There are struggles, to be sure, but there are so many positives too! I am listening. I make the decisions and that means I get to take 100% credit for how wonderful my boys are. A strong mother is her daughter’s best friend, she is the best listener, and is always ready to advise or help. 3. A strong mother will never just let you do whatever you want, but she is also the kind of mom that will allow you to express who you really are. Most children spell love with a T, an I, an M and an E. That’s right. How to Be The Mom Your Strong-Willed Child Needs Stand firm. To be a strong, independent woman, make sure to put yourself first by doing things like taking a day to pamper yourself. But they also recognize the deep value and privilege inherent in raising your children as a single mom or dad. Healthy parents don’t find time, they make time. Strong daughters know that their mothers support them, and are determined to pursue their dreams. Then, set clear boundaries with others in terms of how much time you can spend with them, so you have enough time for your health, passions, and responsibilities. . Key #2: Giving the Gift of Time. Jun 21, 2016 - It's the hardest, most rewarding, most strenuous, greatest job on earth: Motherhood. He is trying to save me from myself – save me from having the same damaged relationship I had with my mom. Get inspired by our collection of quotes for mom & share how this job makes YOU feel. So go ahead, Mom, and make like a brick wall. While they are serious about achieving their goals, they do have a great sense of humor. Whereas my husband will argue to protect the kids from my stressed out attitude or “meanness”. GET MOM STRONG is a physically demanding, high-intensity exercise program. 6. It’s lonely. Strong women are noted for making things fun, whatever it is that they are doing. Proud mom here! She’s confident about her looks and comfortable in her own skin. When you’re married, you’re often so used to your partner's constant presence that you can crave having the house to yourself—an evening alone seems like bliss from a distance. This is how they ensure that their family and loved ones are happy. Sources: And it takes a strong will to impact a lost world. As Single mom, you always need to balance your work life and personal life, Utilize the power of cloud and work remotely from anywhere on any device with Citrix Xendesktop VDI and Cloud QuickBooks Hosting with top-notch support from Apps4Rent.. As a single mom, not only are you responsible for maintaining employment and balancing your budget even when things are tight, but … See more ideas about quotes, mom, words. How to be a strong single mom “I became a single mom when my oldest was 17 months and I was 5 months preggo with my second. It takes strong determination to overcome obstacles. TIME is how most children spell love. These women are role models to their daughters, who eventually grow up to be strong women themselves. One thing I really didn’t expect was the intense isolation that comes with being a single mom. And I have such a strong stubborn will that I just don’t want to ever hear I am wrong. She will become your best friend, and will be the person that you will be able to go to when you want a shoulder to cry on, and when everyone else has left. Strong single parents know that this job isn't an easy one, by any means. Well. Then stand back and watch how God uses you – and your child – to make a dramatic difference for His kingdom.