It’s Christmas. Christmas was actually outlawed in Boston but celebrated in Jamestown “without incident” as reported by the settlers. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! In general, “Happy Holidays” is accepted as the broadest and most inclusive greeting at this time of year. It encompasses all holidays, religious in nature or not, that are celebrated during the winter holiday season. Much like “Merry Christmas,” it turns out that “Happy Holidays” also has religious roots. If you say “Merry Christmas” to someone who celebrates Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or nothing at all, you could make them feel marginalized: like their own beliefs aren’t valued or respected by society. If you know someone is a Christian who is celebrating Christmas you should say to them 'Merry Christmas.' ALONG with Valentine’s Day comes Groundhog Day, Carnival (Brazil), Chinese New Year, Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, Lincoln’s Birthday, Washington’s Birthday, Canada’s National Flag Day, Mexico’s Flag Day, Mexico’s Constitution Day and more! Happy Holidays is more general. True, there aren’t too many people who celebrate all of those holidays. Categories: Beach Reads The Blog. 'Merry Christmas,' Not 'Happy Holidays' Political correctness is humbug. Written by Celeste Fremon. But the point is to acknowledge that different people celebrate different holidays. It's not going to be an especially heavy lift for 2021 to be a better year than was 2020. T he nearly universal change from wishing fellow Americans “Merry Christmas” to wishing them “Happy Holidays” is a very significant development in American life.. So, “Happy Holidays” or “Merry Christmas”? Return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, Yet people oppose the cleanup. Well of course, it’s all down to “political correctness”. Fireside Chat Ep. And when the time comes to wish them well, it’s usually best to go for general. Happy Holidays is more general. Be Nice. Godly men can’t rule unless you get out and help them get elected. It’s an inclusive way of wishing someone well and showing that you respect and value whatever tradition they observe. Some music, as is customary, to brighten your holiday hours. It encompasses all holidays, religious in nature or not, that are celebrated during the winter holiday season. After all, for most other holidays, we use the word "happy." A look at how the phrases "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays" were used under President Donald Trump and President Barack Obama. Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays. 'Happy Holidays' Instead Of 'Merry Christmas': Your Legal Right At Work, Not A War 12/22/2015 10:04 am ET Updated Dec 06, 2017 I know some folks claim there's a "war on Christmas" that includes saying, "Happy Holidays" instead of, "Merry Christmas." There are a number of holidays in this season and Happy Holidays covers them all. So when you say what difference does it make to say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas,” to a Christian it should be a big deal! The frown had begun. You really have created a special safe space for us. No one is entirely certain of the answer, but there are several interesting theories. UPDATED 5/25/19: Why we are NOT running over to MeWe…, The US has 3.5 million more registered voters than eligible voters, UPDATED 5/25/19: Still not running to MeWe, but dipping our toe in the MeWe pool…. People should say Merry Christmas — or Happy Hanukkah, Happy Diwali, Eid Mubarak, or any other holiday greeting proudly and happily, and hope others will take it in the festive spirit it is offered. The phrases Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays do have some differences. We took something so simple, so joyous, so amazing, and made it into a commercial nightmare. We added all that stuff, credit card debt, more gifts, bigger trees, and, and, and until you choke under the weight of Christmas debt. 8,117 Posts . If you are one who celebrates Kwanza, then have a Joyous Kwanza, and likewise to the others who celebrate another religious Holy Day. So, Merry Christmas and may you come to know HIM as I have. So what are you supposed to say? Don't knowingly lie about anyone or anything. If you celebrate Kwanzaa, then Happy Kwanza. This is not a nation that celebrates Frosty the Snowman, the Winter Solstice, or any other pagan or heathen holidays. 12/24/2020. W hen 2020 started in January, I don’t think anyone was expecting the twists and turns that would crop up along the way. Look it up, you may be surprised. All the DLers here too. It might be just me, but this year feels like it’s been one terrible, long day. Be Proactive. 'Happy Holidays' Instead Of 'Merry Christmas': Your Legal Right At Work, Not A War 12/22/2015 10:04 am ET Updated Dec 06, 2017 I know some folks claim there's a "war on Christmas" that includes saying, "Happy Holidays" instead of, "Merry Christmas." full of love. Without the birth of Christ, it’s just another holiday, gift exchange day, tree day, tinsel day, elf day, fat man in a red suit day. And that’s not a good way to feel around the holidays. Written by Celeste Fremon. Think of it this way: “Happy Holidays” includes Christmas as one of those holidays, and “Merry Christmas” leaves out everything other than Christmas. BUT you can’t have CHRISTmas without CHRIST! I heard Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas at every turn. Share with Us. 1 Comment. - Duration: 3:05. Whether you say it or not, it doesn’t change Christmas, because it’s still about Christ, BUT you take something away from us. Christmas has had many ups and downs in America since day one, because through the years we forgot what the day was about. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays From Our Family To Yours. So this brings us to the Merry Christmas vs Happy Holiday debate that is not complicated and is solved with basic etiquette. Traditionally, the predominant greetings of the season have been "Merry Christmas", "Happy Christmas", and "Happy New Year". It is a pleasure being a part of such a fine group. It’s Christmas. 2020, to say the least, has been a … What matters most is the sentiment, not the specific holiday they celebrate. Much like “Merry Christmas,” it turns out that “Happy Holidays” also has religious roots. Please disable your Ad Blocker to better interact with this website. Rob & Joanne at and want to wish you a wonderful holiday season! It had gotten out of control in England as far as spending and such and was actually cancelled for a period of time until King Charles II came into power. We want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season! RaRa85. Even if you celebrate one holiday and the person you’re talking to observes another one, by using the inclusive term, you’re doing your part to make sure everyone’s holiday actually is as happy as it can be. Now back to the story. By publishing them we hope to further an honest and civilized discussion about the content. Use the 'Report' link on each comment to let us know of abusive posts. I think it is a bit selfish for Christians to demand that stores and other services say Merry Christmas to the exclusion of may Jews who celebrate Hanukkah. So when you say what difference does it make to say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas,” to a Christian it should be a big deal! Slow down there. A little late this year, haven't been around that much. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings, Happy Christmas -- the season of goodwill and peace carries loaded greetings. They called it corona, But unlike the beer, It didn’t bring good times, It didn’t bring cheer. Alternatively, we could stop kidding ourselves and switch back from “Happy Holidays” to “Merry Christmas” so at least I can go back to feeling plain old ignored instead of misrepresented and ignored. On behalf of The Media Line’s entire management and staff, we want to extend warmest wishes for a very Merry Christmas – one of happiness, health and safety. If you’re Jewish, then I will honor you with Happy Hanukkah. 12 Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; 13 rend your hearts and not your clothing. From all of us at CC, here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, even if it’s not exactly a fantasy of Christmas and somewhat constrained by current circumstances. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays? All the traditions we find at Christmas have no real basis in the Bible, except one. There is no conspiracy against Christmas, but Happy Holidays does INCLUDE those who celebrate Hanukkah. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays. It has been a very difficult year for so many of our readers, viewers and listeners. What about saying “Happy Holidays” to someone who celebrates Christmas—won’t that make them feel bad, too? ~Congressional Democrats on the destruction of the Democrat run Cities. The Jolly Family wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Forget Resolutions—A New Year's Learning Agenda Is Where It's At, The 2020 Buzzwords and Phrases We're Putting in the Rearview, 3 Creative Ways to Find Community at a Distance, Rethinking Our Self-Care Wins During the Pandemic, The Grammarly Holiday Gift Guide to Books, Beyond Words: How We Communicated in 2020. If you know someone celebrates Christmas you can go with “Merry Christmas,” but ‘tis the season for interacting with strangers (selling to them, buying from them, bumping into them on your way out of Target). Be Nice. Don't knowingly lie about anyone or anything. Some people get a Christmas tree, but don’t have any traditions associated with Christianity. Whether you say it or not, it doesn’t change Christmas, because it’s still about Christ, BUT you take something away from us. By Nick Bonyhady. In a world where "Happy Easter" and "Happy Birthday" are the norm, that "merry" part of "Merry Christmas" is unique—to say the least. I almost forgot. If Whoopi says so, there’s got to be something to it. Let’s make it to the new year! If there’s no voterfraud, why would anyone be opposed to cleaning up the voter rolls? Merry Christmas refers, specifically, to the Christmas holiday, celebrated December 25th. Institutions from schools to businesses have stopped saying “Merry Christmas” and instead say “Happy Holidays.” In so doing, they are erasing the Christian roots of America. 12-23-2020 11:17 PM. So people, when you take your sweetheart out on SAINT Valentine’s Day please make sure you wish them a non-religious “Happy Holiday” so your logic works all the way through the year. Thread starter Erik; Start date Dec 25, 2020; Erik #23. It’s that simple for me. The frown had begun. As is our custom, we will be mostly posting CC’s Best of 2020 between Christmas and through New Years. It’s just another day. In the US, the period from late November until early January is lumped together as “the holiday season.” You’ve got your biggies like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year’s, plus dates that get not quite so much attention, like Kwanzaa, the Winter Solstice, Boxing Day, and Festivus. But you know, this year the emphasis almost has to be on the "Happy New Year" part of the traditional year-end greeting. I don’t miss Christmas. Posts categorized under "The Real Side" are posted by the Editor because they are deemed worthy of further discussion and consideration, but are not, by default, an implied or explicit endorsement or agreement. Use the 'Report' link on each comment to … It’s really not what Jesus would have wanted anyway. December 25, 2020 9 Comments. Dan … Many will say, see Joe you made our point, there are many holidays in December so Happy Holidays is all-inclusive and works great… NOT! Merry Christmas to all who celebrate Christmas; happy holidays to everyone else. “Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays” T'was a few days before Christmas, And all through the town, People wore masks, That covered their frown. When did Abortion become more noble than Adoption? Let’s not forget Saturnalia – an ancient Roman festival honoring the deity known as Saturn. “It’s not ‘Merry Christmas,’ it’s ‘Happy Holidays’ and I’m not afraid to say it” is for mean folks. Breadcrumb Trail Links. Threats of harming another person will not be tolerated. It is a traditionally Christian sentiment. 'Merry Christmas,' Not 'Happy Holidays' Political correctness is humbug. Institutions from schools to businesses have stopped saying “Merry Christmas” and instead say “Happy Holidays.” In so doing, they are erasing the Christian roots of America. Merry Christmas, everyone! Be Truthful. Whether or not there is a “War on Christmas” in the United States, as some commentators believe, there’s plenty of discussion about the topic.In Texas earlier this week, for instance, a state legislator who sponsored a new law protecting traditional holiday greetings in public schools said he hoped other states would follow Texas’ example in standing “in defense of Christmas.” From all of us at, we want to wish every one our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays! It’s not an insult to Christmas. This is not a nation that celebrates Frosty the Snowman, the Winter Solstice, or any other pagan or heathen holidays. Discussion Starter • #1 • 16 d ago. They called it corona, But unlike the beer, It didn’t bring good times, It didn’t bring cheer. The original author and source (if applicable) is attributed in the body of the text. The phrases Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays do have some differences. All the best until then. Muriel, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! How no-one dares to say “Happy CHRISTMAS” in public anymore? All the other traditions have been brought in by different cultures and groups that added to the original and main meaning of Christmas… the birth of the Christ child. You are to get your house in order and life cleaned up by December 31st. So when you say what difference does it make to say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas,” to a Christian it should be a big deal! This year I saw fewer decorations, and less emphasis on Christmas. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism that is degrading to another person. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays (From 2020 to 2021) December 25, 2020 / Tom If you’ve read my blog for at least a year, then you know that I usually take the time between Christmas and New Year’s to stay offline and visit with family and friends. The birth of Christ. If Jesus came to make us free, as Christians believe, then why did we decide to put ourselves in bondage with so much debt? Makes you sick, doesn’t it? Traditionally, the predominant greetings of the season have been "Merry Christmas", "Happy Christmas", and "Happy New Year". There are a number of holidays in this season and Happy Holidays covers them all. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and May Joy Visit You Often In the Coming Days. Some people were more blunt, telling Dr Vincent 'you should say Happy holidays not Merry Christmas FFS'. You see, Saint Valentine was a Catholic priest. THOUSANDS of homeless registered to vote! Christmas has almost arrived and while it is time to exchange pleasantries — this year it would be mostly virtual meet-ups and couriered presents due to the coronavirus pandemic. Sure, there’s the occasional stickler who demands specificity—“What holidays do you mean?” Still, most people will see your attempt at sharing seasonal cheer and shoot you a smile, rather than insisting you clarify exactly which holiday you have in mind. Parler Hacked: Huge Amount of Private User Info Dumped Online, First Lady Melania Trump Breaks Silence On Capitol Riot. Just_Me_D likes this. W hen 2020 started in January, I don’t think anyone was expecting the twists and turns that would crop up along the way. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! We want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season! All the best until then. A look at how the phrases "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays" were used under President Donald Trump and President Barack Obama. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism that is degrading to another person. Dan … December 25, 2020. Terra Rivers | Managing Editor. And then there is Boxing Day, mostly celebrated in England. According to Bill O’Reilly in 2004, who coined the term “War on Christmas,” the use of “happy holidays” by large retailers to substitute “merry Christmas” foreshadowed secularist America’s plot to destroy religion and push a progressive political agenda. First of all, let me start by saying, MERRY CHRISTMAS. No one is entirely certain of the answer, but there are several interesting theories. Terra Rivers | Managing Editor. Many of us will be more isolated than usual this year, and some who aren't might be taking greater risks than they would like. Alternatively, we could stop kidding ourselves and switch back from “Happy Holidays” to “Merry Christmas” so at least I can go back to feeling plain old ignored instead of misrepresented and ignored. You have been successfully subscribed to the Grammarly blog. The LEFT only knows violence to resolve differences! Merry Christmas to all who celebrate Christmas; happy holidays to everyone else. It marks the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere where the sun appears to be reborn because its hangs out longer. But you know, this year the emphasis almost has to be on the "Happy New Year" part of the traditional year-end greeting. Be Truthful. You’re wishing someone a positive time of year. “Merry Christmas”, NOT “Happy Holidays” December 4, 2016 Sermon (2nd Sunday in Advent) Joel 2:12-13. Whether you say it or not, it doesn’t change Christmas, because it’s still about Christ, BUT you take something away from us. Threats of harming another person will not be tolerated. Way back in the Spring, When a global pandemic. Unfortunately, there’s a chance of that, especially because Christmas is still so widely celebrated. Enjoy! After all, for most other holidays, we use the word "happy." A good rule of thumb: if you don’t know what someone celebrates, use the broader term. In Japan they celebrate Omisoka. 3:05. For me it will be a quiet Christmas spent alone, wishing I could be with family and friends. by Santa Claus: Why does the “Happy Holidays” or “Merry Christmas” debate exist? Whether or not there is a “War on Christmas” in the United States, as some commentators believe, there’s plenty of discussion about the topic.In Texas earlier this week, for instance, a state legislator who sponsored a new law protecting traditional holiday greetings in public schools said he hoped other states would follow Texas’ example in standing “in defense of Christmas.” It’s Christmas. Writing, grammar, and communication tips for your inbox. Celebrating Christmas with the Nativity scene is great! For all of you who deplore religious affiliation then you better not celebrate Valentine’s Day. Pagans celebrate Yule! WHY?? Calum Marsh: Language evolves. 8 Famous when dead Vulgarian. Merry Christmas, everyone! Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays From Our Family To Yours. Some people were more blunt, telling Dr Vincent 'you should say Happy holidays not Merry Christmas FFS'. Whether you say it or not, it doesn’t change Christmas, because it’s still about Christ, BUT you take something away from us. There is no conspiracy against Christmas, but Happy Holidays does INCLUDE those who celebrate Hanukkah. Christmas has almost arrived and while it is time to exchange pleasantries — this year it would be mostly virtual meet-ups and couriered presents due to the coronavirus pandemic. Christmas was first celebrated by Roman Emperor Constantine in 336 A.D. and later Pope Julius made it official. Michael Friedson. Likewise, say 'Happy Hanukkah' to a … 2 2 minutes read. “Merry Christmas”, NOT “Happy Holidays” December 4, 2016 Sermon (2nd Sunday in Advent) Joel 2:12-13. If Jesus was given as the perfect gift, then why do we spend all our hard-earned money looking for that perfect gift for family members? Wishing goodwill to all is not an insult. Changed everything. 1 Comment. Be safe and enjoy memories made with your families and cherish the lives of the ones we might’ve lost this year. I didn’t … Sorry about that – I meant Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukah, Happy everything! WE Digital Productions 1,119 views. Ilana Rood Ilana Rood (she/her) is a medical content editor living in NYC. Moderator. 40. and full of wit. Way back in the Spring, When a global pandemic. However, some people who were not very religious decided it was a great idea and it is actually celebrated by some today. However, the debate over whether to wish “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays” seems to have resurfaced again. As is our custom, we will be mostly posting CC’s Best of 2020 between Christmas and through New Years. Be Proactive. Online Payment Processor Stripe Shuts Down Trump Campaign. Dec 25, 2020 #2 Jim (aka 1261truckie) you are all on my naughty list (in a good way). DL is everything wonderful. The BUSIEST month for Holidays is February! Sorry went preachy. Wishing goodwill to all is not an insult. Though it has many explanations, the two most prevalent are that it’s bring your gift back or the day the hired help took off because they had to work Christmas Day. I’ve got enough “other days.” I want Christmas. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and May Joy Visit You Often In the Coming Days. 12 Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; 13 rend your hearts and not your clothing. I think it is a bit selfish for Christians to demand that stores and other services say Merry Christmas to the exclusion of may Jews who celebrate Hanukkah. Reply. Merry Christmas, Happy HolidaysN'SyncWith Lyrics*Add me as your friend =D* If they have religious beliefs and you can’t tell what they are, say ’Happy holidays.”. It’s that time of year… when you dread every interaction because you don’t know whether to say “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Holidays,” “Season’s Greetings,” or maybe some secret salutation you don’t even know yet. Just_Me_D likes this. Sorry about that – I meant Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukah, Happy everything! It was originally held on December 17th and later, because the partying didn’t seem to want to stop, they pushed it out to the 23rd. But others said saying Merry Christmas was the way to go. In general, “Happy Holidays” is accepted as the broadest and most inclusive greeting at this time of year. It's not going to be an especially heavy lift for 2021 to be a better year than was 2020. “Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays” T'was a few days before Christmas, And all through the town, People wore masks, That covered their frown. The controversy surrounding the holiday phrases was launched by religious conservatives who maintained that saying "happy holidays" instead of "merry Christmas… It’s known as the big cleaning. (For the record, Kwanzaa was created to bring the African American community together in 1966 after the Watts riots.) For me it will be a quiet Christmas spent alone, wishing I could be with family and friends. We’ve loved having all of you as part of our Fat Quarter Shop family this year and cannot wait for what 2021 will bring! Return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, MERRY CHRISTMAS – HAPPY HOLIDAYS! December 25, 2020. by Celeste Fremon. Let’s say I follow your logic. We’ve loved having all of you as part of our Fat Quarter Shop family this year and cannot wait for what 2021 will bring! From all of us at CC, here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, even if it’s not exactly a fantasy of Christmas and somewhat constrained by current circumstances. So when you say what difference does it make to say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas,” to a Christian it should be a big deal! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Also, this debate isn’t just about words: it’s about being politically correct and inclusive of diverse beliefs and traditions across the country. But don’t forget that even with all the errands, tasks, and projects that need to be finished up by the end of the year, this is also a season that’s supposed to be happy or merry. Each year, I am asked if I miss Christmas. Don’t be mean. People should say Merry Christmas — or Happy Hanukkah, Happy Diwali, Eid Mubarak, or any other holiday greeting proudly and happily, and hope others will take it in the festive spirit it is offered. (Capo 5) Intro:C G F G(2x) Oh, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays C G Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas C C(break) Happy Holidays C We've been waiting all year for this night G However, the debate over whether to wish “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays” seems to have resurfaced again. And no matter what belief system you’ve chosen, may your family be healthy and happy now and in the coming year! It was more like Happy Grievance Day. Since variety is the spice of life, we hope by publishing a variety of viewpoints we can add a little spice to your life. FACT CHECK: Was ANTIFA Really Behind Last Week’s Siege on the U.S. Capitol? And plenty of people who live in the US have a different religious tradition, or no religious tradition at all. Ilana Rood Ilana Rood (she/her) is a medical content editor living in NYC. Many of us will be more isolated than usual this year, and some who aren't might be taking greater risks than they would like. For me, there isn’t a question of whether I should say “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays.” I want to bring a smile to people’s faces, to spread some joy. In dealing with Christmas, MOST Christians understand that Jesus was NOT born on December 25th, and that December 25th was chosen by (what is now referred to as ) the Catholic Church partly to line up with the festivities in Rome to bring more people into the knowledge of Christ. You’re also likely to express holiday wishes to folks you might not know very well, like a colleague or your child’s teacher. Nowhere in the holy texts does it call for a tree, stockings, presents, garland, lights, tinsel, and so on. December 25, 2020. It’s as easy as that. Christmas was not celebrated in American at first because it was considered too decadent by the Puritans escaping England. It is cunty, snarky, witty and supportive. You have to be involved in the process! It’s Christmas. It might be just me, but this year feels like it’s been one terrible, long day. Changed everything. The NEW Meaning of the Word Transparency! But others said saying Merry Christmas was the way to go.