“I agree. First, clean the surface with household cleaner (if anything greasy is sticking, use TSP). While possible, painting over wood varnish comes with good and bad news. Blog. … If you are planning on using oil based paint, use an oil based primer. Cover Stain is also an excellent bond coat for paint… An airless sprayer can also be used if you want to save time. Discussion in 'Painters' Talk' started by Ruds, Jun 21, 2005. Yes, this is possible. “We should probably see if we can even paint over varnished wood first,” Jason suggests. But every now and then rules can be broken. Sherry wanted to change the look using Chalk Paint - the great thing is she could do this with very little preparation. After the wood or timber has dried, the next step would be filling all the fissures, cracks, holes, and imperfections. However, for the best results, you should use the primer or Oil Bond method to clean the area you want to paint using a rag. Painting Wood Trim White without losing your mind should be the real title of this post because, well I have done it the right way and the wrong way, and nearly lost my mind. How To Paint How to determine your paint requirements How to determine your paint requirements. In order to allow the paint to grip to the surface of your wood, you should sand away the gloss. Painting wood furniture has to be one of the best ways to transform it on a dime (hello, flea market finds! Before you paint wooden furniture, you should remove any existing paint, sand the furniture, and apply primer. Both are inexpensive and will get the job done. You can also use a paint brush for any areas that are hard to reach with a roller. Paint rollers are the best way to apply if the surface is vast and flat. Simply spray or brush your primer over the surface of your wood and allow it to sit for 30 minutes. The sanding gives the paint a better surface to grip. Repainting over chalk painted table the easy way. I have done the same – strip wood pieces that I have painted! The next step after filling would be sanding. Yes, you absolutely can paint over varnish with latex -- provided you properly prepare the surface first. First, lets go over the materials you will need for this project. Jason looks up at Melissa in surprise. In all paint projects, the finish is only as good as the surface preparation. Painting Over Varnish: How to Paint Over Varnished Wood Trim Cleaning Years of built up Pledge, cleaners and other paint repelling contaminants will need to be removed with a good thorough cleaning method. For this, use a, We recommend working outside, but we understand this is not always possible when painting wood trim or crown molding. For small and intricate surfaces, you can use a medium sized brush, and for painting wood trim, a 2 ½ inch angled brush would be perfect. If you’ve ever contemplated “should I paint my wood trim white?” then you’re in the right place. Now comes the part we’ve been preparing for this entire time—painting. Painting over stain steps: Sand with 150-grit paper; Prime with stain-killing primer; Spread on spackling compound ; Prime with tinted primer; Paint with acrylic latex; If you have ugly stained and varnished doors and trim and you'd like to paint the whole works, here's the best way to get a good-looking result. Simply take a scouring pad, rag, or brush and scrub the surface of the wood. Even wood that has been stained a dark color can be painted over using the proper tools and techniques. Prior to painting, the moisture content should not exceed 12%. Surface Preparation. I’d love to update it with fresh paint and new hardware, but I’ve heard that you can’t get good results painting over stain. The higher the girt of the sandpaper, the smoother the finish would be. Use chalk paint over varnished wood. Oak is the biggest culprit, and can make white paint turn orange over time! That being said, I decided to write this article detailing a couple of methods used to cover old varnished wood. How To Properly Paint Over Varnished Wood Preparing The Surface. Paint over your stained wood with a paint primer first. Reply. Can You Paint Over Varnished Wood In Your Home? “I agree. This method explains how to prime and seal in one. I just wiped the bench clean with a damp cloth and then painted the chalk paint right on top, no prep work! While painting over varnished wood may seem like an impossible task—using the right tools and proper technique can cover the outdated surface and give it a fresh new look. I tried to restain it but all my efforts went out the door. A 180–240 grit sandpaper is recommended for this. Learn how at Bunnings Warehouse.For more D.I.Y. That is, given that both the varnish and wood are in good condition. Best Primer for Varnished Wood When painting over varnished wood, my go-to primer is the oil-base product Cover Stain by Zinsser. However, you can't simply slap a couple of coats of paint over a varnished banister, or any varnished surface, and expect it to last. You can use oil based or water based latex primer - you can even use spray paint. We should definitely paint over it. Amongst the best paint rollers you can find are Alazco 3” Mini and Wagner Smart Roller. You may need to wait around 30-60 minutes to an hour for a coat of water-based paint to be completely dry. I've seen some older posts already about painting directly over varnished furniture, but it's not exactly the same problem that I have. The bad news is that it requires some preparation. Particularly in places like kitchen cabinets , bathroom cabinets, trim, doors, built-ins, painted furniture and windows, Oil Bond gives painters the ability to create powerful, professional-grade adhesion, all without sanding or priming. In this article, I will go over all the dos and don´ts when it comes to painting over varnished wood. Reply [email protected] says. This paint may not be completely absorbed by the wood. A fantastic cleaner is Dawn Dish Soap. Painting directly over a varnished surface can lead to a poor finish – Image courtesy of Bitmac Step 1 – Sand the Surface Over With the above in mind, the first job is to create a “key” so that any new coatings have something to bond to. . Bringing back an old piece of furniture will not only spruce up your home, but it will be one of the most satisfying projects you’ve ever completed! This hardware can include handles, knobs, and metal trimming. I hope to provide the best woodworking tips and tricks online! You wouldn’t want any bare patches ruining your paint job, so it’s safer to apply a second coat for … You can use putty filler for this. Keep in mind, cleaning is not for removing the gloss from the wood—it is to remove grease and dirt. Painting over the varnished wood in your house will update the look and have you wondering if you’re standing in the same room (you are). Make sure that each coat of paint dries when applying another coat. Like a wizard, it will hide any imperfections over the surface with just a few strokes. The varnish is a thick and clear protective coat applied to protect and add an extra shine to surfaces. With a little know-how and the right materials, you can get the modern look you are going for. thanks. Get rid of all hardware on the surface. Some numpty (might have been me) has sanded a small section and applied white emulsion for an undercoat, however its clear that this isnt going to … We recommend applying at least three coats of paint to ensure maximum coverage and protection. This paint will provide your furniture with a semi-gloss finish making it sleek as new. Amongst the best paint rollers you can find are. A fantastic cleaner is. If you’re using an oil-based paint only use an oil-based primer, not an acrylic one. Varnish is a type of sealant that is typically used on wood fixtures, cabinets and doors in homes. The best paint to use is a water-based acrylic one. Use latex primer and paint when painting over a water-based wood stain. When it comes to the cheap wood veneer that was so popular in the 1970s, the answer is almost universally, "yes." No matter what finish your cabinets are, it is possible to paint over them if you take the appropriate preparatory measures. After applying the putty and ensuring your wood is nice and smooth, prepare to sand your wood. Painting Wood Trim White without losing your mind should be the real title of this post because, well I have done it the right way and the wrong way, and nearly lost my mind. So you want to paint kitchen cabinets that are previously varnished? Once you’re done cleaning, allow the wood 15-20 minutes to dry. It roughens the varnish finish and … Revitalising an old varnished piece of furniture like a table or a cabinet is easier than you think. To get the best quality finish, you will need to use high-quality painting products, and put in some effort in the surface preparation process. Now that you’re done with all of these steps, you have successfully renewed your old furniture piece. This is also known as “deglossing” … Reply. The surface has to be cleaned and sanded, then primed before painting, otherwise the paint will scratch right off the shiny surface. You can apply the primer with either a brush or roller. Also, clean the furniture using an excellent household cleaner. Read more Procedure Of Painting Over Varnished Wood – (Can You Do So?) Both of these primers are oil based and are a favorite with professionals. One way to fix this issue is by painting over the varnished woodwork with an acrylic or oil-based paint. Is there a … The good news is that painting over varnished wood is possible using either oil or water-based paints. Paint rollers are the best way to apply if the surface is vast and flat. “Sweet, this means it can be done! How to paint over painted wood furniture when your decor or plans change. Also, you can now replace the hardware you had removed at the start if any. I am going to share the easy way to paint wood trim in this step-by-step tutorial. After the first layer of primer has dried, cover it up with another layer of primer. Best Primer for Varnished Wood. How to use chalk paint on wood furniture. Painting over stained wood can be a great way to give your furniture a new and refreshed look. First, clear the surface. I want to paint over a varnished coffee table. After the first layer of primer has dried, cover it up with another layer of primer. Most of these steps help the paint last longer and look better doing so. Apply the putty filler with a scraper or a putty knife like the knife from Titan tools or Warner so that it is applied thoroughly and evenly. Painting over old varnish with Chalk Paint This dresser had been painted in the past and a coat of varnish had been applied to make it more durable. Another problem that can arise when painting over varnished wood is that the tannins can still bleed through, leaving you with a blotchy finish. Sandpaper helps add texture to smooth, varnished surfaces for easier painting. The good news is yes, you can paint over varnished wood. The best paint to use is a water-based acrylic one. Yes, you can paint over stained wood without sanding, as paint can adhere to stain. “You want to get started now or…?” Jason asks. Is there a how-to for this?” Melissa scrolls down to find out. Set aside to dry once again. Alazco Mini has a woven fiber design and is extra absorbent. Make sure that each coat of paint dries when applying another coat. A more modern look like white, gray, or blue would be great!” Melissa frowns in thought. Sanding aims to remove all gloss from the surface. Painting over wood stain or wood dye that’s been applied to a timber surface or other timber item may on face value seem like a pretty easy job. Hi, my name is Brandon and I love working with my hands. You wouldn’t want any bare patches ruining your paint job, so it’s safer to apply a second coat for complete coverage. To paint over stained wood you have to remove the varnish with either sandpaper or a deglosser. If you like the chick, ultra-matte vintage look, or you are not sure in your DIY skills, the adhesive chalk paint is the perfect choice for your wooden piece. There is no need to use hazardous chemicals for cleaning as they may remain on the surface leading to fish-eye and paint bonding issues. I’m trying the deglosser next. You may want to cover the portions of wood that you do not want to paint to protect them. Feel free to send me a message! 0. View the video. Sanding in the direction of the grain can make this step more effective. Paint will adhere to stain, but it won’t adhere to the shiny coat of varnish or lacquer that is often applied over the stain. Sanding works well on flat surfaces. Not only does it protect your walls and floor, but it also allows you to apply with ease and comfort, without having to take care of detailed or controlled strokes. You can get Elmer’s E887Q Stainable wood filler or Abatron WoodEpox. Another problem that can arise when painting over varnished wood is that the tannins can still bleed through, leaving you with a blotchy finish. Surface Preparation Step 2. You can use putty filler for this. How to Paint Over Previously Stained & Varnished Trim. Emulsion is typically used as wall paint so if you’re painting wood, use a paint specially formulated for wood. How to paint woodstained or varnished surfaces. Protect your hands by wearing disposable gloves when cleaning the surface. Simply spray or brush your primer over the surface of your wood and allow it to sit for 30 minutes. This will remove any remaining dust after sanding and will also cut off latent oils from the surface. Let it dry completely before adding another coat of paint. Will Zinsser 123 really go over varnish with no sanding required? Find out what they are, how to deal with them, and the best painting process. The TSP helps get rid of anything that would sit between the paint and wood. Whether or not to paint wood paneling and moldings is a controversial topic. Advice. https://craftknights.com/painting-over-varnished-wood-dos-and-donts 5 easy steps to paint over stained wood. View the video × More D.I.Y. When applying the primer, use a paint roller and make long even strokes. Melissa puts a hand on her hip. There are a few steps you need to take before you begin painting. There is a big misconception where you can't paint over varnished wood when, actually, you can. Both of these primers are oil based and are a favorite with professionals. Painting Over Varnish: How to Paint Over Varnished Wood Trim Cleaning Years of built up Pledge, cleaners and other paint repelling contaminants will need to be removed with a good thorough cleaning method. makes an excellent choice for furniture and wood trim. “We’ll also need to know how to prep a room for painting,” Melissa points out. An oil-based paint is not a good choice when painting over varnish. You can paint over varnished wood as long as you use the right materials and painting process. Pour some paint into a paint tray and dip in a new paint roller or paintbrush. This special coating helps to prevent the furniture from damages over time. How to paint woodstained or varnished surfaces. A handy tip when painting is to lay the paint off before … Painting stained and varnished furniture requires some specialized prep work, but the right approach gives you lasting paint coverage and a fresh look. How to paint over varnished timber . While having to paint over varnished wood may seem like a daunting task, using this guide and following our seven simple steps will ensure your paint job looks perfect and lasts for decades! This should help break up the varnish and give the primer a solid base to adhere to. Trust us, the last thing you want to do is destroy your trim or furniture because you tried to take shortcuts or didn’t use a proper guide. You should not try to remove the varnish altogether but only to slightly etch the surface. Our favorite tool for sanding is the Miracle Eraser Strip ‘N Sand Paint Remover Stripping Block. With the right preparation, the paint turned out beautifully! ), but sanding it first can be a real pain. If I’m ok with a little bit of a distressed look and some wood showing through, and also being that I’m going from light to dark; do you think it would be ok to skip the primer? More: If you don’t know what finish to use on your wood furniture or trim, be sure to checkout our article on the Best Finishes for Woodworking. The polyurethane coating is great as it ensures sturdiness & durability to the wooden furniture. A more modern look like white, gray, or blue would be great!” Melissa frowns in thought. However, you can't simply slap a couple of coats of paint over a varnished banister, or any varnished surface, and expect it to last. It’s specifically useful on stained wood, and any surface with coatings of varnish, sealers, polyurethanes, or other finishes. Hi, I'm currently painting my varnished staircase which I want to be white. Fix Damaged Wood First Normally I would sand back down to wood, primer, undercoat and top coat. Unfortunately it’s not quite as simple as this if you actually want the new paint finish to last and look good. The wood I’m painting over is a lighter oak color and I’m covering with a navy (something close to SW “Naval”) and I want to distress it in parts with sand paper. With a 3M hand masker, you can easily prevent paint from drying up on your floor or forming unwanted smudges. The stain itself isn’t the problem. Reply. I am going to share the easy way to paint wood trim in this step-by-step tutorial. This will give you a better and long-lasting finish. Q: My childhood dresser is beautiful but the wood stain looks faded. Julie Blanner says: If you use this product, you can easily paint over it. Refinishing varnished wood is quite a lengthy task, but painting it requires fewer steps. We should definitely paint over it. “How much does interior painting cost anyway?”. It looks old and outdated, kind of like your mother’s house. You can replace the older, darker look with something new, vibrant, or whatever you want, like some cool graffiti art if it's your style. Hi Julie, does this work over painted surfaces or just varnished wood? View the video × More D.I.Y. Prestige Extra White Paint makes an excellent choice for furniture and wood trim. To Paint or Not to Paint? It is small in size and would be perfect for you if your furniture piece is not very large whereas, Wagner roller brush is known for its power and will provide a constant supply of paint. “Sweet, this means it can be done! With a, The next step would be applying a stain-blocking primer. The next step would be applying a stain-blocking primer. You can paint over varnished wood, but there may be obstacles in your way. What you will need: Zinsser Mould Killer Zinsser Universal Cleaner & Degreaser B-I-N® Primer Sealer Perma-White® Interior Steps 1. Follow these instructions to paint varnished cupboards. Most stained wood has been coated in a glossy polyurethane or varnish.If you paint over these glossy surfaces directly, the paint can't properly grip the surface which may cause the paint to crack, chip, or peel off. After the wood or timber has dried, the next step would be filling all the fissures, cracks, holes, and imperfections. Whether you’re hoping to make your home look more modern, or give it a rustic feel, paint can be an easy and effective tool for changing up your style. Repairing and caulking the wood helps your home look better and last longer. Varnished surfaces do not provide a key for everyday decorative paints. Apply the paint in wide, solid strokes. If you've found a piece of ugly wood furniture with a silhouette that matches your decor, you can do some painting to make the outdated surface better fit your style. Zinsser work with contractors to create problem-solving products that meet “real world” challenges, such as painting over previously-woodstained or varnished surfaces, providing tried and tested solutions to painting problems. It’s a durable sanding block that is specifically designed for jobs like these. I’m glad you finally agree though.” Melissa nods firmly. Step 1 Sand the stained or varnished furniture using 220-grit sandpaper. Jo Galbraith says: Great anti-sanding tip. If you’re using an oil-based paint only use an oil-based primer, not an acrylic one. Reply. Wood rot and damaged wood, in general, may slow down the process. When painting over varnished wood, my go-to primer is the oil-base product Cover Stain by Zinsser. Simple let the first coat dry for about four hours and repeat 2-3 more times. Cover Stain is also an excellent bond coat for paint. Planting & Growing How to create an allergy-friendly garden If you suffer from hay fever or other allergies, then being out in the garden can, at times, be less than enjoyable. Lightly sand all the wood trim using a 220 grit sandpaper. So frustrating! We recommend working outside, but we understand this is not always possible when painting wood trim or crown molding. You just paint your chosen top coat colour over the top right? The good news is that painting over varnished wood is possible using either oil or water-based paints. Paint Over Finished Wood? “I think we should do some more digging and see what else we can find that might be useful.”. For businesses moving into new premises, hidden surprises await that could add extra time to refurbishment and delay the grand opening, preventing service to customers and hurting profits. Over time, varnish can become worn and sun damaged, especially with front doors. Can You Paint Over Varnished Wood? Repainting painted furniture is not something that I do often. I Wouldn’t Do it, But … But, while I happen to love the look and longevity of stained and varnished wood, and would not usually recommend painting over it, I understand how some may not feel the same way. The masker must be loaded with tape and masking paper, and it will attach both tape and paper simultaneously. Landlords taking on new properties will want them returning to the rental market quickly to find new ten… Yes, you absolutely can paint over varnish with latex -- provided you properly prepare the surface first. Let the paint dry and then remove the protective tape. Yes, it's oil and it smells horrible, but it seals wood to prevent bleed-through from tannin. “, Wash varnished wood with TSP (trisodium phosphate), Prime following the manufacturer’s instructions, Lightly sand primer to remove any brush marks, Paint over varnished wood with 2 coats of oil or water-based paint, House painting tools and equipment DIYers need, The Cost To Paint Kitchen Cabinets In Marblehead Using An Expert Painter, Paint Sheen Differences And Where They Best Fit In Homes, 9 Exterior House Painting Tips You’ll Want To Know, How To Paint Aluminum Siding: 3 Steps To A Beautiful Home, How To Paint Vinyl Siding: 5 Expert Steps Anyone Can Do, This Is The Cost To Paint A House Interior And Exterior, True Cost To Paint The Exterior Of A House In Marblehead, Exterior House Colors You’ll Love For Your Marblehead Home, Website Designed By Contractor Growth Network. However, if you already have sandpaper lying around and don’t want to spend the extra money, you should be fine. Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance, Acacia Vs. Teak – Head to Head Comparison! If this applies to you, you’re going to need to cover the floor, so sprinkles of primer do not fly all over and stick to the flooring. Let’s all jump at the opportunity to revive old wooden surfaces with finishing like varnish and stains through painting. January 27, 2021 by Joseph A. Rockey. Painting over varnished wood is not particularly a complicated task, but it’s a bit more challenging compared to painting any other plain wooden surface. Depending on your choice of paint … Priming also helps the paint stick better. When discussing higher-quality, solid-wood paneling, the decision can be … You can paint over varnished wood as long as you use the right materials and painting process. Preparation How to prepare walls for painting Good preparation is the key to any painting project. Let’s begin… Remove hardware before painting kitchen cabinets. Painting Over Varnish With Latex. How to use chalk paint on wood furniture. Tape the walls using regular painter’s tape. Categories Blog. Next, you must wash the sanded surface with a Trisodium Phosphate Cleaner. This make it easy to sand in cracks and crevices that traditional sandpaper wouldn’t be able to reach. Do you have to sand before using chalk paint? First of all, you can paint over varnished wood but the wooden surface has to be prepared by sanding and priming it correctly before applying the paint. The best primers available in the market include Rust-Oleum Oil Base Primer and KILZ Original Multi-Surface Stain blocking interior oil. Then, apply a layer of Oil Bond on to the cleaned surface. There is no need to use hazardous chemicals for cleaning as they may remain on the surface leading to fish-eye and paint bonding issues. Do I really need to do this? The furniture you’re about to paint might have some hardware on it. One of the best varnish strippers for this is the Eco Solutions paint and varnish stripper found here; Heat Stripping: You can use a heat gun to soften the existing varnish and then use a scraper to scrape it off.