read more... Krishna Copper Private Limited. Special Metals. West Special Fasteners are … Aluminum in conjunction with iron and nickel in C955 … Mahavir Metal Corporation. Aluminum is a light metal, about the third of the density of steel, copper, and brass. C95400. It’s use dates back to prehistoric times. Their aluminum content provides most of their high strength and makes them the only bearing bronzes capable of being heat treated. Aluminum in conjunction with iron and nickel acts as a strengthener in these alloys. In fact, you may find that you already have and own some aluminum cookware in your … Farmer’s continually supplies aluminum bronze copper alloys in plate, sheet, and bar. ALUMINIUM BRONZE : Grade : AB-1, AB-2 : Tempered : NA : Dimensions : As Per Clients Requirement : Weight : Depends Upon the Size : Size : AS PER CLIENTS REQUIREMENT : View Complete Details. It definitely does not sound as safe as the usual terms you hear surrounding kitchenware like bronze, diamond coated and stainless steel. View … … Hello Everyone! ASARCON. They are the most commonly used … ASTM. Aluminum bronze is the highest strength standard copper-based alloy. … Military. What would be the best way to make the aluminum bronze harder? The most popular grades of aluminium bronze, all stocked by Columbia Metals in a wide range of sizes in round bar, hexagon and sheet, are described below. Leading Supplier TrustSEAL Verified Verified Exporter. Blacksmithing. It is also often a … While copper is a pure metal, brass and bronze are copper alloys (brass is a combination of copper and zinc; bronze is a combination of copper and tin). C642 is a wrought alloy which improves its general size … These aluminum bronze grades are so popular because of their excellent wear and abrasion resistance, ability to withstand shock loading and excellent mechanical properties … C64200 Silicon Aluminum Bronze is an excellent alloy when you require the strength and anti-corrosive abilities associated with aluminum bronze alloy but need the ease of machinability of a bearing bronze. LME Copper contract specifications . LME Copper Contract specifications. Aluminum bronze is the highest strength standard copper based alloy. Specifications are available conforming to British, ASTM, UNS and European standards. Corporate Video; Download Brochure; Pay with IndiaMART; Contact Us; Watch Company … Common Aluminum Bronze alloys and some typical applications: C95200 is a highly ductile … Contact Seller Ask for best deal. The element of nickel increases its strength without decreasing the ductility of Aluminium Bronze ASTM B150 C63000. Some aluminum alloys can match or even exceed the strength of common … It is also a good performer in many applications involving heavy loads. All aluminum bronzes can be heat treated, thereby increasing their strength. Its corrosion resistance and scratch resistance can be enhanced by anodizing. Typical applications include bearings, gears, valve components, wearplate and wearstrip. Color: Bronze. Metal Pipe. Tin bronze is strong and hard and has very high ductility. Metal Rod. OneFromTheShadows. C95400 Aluminum Bronze, also known by C954, is the most popular, all purpose aluminum bronze alloy. The material norms and applicable grades for bronze and aluminum bronze are globally indicated in Table 13.4. Exporter and Manufacturer of Bronze Rods, Aluminium Bronze Rods, Silicone Bronze Rods, Leaded Bronze Rods, Tin Bronze Rods of specifications like ASTM B140 C31400, ASTM B103 C51000, SAE J 463 C 51000, BS 2874 PB 102 from Metal Alloys Corporation, Aluminum Bronze, BS:2872 CA-103, CA-104, ADM1076D, IS:10569/83, BS:1400AB1, AB2, IS:305 AB1. TrustSEAL Verified. Material: Aluminium Bronze. July 9, 2019, 8:31pm #1. Because of their golden colour and high tarnish resistance, the alloys are also used for jewelry and in architecture. C95400. From UV to … The machine tool industry has adopted AMPCO® 18 as standard for all applications requiring good sliding properties, wear resistance, fatigue resistance, toughness and/or resistance to deformation under load. C62300 is non-sparking and retains properties down to cryogenic temperatures. Aluminum Bronze CuAl10Fe3 An American duplex aluminium bronze with the addition of iron for added strength and to inhibit grain growth during hot working. Every metal traded on the LME must conform to strict specifications regarding quality, lot size and shape. Length : 9000mm Outside Diameter : 8mm - 60 mm Grade : 70/30 Cu (Min) : 70% web : Packaging Details : Wooden cases fumigated. The aluminum bronzes are the strongest and most complex of the copper-based bearing alloys. C642 has a machinability rating of 60 with a tensile strength ranging from 75 - 90 ksi. B150-12 J461 J463. Metal Plate. Each LME tradeable contract is likewise governed by rules covering (but not limited to) prompt dates, settlement terms, traded and cleared currencies and minimum tick size. The aluminum bronze C95400 is also called C954. Grant Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra. Valsad, Gujarat. Also meeting … C62300 is a balanced alloy, which exhibits a combination of good corrosion, plus oxidation resistance and it also retains mechanical strength and physical … This is an average seller … Copper has been mined for more than 10,000 years with a Copper pendant found in current day Iraq being dated to 8700BC. West Yorkshire Steel are suppliers of a range of sizes and grades in aluminium bronze round bar. Along with copper, aluminium has an electrical conductivity high enough for use as an electrical conductor. Aluminum has good corrosion resistance to common atmospheric and marine atmospheres. Other. Aluminum C95500HT B505 J461 J462 QQ-C-390, G3 MIL-B-16033, Class 4 Aluminum Bronze 9D Bronze C95510 J461 J462 4880 C95520HT B505 4881 QQ-C-390B, TYPE III C95600 B148 B763 C95800 B505 QQ-C-390, G8 Alpha Nickel-Aluminum Bronze Copper- C96400 B505 QQ-C-390, X9 70-30 Copper Nickel Nickel C96900HT B505 ALUMINUM BRONZE 9C. Bright Metals India Private Limited. Aluminum bronze is the highest strength standard copper based alloy. All of the aluminum bronzes can be heat treated, further increasing … This alloy and most of the alloys in this family provide flexible mechanical properties with heat treatment and small … One of the most important properties of copper is its ability to fight bacteria. Material: Aluminium Bronze. Aluminium Bronze Rod; Titanium Alloy Rod; Bronze Casting Rod; View Details. Recently, I cast a knife from aluminum bronze that was about 10% aluminum … We supply aluminium bronze extruded & aluminium products which are certified and tested. Additionally, the most popular aluminum bronze grades used primarily for aerospace engineering throughout the world, as well as chemical and general engineering, are CA104, CW307G, BS2 B23, and DTD197A. All three of these metals demonstrate unique combinations of properties that make them ideal for use in metal sheets. … Call 08048949856 90% Response Rate. This alloy is well suited for use as gears, worm wheels, bushings and bearings. Send Email. SAE. Robust Infrastructure Built a robust infrastructure to stock a wide range of aluminium alloy products and grades in various sizes. Vishwakarma Industrial Area, Jaipur F 671, Road Number 9 F 2, Vishwakarma Industrial Area, Jaipur - 302001, Dist. COPPER PIPE; Stainless Steel Pipes; Alloy Steel Pipe; View Details. Copper is found as native metal and in the minerals cuprite, malachite, azurite, chalcopyrite and bornite. Aluminium Bronze, ASTM B150 C63000 is a high strength copper aluminium alloy which offers excellent toughness, as well as resistance to corrosion, friction and abrasive wear. Call +91-8048858696. By 5000BC Copper was being smelted from simple Copper Oxides. Weight: 8 Kg. AMS. I am relatively new to blacksmithing and metal working. B505 QQ-C-390, G5; QQ-B-671, CLASS 3. 955 Nickel Aluminum Bronze: Alias: NAB: SAE: 68D: Alias: Dura: Nearest Applicable Casting Standards; ASTM (B Series) B148: SAE (J Series) J462: Federal (QQ-C- Series) 390: Military (Mil-C- Series) 22229: Specification Composition; Minimum: Maximum: Copper (Cu) 78: Iron (Fe) 3: 5: Nickel (Ni) 3: 5.5: Aluminum (Al) 10: 11.5: Copper + Sum of Named Elements: 99.5: Specification … B505 QQ-C-390, G5; QQ-B-671, CLASS 3. ALUMINUM BRONZE 9C. The alloys are noted for their corrosion resistance in seawater and brines. C 954 Aluminum Bronze is the most popular of Aluminum Bronze alloys, providing high tensile and yield strength, good ductility, weldability and machinability, excellent resistance to wear, fatigue and deformation under shock and load. Mahavir Metal Corporation - Copper Alloy, Aluminium Alloys & Copper and Brass Product Manufacturer from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Aluminum has high reflectivity and can be used for decorative applications.