The second division of the Bible is known as the New Testament, and contains twenty-seven books. 58 Ibid. The first division of Isaiah contains thirty-nine chapters. Yet Isaiah’s work was not solely foretelling the future. existing in Isaiah's own day. The prophet Isaiah is quoted or referred to some eighty-five times in the New Testament. A careful study proves that many of more than two hundred quotations of the Old Testament in the New Testament can be understood contextually59 and Isaiah 7:14/Matthew 1:23 is a great example for that conclusion. The first 39 chapters of Isaiah contain strong themes of God's judgment, resembling the 39 Old Testament books. 80. 20 of the 27 books of the New Testament refer to Isaiah; 12 books of the New Testament have direct quotations. While the last 27 chapters of Isaiah focus on comfort and the coming of the Messiah, bearing a likeness to the themes of the 27 New Testament books. Distribute the cards to your class participants. the woman as Isaiah’s wife and the son as Maher-shalal-hash-baz.12 Others opt for the woman to be Ahaz’s wife, Abi, and the son to be Hezekiah.13 In either case, the prophecy in verse 14 has no direct or Quotations in the New Testament: A Complete Survey (Chicago: Moody Press, 1983), pp. Isaiah in the New Testament. 59 Vlach, New Testament use of Old Testament, 54. the New Testament on the other side. The Word παρθένος in the New Testament There are fifteen occurrences of παρθένος, a feminine noun, in the New Testament: Matthew 1:23; 25:1, 7, 11 Luke 1:27 (twice) Acts 21:9 1 Corinthians 7:25, 28, 34, 36, 37, 38 2 Corinthians 11:2 Revelation 14:4 There is a related word used in one passage, Luke 2:36. ISAIAH. Background to Isaiah —Page 4, Isaiah in the New Testament (continued) This page is not itself a Bible lesson suitable for class. Isaiah has been called: • The “Messianic Prophet” For example, the Gospel of Matthew 1:23 refers to Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 12:18-21 to Isaiah 42:1-4, the first Servant song. But several passages are cited or alluded to more than once; so that sixty-one separate passages are referred to in these eighty-five New Testament citations. the bridge that leads us out of the Old Testament and into the New Testament. Isaiah is the most quoted prophet in the New Testament, and the Book of Isaiah is second only to Psalms in the number of verse quotations from Hebrew Scripture found in the New Testament. The New Testament quotes Isaiah 66 times, surpassed only by the Psalms. Ask them to find each of the verses in their Bible to discover how God revealed his word through Isaiah’s prophecies in the Old Testament and also through Jesus as the fulfillment of those prophecies in the New Testament. • The final 27 chapters, like the 27 books of the New Testament, declare a message of hope. A prophet of God was not primarily a future teller, but one who spoke God’s word to the people of his own day. … God created man in His own image, but man sinned—thus defiling and Whether one prefers intertextuality, intratextuality, allusion, or reverberation, it is apparent that in some way authors of the New Testament engaged the texts from the Old Testament. The first division of the Bible is known as the Old Testament, and contains thirty-nine books. However it is an excellent resource out of which several class studies could be created. This page is also a worthwhile personal study and is a handy help. Thetheme of the Old Testament is given in Genesis 5:1: “This is the book of the generations of Adam.” The Old Testament gives the history of “the Adam family,” and it is a sad history indeed. ISAIAH is woven into the New Testament as a brightly colored thread woven into a beautiful pattern. ISAIAH is discernible and conspicuous in the New Testament. QUOTATIONS AND ALLUSIONS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. OBSERVATIONS ABOUT ISAIAH: Isaiah is like a miniature Bible: • The first 39 chapters, like the 39 books of the Old Testament, are filled with judgment upon immoral and idolatrous men. The New Testament quotes and applies more scriptures from the book of Isaiah than any other Old Testament prophet. The Bible has two main divisions and Isaiah has two main divisions.