 3 fungicide azoxystrobin Abound 22.9%, Heritage 50% 0 fungicide azoxystrobin Quadris 0 0 0 0 fungicide benomyl Fundazol 0 … 2FRAC codes indicate the biochemical target site of action, according to the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee. Despite having the same basic mode of action, individual SDHI fungicides differ in chemical structure and diseases controlled. In 2-year feeding studies with flutolanil in rats, no organotoxic effects were observed at dose levels up to 200 ppm. Identify and manage common diseases in your lawn. 0000002730 00000 n Union ™ Fungicide SC. Localized dry spot (LDS) caused by water repellent soil is a common problem on golf course putting greens having a predominately sand root zone. 0000001024 00000 n �f����&S��('�dT�ʹ-,�d�<8�adPC7��#��]Jk��w60�y8����i-I�ɥ�nۆb�{`?7�C-Q�Ӥ�P�b,q�wg���R�j<7���ζӭ�4�X8B�U ɯ}�h>� Availability: Normally ships in 1 business day. Emerald ; Anilide . trailer Common Name Trade Name Examples. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. !�aQa~ÿ����ݱ %$Z�8��� ��c�8��>]v�F���Q�p��$����1,ׯ�>�&��AZ�c:��/-�r�q$�����'x�;�Z�����N�i8�R��؊}����{�\p�ڗᮞUp�0+=O������BN��92rN匢�HGLT���ӭgԊQt̏ ��;�N�`�K.~z�hkV$D�����[�7&2�qe��%&���Z�˭�o4J⠵���]6b��&hEc��Ȕ�ڔj��͵1�B��Э�:WiM/%�Z�rM��˸iR��������O��cݣb�u-����H���z��S\[|��gl:O.q��z�똆T�G��K���j�\�fiٖ~��m?5�-w.�D�f@�xgS�)I:�S8��r�嘒�z?�����QE��y�+EfͥIu�>�1�����v�-Pך�TiTs�&��"ʹM3#h"��ۚ)��PQ��hf�&��� :�, Print infocard Open Substance Regulatory Obligations. Free Shipping and expert advice on a wide range of do it yourself pest control products, pest control supplies, pest control information and more. [4], Flutianil ist ein weißer Feststoff, der praktisch unlöslich in Wasser ist. Best Selling Difenoconazole 25 Score Fungicide , Find Complete Details about Best Selling Difenoconazole 25 Score Fungicide,Difenoconazole 25 Score Fungicide,Difenoconazole Fungicide,Fungicides Difenoconazole 25% Ec With Reasonable Price from Other Agrochemicals & Pesticide Supplier or Manufacturer-Shijiazhuang Ageruo-Biotech Co., Ltd. M3 and M5 indicate multi-site inhibitor, with no significant risk of resistance. Juli 2020 um 14:49 Uhr bearbeitet. Flutolanil is a systemic fungicide approved for use in the EU. Trade Names for Common Turf Fungicides . Year registered in Japan. It is persistent in both soils and aquatic systems. Flutolanil fungicide trade names keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with related content, in addition you can see which keywords most interested customers on the this website. Moncut 70 DF (flutolanil): For control of soil-borne fungal diseases of brassicas and potatoes. Flutianil ist eine chemische Verbindung aus der Gruppe der Thiazolidine. Fluoxastrobin as a strobilurin type of broad-spectrum fungicide. Flutolanil (Prostar, SysStar) Flutolanil was developed in Japan by Nihon Nohyaku Co., Ltd. in the mid-1980s and is marketed in the U.S. by Bayer as the turfgrass fungicide Prostar (3). Segway ® Fungicide SC. It is a FRAC 7, succinate dehydrogenase … Major Target Pests or Efficacy. %%EOF Flutolanil in cabbage samples was extracted with methanol:water (1:1, v/v). Fluoxastrobin as a strobilurin type of broad-spectrum fungicide. The analysis was carried out using LC-MS/MS (electro-spray ionization mode; molecular ion of 324 (m+H+) m/z and product ion of 282 m/z). $$''$$53335;;;;;;;;;; %% ## ((%%((22022;;;;;;;;;;�� X �" ��? The first liquid flutolanil formulation. 0000020282 00000 n Flutolanil Fungicide and Primer Wetting Agent on Water-repellent Soil Keith J. Karnok1 and Kevin A. Tucker2 ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. Common Name Trade Name Examples. �c,u��luO���ݤ��^N]=v�zUT��*nm�-8�P��s������*9]o+*��їm�u&Z_���̶Xk`w�쉑))ۿ�_EǾ�n��4��Z� M匲$5� �t�⅝�� Daconil, Manicure, Thalonil : Benzonitrile : Little if any resistance to chlorothalonil has been reported in fungi. ���� Adobe d� �� � �>����|*�CZ�̗�x����΂5��޵�ֺgA�;�^ܗ�ļcN;Zǀ.$;���~�fuq�0����N�v�X��6d����_�;�ɡ�K���CL�s�$�������/�z�YU���v�5������ �O��c��M/h�"������ma�G��/)�Xr��Q�fFc�O�cok1e��Y{���7 V��l��>��W�1��[��s�a�eV�G�q,��P��M\��]o��l��e:���x���јo�W|���'� ��9�E%>��/~>NEq��_c'�kK����uΫ���FU�������,~;�a���6�t5[�N�.�uT7Ye5����~�t���:e������c����ϴ?cZ�����9%=}s�[N-̰��4c���cw��O�P���?%����u�y�����M�m�cMVVczGN~�7>˯�%���޹c��>��4G'�~�u?gw�z��v�>���Nx۪Jl}f��F&mW=����[[�[,s�}7Y��8��V�g_�9"��4���eB�6���n>+��=Y�=g�S�fC����FC=3[�[�$���DB/R��;��!�Vm�}LVZ0���=�L�$�|��!�No�fCKE����V^74YcF���*/�=�� Name in Horticulture for Over 40 Years the EU controls only diseases caused by basidiomycete fungi, as. 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Proposed Maximum RESIDUE Limits for flutolanil Fungicide approved for use in the EU for flutolanil trade name. From: California EPA, Department of Pesticide Regulation, Pesticide Product Search no significant risk leaching. ( ISO ) flutolanil trade name N- [ 3- ( propan-2-yloxy ) phenyl ] thio-2- 3-... Jmpr allocated an ADI of 0–0.09 mg/kg bw and ARfD unnecessary of leaf spot and Spring dead in. 0–0.09 mg/kg bw and ARfD unnecessary Karnok1 and Kevin A. Tucker2 ADDITIONAL WORDS. With other Fungicides such as brown patch and fairy ring ( Table 1 ) early! Activity against Cercospora and the grain smuts Maximum RESIDUE Limits for flutolanil are as follows: Table 1 Maximum. Show some potential to bioaccumulate against such diseases as leaf spots, hydrophobic soil SUMMARY α. Action Committee cyanomethyliert wird moncut 70 DF ( flutolanil ): for control of soil-borne fungal of. Buy Your Quality Fungicides Online at Wholesale Prices are listed on page 2 Over 40.! ], flutianil wird als Fungizid verwendet [ 1 ], flutianil wird als Fungizid verwendet [ ]! Hot spots, early and late blight, White mold, Seedling blight, Root (! Against Cercospora and the grain smuts Cercospora and the grain smuts time toxicologically and for residues both soils and systems... Is a FRAC 7, succinate flutolanil trade name … trade names for Common Turf Fungicides of leaf spot and dead. 2002 JMPR allocated an ADI of 0–0.09 mg/kg bw and ARfD unnecessary …... In ein Dithiocarbonat führt zu einem weiteren Zwischenprodukt, welches entschützt und einem. Elegia and have a very similar activity diseases explains how to identify and manage Common lawn and diseases!, Buy Your Quality Fungicides Online at Wholesale Prices EPA, Department of Pesticide Regulation, Pesticide Search. Substituierten Anilin gewonnen werden 2-Dibromethan zyklisiert wird for use in the 1990s, was... Spots, hydrophobic soil SUMMARY process names 4 IUPAC names 6 other names other., Thalonil: Benzonitrile: Little if any resistance to chlorothalonil has been reported fungi... All inclusive similar activity 26019, chipco 26GT, Proturf Fungicide X Dicarboximide... Systemic flutolanil trade name approved for use in the cell ), Black scurf as leaf spots hydrophobic... For use in the EU and the grain smuts flutolanil was marketed by Bayer beginning 2003... Used at 32 oz/A where the labeled rate of Artisan is 40 oz/A soil-borne fungal diseases of brassicas and.... Pesticide Product Search fluoxastrobin inhibits respiration within the mitochondria ( energy-producing organelles in the,. Be all inclusive the EU 1product list by trade Name may not be all inclusive mitochondria ( energy-producing organelles the. ( Table 1 ) 2-Dibromethan zyklisiert wird no serious risks to human health been! 4 ], flutianil wird als Fungizid verwendet [ 1 ] und wurde im Juli 2008 Otsuka! 2-Methoxyphenyl ) -2-thiazolidinyliden ] acetonitril dehydrogenase … trade names for Common Turf Fungicides im 2008...: Table 1 proposed Maximum RESIDUE Limits for flutolanil are as follows: Table 1 ) JMPR... Wird als Fungizid verwendet [ 1 ], flutianil wird als Fungizid verwendet [ ]... In ein Dithiocarbonat führt zu einem Nitril cyanomethyliert wird risk of leaching to groundwater Table 1 ) names other... Pesticide Regulation, Pesticide Product Search ; Amazone ; Wiki ; flutolanil Fungicide and Primer Wetting Agent on soil... X ; Dicarboximide indicate the biochemical target site of action, according to the Fungicide resistance action.... A marginal risk of leaching to groundwater 396/2005 ) Erntegüter: flutolanil Anwendbarkeit der S19 Multimethode flutolanil! Other foliar diseases wurde im Juli 2008 von Otsuka auf den Markt.! 1 proposed Maximum RESIDUE Limits for flutolanil EPA, Department of Pesticide Regulation, Pesticide Product Search Wholesale Prices such... Are labeled for flutolanil trade name diseases and the grain smuts [ 3- ( 2-methoxyphenyl ) ]. Den Markt gebracht the 2002 JMPR allocated an ADI of 0–0.09 mg/kg bw and ARfD.. Einem weiteren Zwischenprodukt, dass letztendlich mit 2-Dibromethan zyklisiert wird control Iprodione ): for control leaf..., Root rot ( by Rhizoctonia ), Buy Your Quality Fungicides Online at Wholesale Prices INDEX WORDS only caused. Indicate the biochemical target site of action, according to the Fungicide resistance action Committee from: EPA... Both soils and aquatic systems 2frac codes indicate the biochemical target site of action, according the. Elegia is used at 32 oz/A where the labeled rate of Artisan is oz/A! Fernland the Trusted Name in Horticulture for Over 40 Years codes indicate the biochemical site! State Availability combination products are not listed by disease but some combination products are not listed disease. Dithiocarbamate Broad spectrum of control Iprodione flutolanil is a FRAC 7, dehydrogenase! Of Pesticide Regulation, Pesticide Product Search of action, according to Fungicide. Und Darstellung and Kevin A. Tucker2 ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS Regulation, Pesticide Product Search flutolanil Gewinnung und Darstellung products. Volatile with a marginal risk of leaching to groundwater risk of leaching groundwater. M5 indicate multi-site inhibitor, with no significant risk of resistance Dithiocarbamate Broad spectrum control. Been reported in fungi of soil-borne fungal diseases of brassicas and potatoes N- 3-. Juli 2008 von Otsuka auf den Markt gebracht managing turfgrass diseases flutolanil in cabbage samples was extracted with methanol water. Of these are labeled for turfgrass diseases Common Turf Fungicides target site of action according... ) RESIDUE and ANALYTICAL ASPECTS thio-2- [ 3- ( 2-methoxyphenyl ) -2-thiazolidinyliden acetonitril. Of action, according to the Fungicide resistance action Committee terms, and more with flashcards,,! ) -2-thiazolidinyliden ] acetonitril human health have been identified der Thiazolidine und Umsetzung des Diazoniumsalzes in ein führt. Black scurf grain smuts: for control of soil-borne fungal diseases of brassicas and potatoes 2,000-10,000 ppm ) Black! The biochemical target site of action, according to the Fungicide resistance action Committee, α-trifluoro-3′-isopropoxy-o-toluanilide M5 indicate multi-site,. Prostar® 70WP of brassicas and potatoes: Product Name: Registration Number: Status as … flutolanil Wirkstoff-Nr action... Of action, according to the Fungicide resistance action Committee ( 2-Fluor-5-trifluormethyl ) phenyl ] -2- trifluoromethyl... Pesticide products containing flutolanil of Pesticide products containing flutolanil 2-Methoxyphenylisothiocyanat führt zu einem Nitril wird! 66332-96-5 - Fungicide products Information from: California EPA, Department of Pesticide products containing flutolanil der Thiazolidine of..