What effects or
flow velocities that were obtained previously? Read about our approach to external linking. BASIC CONVECTION Basic thermal convection in fluids is perhaps the most fundamental paradigm of self-organization in nonlinear sys-tems [see Nicolis, 1995]. relationship of convection to plate tectonics. container? It has been suggested that, because of the effect of chemical differentiation on mantle dynamics, plate tectonics may have been more sluggish when the mantle was hotter, and with this inverse relation between internal temperature and the vigor of mantle convection, it is possible to reconstruct a thermal history without violating the thermal budget [Korenaga, 2003, 2006]. the piece of wood. heating. J., 670, L45-L48, 2007) and O’Neill and … Smithsonian Institution and U.S. Geological Survey, Map 1:30,000,000 scale,
the pattern of fluid flow (circulation) by noting the location of individual
plate generation and indeed how to unify the theories of plate tectonics and mantle convection. the candle flames), flow horizontally (away from the center) near the surface
when the rock is molten (melted to convert the solid to a liquid) such as in
Cycling of Matter in the Earth's Interior. The convection currents move the plates. Learn about the layers of the Earth's crust and plate boundaries. ! 2. These radioactive
Where are the velocities the
In either case, it appears clear that heat
"downslope" from the first line. Mantle convection •A mode of heat transfer (the others are conduction and radiation) •Rocks can flow near solidus. upper mantle that behaves as a solid for seismic wave propagation and as a very
Figure 6. It accommo- dates this transition by heating up internally, since that lowers the viscosity and remobilizes the convection. cube) and push horizontally. We therefore designed the MACMA model to simulate time-dependent plate tectonics in a 2D cylindrical geometry with evolutive plate boundaries, based on multiagent systems that express thermal and mechanical interactions. The progress of the Earth Sciences and the advancement of technologies associated with the understanding of our planet during the 1940s and 1950s have led geologists to develop a new way of looking at the world and how it works. Mantle flow (thermal
center of the container where significant upward fluid flow is caused by the
Note that there is a very large
These calculations show that the geometry and number of plates do not necessarily resemble the planform of convection below. Figure 1. By looking down on the
liquid, showing the direction and velocity of any fluid flow. cube of silly putty on a table and place a piece of balsa wood on top of the
To illustrate the meaning of shearing stress
… World Map of Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Impact Craters, and Plate Tectonics,
Convection within Earth's mantle is the driving force for plate tectonics. thyme. While nu- clear fusion in stars or radiogenic heating in plan-ets might postpone this fate, it is the very act of equilibration toward ¢nal stasis that makes these bodies dynamic now. range of viscosities. Evidently, a planet that changes from plate tectonics to no plate tectonics will be changing from an eflicient to an inefficient mode of heat expulsion. [Figure][36] Three ways to … This sets up two primary types of instabilities. motions". Observe the oil and spice
active lid plate tectonics while two new branches represent solutions for sluggish lid convec-tion. The crust moves because of movements deep inside the earth. Tilt the pan or cookie sheet to form a steep
using a sensitive thermometer. third container for the room temperature water and room temperature
larger (you have to push harder on the silly putty in a horizontal direction to
surface of the oil (view from above the dish) to illustrate "plate
thermal expansion/contraction, density differences, buoyancy changes and convection can work together to produce a phenomenon as complex as plate tectonics. 2. Convection can produce horizontal flow that
flow (except for the oil immediately below the wood or adjacent to the sides of
of this fluid, this experiment demonstrates that fluids are not capable of
(caused by heating of the fluid which causes expansion and a reduction in
2. Next, make a cube out of a piece of silly
not necessary to heat the oil for a long time, or to a high temperature, to
Are all of the measurements approximately the because of the extra width of the container), funnel (to
PS4.A: Wave Properties. the Earth: Thermal convection
Check the position of the lower
that significant heat has been retained from the early stages of Earth
and Viscosity of a FluidÓ. days. outer core is inferred to be mostly liquid iron. time of flow (or inversely proportional to the flow velocity). line (one experiment resulted in the following times: water:
than the water or syrup used in the earlier experiment. 93106). Arrangement of coffee cups, Sterno can and loaf dish on a table top
is inferred to exist on a large scale in at least two regions in the
largest? just above the first line: water, Karo
Earthquakes and volcanoes are most likely to occur either on or near plate boundaries. Our tips from experts and exam survivors will help you through. glass dish can be substituted if two Sterno cans or 3 small candles are used
Arrows show expected directions of
Place a piece of
In this experiment, the shearing stress is
1. arrows). "Inside Hawaiian Volcanoes" (Smithsonian) to see convection currents
Keywords: mantle convection; plate tectonics 1. B., S. Porter, and D. Botkin, The Blue Planet: An Introduction to Earth
container increases the density of the liquid and produces sinking and a return
horizontally (parallel to the surface of the fluid) on the wood. Thermal Convection and Plate Tectonics on Planetary Bodies Teresa Wong Washington University Northwestern University 2/10/2016. Although the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, some heat remains
Mantle convection and plate tectonics are one system, because oceanic plates are the cold upper thermal boundary layer of the convection. Early on: Magma Ocean. Earth's Systems. The evolutions of the continent configuration, as well as oceanic plate tectonics, are surface expressions of mantle convection and closely linked to the thermal state of the mantle; however, quantitative studies are so far lacking. But here, if you attain not have ample era to get the … Mantle convection, plate tectonics and the thermo-chemical evolution of the Earth Paul J. Tackley, ETH Zürich . (a) Thermal … Newton-seconds/m2)*, Flowing hot
significantly separated, just stir to mix thoroughly, let the mixture stand
1 INTRODUCTION The lithosphere is the top thermal boundary layer of a global system of convection occurring in the Earth’s mantle. Rayleigh-Bénard convection (RBC) is the buoyancy-driven flow of a fluid heated from below and cooled from above. Also; note that
If the thyme becomes
as an elastic solid for short-duration stresses (if you roll it into a ball, it
the two pieces of wood at the center of the loaf dish may tend to "stick together". Instructional Resources. the balsa wood on the surface of the oil in the loaf dish. get the silly putty to flow) and the rate of shear is much slower. the Earth's upper mantle. does not flow easily (such as molasses, honey, or heavy oil), it has higher
Good demo showing how convection currents work. (Figure 2) or a coffee cup with a one-cup electric element heater to heat water
within the Earth is the ultimate driving force for plate tectonics and mantle
diagram: Schematic diagram illustrating
Due to the thermally activated viscosity of the mantle and the low temperatures at the Earth’s surface, the lithosphere acquires … 2. Note also that the viscosity of the Karo
resistance of a fluid to flow. Unger, R.I. Tilling, P.R. more. determine the velocity in cm/s (usually slower than about 1 cm/s). isotopes of elements that are distributed throughout the Earth, particularly in
We investigate the parameters which control the ratio of convective driving forces to lithosphere resisting forces. The defining feature of plate tectonics is independent horizontal motion of lithospheric plates across the Earth’s surface, which is enabled by sea floor spreading at divergent plate boundaries (Le Pichon, 1968), by strike-slip faulting at transform plate boundaries (Woodcock, 1986), and by one-sided subduction into the mantle at convergent plate … They break apart the whole lithosphere into 7 major plate tectonics and 12 or so minor ones. of the loaf dish (far from the heat) will be about 2-3°C and can be observed
experiment. T., Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics, videotape, 20 minutes, 1988, (to
using the candles.). In addition to illustrating the low viscosity
density) causes horizontal flow near the surface of the liquid. the crust and mantle. Permission granted for
The model of mantle convection with tectonic plates was calculated with the ACuTEMan code (Kameyama et al. Introduction All celestial bodies, be they stars or planets, slowly approach thermal death as they come to equilibrium with nearly empty space. syrup heated to 40°C,
Activities: Investigation of
The heating time will be somewhat longer
These sources of heat cause the Earth's temperature to increase with
The silly putty can be thought of
slabs in the Earth's upper mantle, that lithospheric slabs (subducted plates)
silly putty is much higher than the oil. which, in solids, involve shearing motion and shear stresses. The slow motion of plates and the mantle is powered by radio- genic heating and by the slow cooling of our planet over its 4.5-billion-year history (4). (Because of surface tension,
UC-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
Upper diagram: Schematic diagram illustrating convection in
smallest? Tarbuck (1999), or Skinner and Porter (1999). Viscosity is measured in
shortly after the heat is applied to the bottom of the loaf dish. temperature and flow time to allow easy
reproduction for non-commercial uses. velocity increases rapidly with depth indicating changes in composition or
and viscosity and show the differing viscosities of two fluids, try the
Using the same procedure as in the
The plates may also control the thermal evolution of the mantle ([18][35]), with resisting forces in the plates dominating over mantle viscosity. "cycle" of fluid flow in the convection cell. the loaf dish). sometimes extend (penetrate) to depths greater than the upper mantle (below the
Newtonian viscosity (shear stress/rate of shear), the viscosity of the
(side view) for the thermal convection experiment. (representing the relatively rigid parts of plates such as most continental
Place the
propagation of seismic waves), and as a very viscous fluid for long duration
surface tension is reduced, the plates will move with the underlying fluid
In sequence, pour the following fluids (about 20 ml each) onto the foil
illustration described below). known. convection in the Earth's mantle in which the convection cell and related flow
identified in the hot mantle beneath mid-ocean ridges and in the crust beneath
Where do you see downward flow? following experiment. visible and the cube will be distorted by shearing. (It is
divergence, transform faulting, and plate collision and subduction). Magma chambers have been
Note also that the movement of the
a mark on the tape to mark the position of the "leading edge" of the
Thermal and rheological structure of oceanic lithosphere 100 Ma after its creation at mid-ocean ridge. operate throughout the mantle. modern theory of plate tectonics assumes that thermal convection of the mantle drives plate motion on the surface. primary cause of plate tectonics. Short lines represent flakes of thyme in the
during the experiment, both from above the dish and from the side of the dish. Earth. Lower
the viscosity of the Earth's mantle is very large. Where convection currents converge, plates … The suggestion of sluggish plate tectonics … Prepare a data table showing the fluid,
college-level textbook on geology, such as Press and Siever (1994), Lutgens and
mantle can be thought of as a solid for short duration processes (such as the
(at least 45 degree slope) inclined plane. Sketch of fluid flow experiment apparatus. Figure 2. In fact, plate tectonics arises as the top thermal boundary layer of a convecting mantle, such that the plates are themselves part of mantle convection and not passive objects being pulled around by mantle convection patterns. Convection in
characteristics of the model might cause variability in the velocities? crystalline structure or "packing" of mantle minerals). In this case, use a pencil or other tool to
Using a metric ruler as in
After some time (many seconds), the flow in the silly putty will be
(Use the 3 measuring cups for the syrup; heat
sustaining or propagating shear stresses (the movement of the wood and
can cause (or is related to) plate motions. movement at several locations for the near-surface flow of the liquid. This model of thermal convection is a paradigm for nonlinear and chaotic dynamics, pattern formation and fully developed turbulence (Kadanoff 2001 [1]). Table 1. Cooling of the liquid near the ends of the
containers, such as 1/8 cup measuring cups, Thermal Convection Experiments: Mix
3. toward the center along the bottom of the dish, thus completing the convection
order: send check for $15 payable to the
Earth comes from two sources original heat from accretion and heat released
Where convection currents diverge near the Earth's crust, plates move apart. The viscosity of the
These processes are … A more important source of
near surface region of the oil measured above the heat source and near the ends
Place the thin pieces of
oil after convection begins when heat is added. Hypothetical cross-sections through the Earth showing possible patterns
For more information on
silly putty on a Teflon coated pan or cookie sheet. Figure 4. Multiple solutions are possible with three solution branches representing three distinct modes of thermal convection. Where convection currents diverge near the Earth's crust, plates move apart. Structure; Investigating Plate Tectonics Using Foam Models; View the video
Mantle Convection, Stagnant Lids and Plate Tectonics on Super-Earths H.J. Line a large cookie sheet with aluminum foil
volcanoes. tectonic motions. Geoneutrino … same? If left unstirred for a long period of time, the thyme will not be
One branch corresponds to the classic boundary layer solution for active lid plate tectonics while two new branches represent solutions for sluggish lid convection. oil. room-temperature syrup: 6s; refrigerated
Arrange loaf dish and other
Measure the velocity and direction of
The silly putty will slowly flow down the
and thyme in the loaf dish. The viscosity of these fluids is roughly proportional to the length of
Viscosity is defined as the shearing stress divided by the rate of shear
The convection will begin
0.5s; heated syrup: 2s;
syrup.) and to demonstrate that viscosity of a fluid is also influenced by additional
"Regents of the University of California" requesting the 1988
flow velocity is apparently very low - on the order of cm/yr. Mantle convection in either the upper mantle
(Challenge question: How much faster is the flow velocity of the vegetable
Mantle overturn under a stagnant-lid is less efficient than plate tectonics … example, if a fluid (such as water) flows easily, it has low viscosity; if it
thermal energy (heat) can generate motion (flow) in a fluid. This diagram very nicely illustrates what happens at a sea-floor spreading ridge. ESS2.B: Plate Tectonics and Large-Scale System Interactions. Key words: fully dynamic, mantle, non-Newtonian, plate tectonics, thermal con- vection, time-dependence. van Heck and P.J. Therefore, mantle convection may not be as
with thermal convection. flakes of thyme over time (Figure 3). A necessary (but … 2005; Kameyama 2005) as thermal convection of an incompressible Newtonian fluid with an infinite Prandtl number in an internally heated three-dimensional rectangular box with an aspect ratio of 4\times 4 and a height of 3000 km. The mantle flow is a likely cause of plate
temperature, behave approximately as solids except over long time periods or
Tarbuck, Foundations of Earth Science, Prentice Hall,
heat, however, is the natural, spontaneous, radioactive decay of unstable
up for a couple of minutes. Viscosity can be thought of as
(converging). Convection is the key process Here focus on the solid mantle • Heat sources: radioactive heating (U, Th, K) & cooling from a hot/molten initial state • Oceanic plates are part of this convection F. Press & R. Siever. The difference in temperature between the near surface region of the oil measured above the heat source and near the ends of the loaf dish (far from the heat) will be about 2-3 ° C and can be observed using a … 1. the heated liquid (convection current) rather than by conduction. Plate tectonics cause earthquakes and volcanoes. fluid, but also by the pressure and temperature of the fluid, and sometimes by
We describe three methods of modelling plates … Karo syrup at room temperature (~ 20°C), refrigerated Karo syrup (~5°C). Similarly,
Heat from
Figure 4 can be used as a base diagram for sketching the flow using
Freeman, New York,
Figure 1. Heat rising and falling inside the mantle creates convection currents generated by radioactive decay in the core. The Earth's plates move in different directions depending on the type of boundary. convection of the mantle) occurs with very low rates (velocity of flow of a few
Press down very lightly on the wood with your
the syrup in one container; refrigerate the syrup in one container; and use the
Two contrasting styles of mantle convection: (a) plate tectonic convection, in which the top thermal boundary layer is continuously recycled back to the mantle, and (b) stagnant lid convection, in which the entire surface is one immobile rigid plate. Investigation 2 Plate Tectonics Lab Answers Download Free Investigation 2 Plate Tectonics Lab Answers challenging the brain to think better and faster can be undergone by some ways. Pascal-seconds =
Thermal Convection
Note that the silly putty is far more viscous
depth to a temperature of about 5000°C in the inner core. refrigerated Karo syrup has the highest viscosity of these fluids. viscosity. convection cell (actually two cells) in which upward flow above the flame
Where do you observe upward flow? convection. velocities?) slightly separate the wood. Place a strip of tape (about 10 cm long) beside the silly putty and put
again by adding heat.). into the mantle, but also causes the Earth's magnetic field by motions of the
The solid-state convection in the Earth mantle is characterized by plate tectonics, which shapes the tectonic activities of the Earth, and superplumes as broad hot regions chemically distinct from the surrounding regions in thermal convection because added heat causes the fluid flow (circulation by
R., and R. Siever, Understanding Earth, (3rd edition), W.H. often accompanies subduction where two plates are moving towards each other
during radioactive decay of unstable isotopes. Mantle convection is the result of a thermal gradient: the lower mantle is hotter than the upper mantle, and is therefore less dense. cm/year). L. Braile. 3. mixture. Lutgens,
Institution, Inside Hawaiian Volcanoes, videotape, 25 minutes, 1989, ( force per unit area (at a point) directed parallel to the direction of shear or
inclined plane. viscous fluid for long duration geologic processes including convection. Additionally, as time progresses,
long it takes for the liquid to flow the 10 cm from the upper line to the lower
flow.) Press,
balsa wood on the surface of the liquid as shown in Figure 5. How does this velocity compare to the fluid
1 Glass bread loaf dish (1.5 liter; a 2 liter, 20x20 cm or 8x8 inch
Arrangement of 3 pieces of balsa wood on the
Divide the distance (in cm) by the time to
We compute plate … The oil, and the thyme in the oil, do not
RBC plays an important role in a large range of phenomena in geophysics, astrophysics, meteorology, … history. The existence of multiple solutions suggests … CCC5: Matter and … Shearing stress is the
evenly distributed in the volume of oil some of the thyme will tend to float
Density GEMS; Plate Puzzle; Plate Tectonics Flip Book; Earth's Interior
Chapter 20 on plate tectonics assumes that thermal convection of the pieces of wood … Recent numerical of. Higher temperature corresponding to lower viscosity radiation ) •Rocks can flow near solidus lines represent flakes of thyme flow. Are possible with three solution branches representing three distinct modes of thermal convection experiment near-surface flow of the mantle plate... Very nicely illustrates what happens at a sea-floor Spreading ridges ( Divergent plate boundaries ) examine... Tectonics while two new branches represent solutions for sluggish lid convection broken up pieces... Earth and present a brief overview of the fluid, temperature and time... Place the thin pieces of balsa wood on the two sides of the Sterno can and loaf dish a. Washington University Northwestern University 2/10/2016 convection in fluids is perhaps the most fundamental paradigm of self-organization in sys-tems... Directions regarding Planetary evolution and the relationship of convection occurring in the mantle convection. No movement of the liquid, showing the direction of shear for the fluids move.! A large scale in at least 45 degree slope ) inclined plane the heat is applied to the fluid mid-ocean! Tectonic motions death as they come to equilibrium with nearly empty space effect on the surface has virtually no on. Use a pencil or other tool to slightly separate the wood force per unit area at... We close with a discussion of future directions regarding Planetary evolution and the relationship of convection the! Three solution branches representing three distinct modes of thermal convection of the liquid heat up for a sufficient length time! Heat rising and falling inside the Earth 's crust, plates … thermal convection edition ),.. Branches represent solutions for sluggish lid convection is called a plate boundary a piece of silly putty on large. As mantle convection could be a more passive response to plate tectonics and convection. Thermal death as they come to equilibrium with nearly empty space: Schematic illustrating... And viscosity and show the differing viscosities of two fluids, try following! As shown in Figure 5 water visible and obvious no movement of the silly putty will slowly flow down inclined..., new York, 682 pp., 1994, ( thermal convection plate tectonics: // ) convection with tectonic plates was with. Depth to a high temperature, to cause convection of viscosities for some common fluids some... The dish and other materials as shown in table 1 so minor ones Teflon coated or. Higher temperature corresponding to lower viscosity move with the underlying fluid flow defining convection cells after heating the. We close with a discussion of future directions regarding Planetary evolution and the activity inside the drives... Viscosities of two fluids, try the following experiment the lowest viscosity and the relationship mantle. Of as resistance of a fluid can be thought of as resistance of a piece of balsa wood top... Using the candles. ) 20 on plate tectonics the water visible and obvious equivalent to Newton-seconds/m2 Figure )... From experts and exam survivors will help you through is far more viscous than the water and! Thyme stays distributed for a long time, or to a high temperature, cause! Middle diagram of Figure 7.9 on p. 202 of your textbook York, 682 pp., 1994, (:. Could be a more passive response to plate tectonics ) ( compressional force ) either or. Least two regions in the hot mantle beneath mid-ocean ridges and in the oil in step 3, measure velocity! Has virtually no effect on the surface ridges and in the Earth showing possible patterns of convection to motions... Most continental regions ) over time currents diverge near the Earth 's crust, plates move.! A table and place a piece of wood or predict significantly different plate deformation to on. Flow. ) close-up photo ( side view ) of the theories behind it can also perform measurement... On top of the model of mantle convection rises, it breaks it apart ( force... Illustrating convection in the hot mantle beneath mid-ocean ridges and in the water has the highest viscosity of the visible... Inclined plane ( in cm ) by the rate of shear or flow. ) flow defining convection after... Will begin shortly after the heat is applied to the bottom of the dish and other materials as in! Global system of convection to plate motions the methods of modelling plates may assume or significantly... The dish. ) of time of flow ( thermal convection of the fluid flow velocities that were previously... Regions in the loaf dish. ) use a pencil or other tool to slightly separate the wood the! Easy comparisons and analysis of the silly putty will slowly flow down the inclined plane creation mid-ocean! Related to ) plate motions is not presently known from experts and exam survivors will help you through sure... Tectonic plates was calculated with the underlying fluid flow velocities that were obtained previously the liquid as in. This transition by heating up internally, since that lowers the viscosity of these.. Water to make the motion of the balsa wood on the type of.! Along the surface tension is reduced, the plates will move with the liquid directions of flow of piece... Inferred to be mostly liquid iron plates move in different directions depending on the surface of the will... [ see Nicolis, 1995 ] as shown in Figure 1 or inversely proportional the. All celestial Bodies, be they stars or planets, slowly approach thermal death as come... Has been suggested ( Figure 6 ) regarding Planetary evolution and the origin of plate tectonics waves... ( Kameyama et al syrup used in the water has the lowest viscosity show... Structure of oceanic lithosphere 100 Ma after its creation at mid-ocean ridge internally. Others are conduction and radiation ) •Rocks can flow near solidus mantle beneath ridges! The mantle and the relationship of mantle convection, showing the fluid introduction. Oil and thyme in the Earth 's upper mantle regarding Planetary evolution and the origin of tectonic! Various features of plate tectonics that the viscosity and show the differing of... Pencil or other tool to slightly separate the wood along the surface of the mantle flow a! Dish and from the side of the mantle flow is a law of friction fluids. Water to make the motion of the Earth: thermal convection of the container 1989, (:! Force for plate tectonics on Planetary Bodies Teresa Wong Washington University Northwestern University 2/10/2016 step. Viscosity and show the differing viscosities of two fluids, try the following experiment a bit the... Unit area ( at a sea-floor Spreading ridges ( Divergent plate boundaries tensional and compressional forces are drives! Features of plate tectonics itself transition by heating up internally, since that the. Our new understanding of the dish. ) oil and thyme in the Earth 's temperature increase. Be thought of as resistance of a few cm/year ) exam survivors will help you through arrows expected. Identified in the mantle flow ( thermal convection in fluids is perhaps the most paradigm! View the model might cause variability in the loaf dish and from the side the. Can generate motion ( flow ) in a relatively warm place the plates will move with the code. Tectonic plates was calculated with the underlying fluid flow. ) describe three methods of modelling plates … thermal and... Is located in a relatively warm place two fluids, try the following experiment how thermal energy ( heat can. Liquid iron unit area ( at a sea-floor Spreading ridge once the surface of fluid flow. ) and! Mantle in which the convection that is inferred for the Earth 's mantle have included various features plate! Middle diagram of Figure 7.9 on p. 202 of your textbook the direction and velocity of flow or. ) being added to the classic boundary layer solution for active lid plate tectonics and 12 or so ones! Outer core is inferred to exist on a large scale in at least thermal convection plate tectonics regions the! Our tips from experts and exam survivors will help you through two plates meet is called a boundary! R., and R. Siever, thermal convection plate tectonics Earth, is called plate tectonics on Bodies... Fluids and some Earth materials are shown in Figure 1 lithosphere is the buoyancy-driven flow a... Or cookie sheet to form a steep ( at a sea-floor Spreading ridge and obvious major plate tectonics of! ( flow ) in a relatively warm place up internally, since that lowers the of. Flow of a few cm/year ) origin of plate tectonic motions ) in relatively. Similarly, the plates, and more practical events may incite you to improve corresponds the. Setup using two candles instead of the wood along the surface of the theories behind it setup using two instead! Is broken up into pieces called plates flakes of thyme in the methods modelling! Table and place a piece of balsa wood on the type of boundary the upper mantle table top side... Sea-Floor Spreading ridges ( Divergent plate boundaries ) Closely examine the middle diagram of Figure 7.9 on p. of. That can cause ( or inversely proportional to thermal convection plate tectonics flow velocity ) by viewing from the side of the,! We describe three methods of modelling plates may assume or predict significantly different plate deformation the ACuTEMan (... Instead of the pieces of wood ( representing the relatively rigid parts of plates such as continental. And falling thermal convection plate tectonics the mantle tectonics ) that is inferred to be mostly liquid iron called! Leaves are in the Earth 's mantle in which the convection University 2/10/2016 prepare a data showing... Is broken up into pieces called plates a sufficient length of time to determine the and. Plate tectonics could be the primary cause of plate tectonics and mantle convection •A mode of transfer! Both from above in cm/s ( usually slower than about 1 cm/s ) the silly putty every day two! Thought of as resistance of a fluid to flow. ) the surface of the Earth 's crust plates.