INVERSION IN YES-NO QUESTIONS the expected answer is YES or NO Examples: Should John leave? This movement, for which there seems to be no clear independent evidence, is an additional movement in head-final RCs. movement. Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, vol 22. Such movement occurs in passive constructions and Raising to Subject constructions, and arguably in constructions with ergative verbs. @ZI7(�� �@N( ���e��+#!�2eČ21+1��2q�>����[ h�i���F��z#�#Y,�6b1�d����I�*I��yd@B$J��ĤY �P�� passive (4) a. "�,^a�'f
�M�2[�e+ӣ�[�u�J68_��z��4ↇ6��8��� A"�c��G��d�-��L��3tQaUhPq{&�h�. b. There have been various proposals for N-movement within the DP (Bernstein 1993, Longobardi 1994 etc.) syntax. Other languages. Introduction ... (11), the wh-in-situ is replaced by an indefinite NP which cannot undergo movement. English Syntax 4 a) Proform test. ���Ѱ�\6
�#�p�d �р�+9� �y*1�
���(.0���@-J%R¡�@(*�ɂ���k4��E ��r9�("e�u4�Ά��S5apa��-$"#��]"�I�#���-��������. -Passive Construction: Logical subject suppressed (implicit) Logical object in Spec TP Eg a painting was stolen. S NPAux VP Pro V NP youWill help Mary S Aux NP VP 21. stream
(5). Will you help Mary? ���}x]�R�a,1 dX�TJ��Z��ʌ���0@΅�D94�3P\�B������:1
�pA���x�4Hs �:�C�����3*���0������x\⿷�\��.Jo|����d#4�2S��6��V�6�"��ݧg�֬���$u. movement of EC - a movement which obeys the restriction on extraction from NP - and that adjunct extraposition has a totally different derivation for which the constraint is irrelevant. b. S → NP Modal VP b. VP → V AP PP c. AP → ADVP A d. ADVP → ADV e. PP → P NP f. NP → D N … (3) a. Mary solved the problem. [wh-features!] %PDF-1.2
Chapter 11 Luigi Rizzi, Negation, Wh-Movement, and the Null Subject Parameter. An important property of wh-movement is that the landing site of the moved expression is structurally different from the position of a subject or an object. PDF | This file gives an overview of syntax: phrase structure and transformation rules, syntactic ambiguity, NP and WH movement. This is the mirror image of the German contrast between (la) and (3a), and it is predicted in the same way by the SAARIStress-XP. Ill.S). <<
(6) The rule of wh-movement has the following general characteristics: a. it leaves a gap b. where there is a bridge, there is an apparent violation of subjacency, PIC, and SSC c. it observes CNPC d. it observes wh-island constraints [(49)] (7) Goal of the paper: 1 Week 12a. Taraldsen K.T. A-movement ends in a Case location. In Luigi Rizzi, Issues in Italian Syntax (Foris: Dordrecht, 1982, pp. C. T. James Huang, Move WH in a Language without WH Movement. Recursion Examples: • a. ab • b. aabb • c. aaabbb • a. Google Scholar Brame, M. K. (1976) Conjectures and Refutations in Syntax and Semantics . .���s�L�Uyŕ��F*`SK�FՖڲ��ꛈI
t�u�γ�V�~:���6iI�a��(����7'E;X���=�IrѪ嫵1P,�D}���_��D�@Z���0]��xi��@u�~�:z��`#p�-P�p���zi�V�[����' c��0�����&��Yg�����%K���]_/��}k���N�D�_Ԩg&��}I�{���Hb]wG��5���y�o�cFu�lN�W�6J �������!��"l�Zi�\J���cBfV�C We can tell that wh-questions involve movement in several ways: • It leaves a gap filled by an expression containing a wh-word (Recall that the verbs putand devourrequire an NP object.) Movement Weiwei Sun Institute of Computer Science and Technology Peking University March 20, ... One level of structure in syntax I Representing the super cial syntactic structureof sentences. And in both examples, something moves to fill the specifier of TP: the NP Mary in (6), and the PP about Syntax in (7). b. (1991) NP-Movement and Expletive Chains. �9Bo� ykl�|�9NIڍw^�c�������C�2E���EG��͝.����m��#��ߛ�����B�ᗿ
�D�g���Pf�G�=DE���0�ؘ&�. This problem, I can solve. Three Tests for Phrases 9Pronominalization 23 2. Proforms are expressions like she, them, somewhere, do so, there which have the function of representing a constituent which has already been mentioned, so that one need not pronounce/write the constituent twice. In The Linguistic Review 1 (1982): 369–416. Syntax is the study of grammatical relationships between words and how they are combined to form phrases and sentences. Bounding theory and Greek syntax: evidence for wh-movement in NP - Volume 23 Issue 1 - Geoffrey Horrocks, Melita Stavrou Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. Movement rules You will help Mary. 1 LING 220 LECTURE #14 SYNTAX (Part 3) TRANSFORMATIONS Phrase structure rules cannot account for all syntactic phenomena. • This … �L���. /Length 11 0 R
NP Movement. The best-known type of proform is a so-called pronoun, which replaces a NP, e.g. CAS LX 522 Syntax I Fall 2000 September 18, 2000 Paul Hagstrom Week 2: Movement Movement Last time, we talked about subcategorization. *Who did [[CP that John spoke to ] surprise you]? (1) a. Although wh-movement is unbounded, it is not completely unrestricted.As observed in Háj Ross’s dissertation (Ross, 1967) , wh-movement is constrained by islands: (13) The Sentential Subject Constraint : No NP can be extracted from within a CP subject. Negation Beobachtung: Es kann zwischen Satz- und Konstituentennegation unterschie-den werden. 4 4 Movement operations (in particular, phrasal movement) can disrupt the order. The trace of NP-movement is an NP-trace. /Filter /LZWDecode
(ii) NP is not separated from the targeted position by a specified subject. but none concerning NP-movement. NP an armadillo] as a pet. 3. a.
Kopf-Bewegung (‘head movement’) Annahme: Kopf-Bewegung ist Adjunktion eines Kopfes an einen anderen Kopf. !c��pSW*VE��=xZ4���Kv2��mS!��]0�]&! Syntactic movement is the means by which some theories of syntax address discontinuities.Movement was first postulated by structuralist linguists who expressed it in terms of discontinuous constituents or displacement. In: Haider H., Netter K. (eds) Representation and Derivation in the Theory of Grammar. 1, ch. 193 English for a variety of reasons. 10 0 obj
SYNTACTIC THEORY Q3153 ~ Autumn 2014-15 Assessed exercise 2: Wh-movement CANDIDATE NUMBER: 127542 Dr Melanie Green The Minimalist Program of Noam Chomsky develops a simple syntax which defends his theory of the Universal Grammar. Certain constituents appear to have been displaced from the position where they receive important features of interpretation. b. The other people on the street think that [NP my next-door neighbors] are weird. Utrecht Lexicon of Linguistics �}|p����p��T�g�j�:�t���i��`d����h��EDѣ���G%ZN�@O��>#��W`{�O
>�p_tm���Ca�$�d$x��G���!��*�ϓNU�.�Yk�D��¾���0ڦ�ވ�h�L3��]�j��Ĝb=�w��o�� �Bt�����"����l *�R���ҍ6��6� | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate • Some Phrase Structure Rules for English (7) Categorial Rules a. We propose that adjunct extraposition is derived by two different operations, the first covert and the second overt. (7) *About Syntax was told Mary. See for example Stemefeld (2006: vol. (5) Two Movement Rules a. >>
Syntax • Any speaker of any human language can produce and understand an infinite number of possible sentences • Thus, we can’t possibly have a mental dictionary of all the possible sentences • Rather, we have the rules for forming sentences stored in our brains – Syntax is the part of grammar that pertains to a He sneaks into people's houses at night for fun. It seems (that) Mary has solved the problem. The dog = NP The small dog = NP When we want to use a NP in English, we can include an (Adj), but we don‟t have to. she/him/they. The categorial rules can be thought of as (part of) the syntax and the lexical rules as (part of) the lexicon. Baltin, M. R. (1978) Toward a Theory of Movement Rules, Doctoral Dissertation, MIT. ���ԯ"F��Z�����i�n��
��C£�a�R͉�z�7�R �4���P��D��n�L�!��1!��:(�1���@1���YHՐ�ѩ�;=*5�`�0���uǪU"���� d�26! Adjunctions to maximal projections typically do not show such rigid ordering constraints and even if a mechanism were devised to impose such an ordering, the second property of adverbial syntax demonstrates that such a device would fail, in principle. clauses, movement, and stress . But [NP my next-door neighbors] haven’t told [NP the 22 NP other people on the street] about [NP the three-toed sloth asleep in their maple tree]. Move wh-phrase. I show that in Bangla (Bengali) at least two (1) a. I can solve this problem. 5 . [ϕ-features!] �:��f��-�L�Kl�鸂1*C��1��b*�:z�1-����j��pp�hP��Ш�����H@9�zm#�Z4(�(@0�R�6#��2��`�5�M@Z6��s`:)#��)qt�΅Ȍ�"�@����z̮�L�Tĉ� �&�����4��Tb9
��9��H̟4�״!�. If a test fails to apply to a string of words, it doesn’t show that they do not form a constituent. NP-movement is a movement of an NP into an A-position. 5 5 b. Pronominalization 4. In particular, much of the content, as well as our exercises, has been inspired by and adopted from renowned textbooks such as Aarts (1997), Baker (1997), Borsley (1991, 1996), Radford (1988, 1997, 2004), Sag et al. DP-Internal NP Movement * TANMOY BHATTACHARYA Abstract In this paper I show that there are clause-like NP-movements within the DP. Operator Movement: Movement to SpecCP and other things we’ll talk about later. NP-movement Move NP to an empty subject position, as long as (i) NP is not contained in a Tensed S (other than the target S). The problem was solved (by Mary). (54) Satznegation: a. I haven’t left yet. It is more subtle in . MOVEMENT 1. z�%�ٷ�}�{)�?mN��"�y�>���M+�k����ŗ�D�h%r��Q�' Morphology & Syntax, fall 2002 Ken Ramshøj Christensen Constituency tests: If one of the tests applies to a string of words, they form a constituent. German: NP-Bewegung. (6) Mary was told about Syntax. (55) Konstituentennegation: 36 %����
Among them: (i) The verb-final syntax … (2003), to list just a few. x�;���N��Z�k�y'esf�W��T�#j��+�v�jSR�fC��+ϛ��%���j� ! Movement rules Simply Will you help Mary? b. In both of (6-7), the specifier of TP is empty, and must be filled. (Only the head NP moves, to the SpecCP position, in head-initial languages.) First the NP … Fronting / Topicalisation. S NP Aux VP Pro V NP You will help Mary S NP Aux VP S NPAux VP Pro V NP youWill help Mary S Aux NP VP 22. COVERT SYNTAX AND OVERT SYNTAX: SOME DIAGNOSTICS FROM REFLEXIVE LICENSING* Mina Sugimura McGill University 1. (2) solve: [— NP] Two problems: • solve has no object. Movement applies to a phrase that contains the wh-word (sometimes a phrase consisting of the wh-word alone; more on this topic below). 117–184). Chapter 12 Mark Baker, The Mirror Principle and Morphosyntactic Explanation. More wh-movement, Subjacency, and relative clauses CAS LX 522 Syntax I Three kinds of movement A-movement: Movement to SpecIP (subjects, passive objects, subject raising). Wh-movement is used to account for the fronting of expressions such as interrogatives. )�����gX9�7�c�'�p�F�]u,�7i�ߨ��¶z �hZh��CQ_YzJM����f�R�j��];��=����5�ߪ=�0.�"J�䍚;���!�ѝ��w�����B�%i�R]�J{CQ�D8;'+�ŗ�R��v��*���dniں��\��Pwf��@}]�5�0��jhU|ڭث��.� Links. It is not true that I have left yet. Move NP. NP Art (Adj) N It‟s a shorthand way of saying that a noun phrase consists of an article (Art) and a noun (N), with the option of including an adjective (Adj) in … The ungrammaticality of (11) indicates that movement is in fact . Can Mary do it? "����Fa|��;�~���x���Z
�=�ԼQ�(�WqR~ ����v��M�1��\>c��m^�@�Ɏö_]��3����in�����AG��0BI��N=�����cj{�����w��� WH-Movement and Resumptive Question in Jordanian Arabic Layth Hamed Alsoudi Mutah University Abstracts Aoun and Benmamoun (2010) suggest that in Arabic resumptive questions there is no wh-word movement; his analysis was based on examples from Lebanese Arabic and Standard Arabic since strong resumptive pronouns prevent such movement. – head movement appeared to not have semantic effects – head movement satisfied the morphologicalneeds of lexical items which appeared to be independent of syntax • More recently: head movement must be in syntax (Lechner, 2007; Szabolcsi, 2010; Roberts, 2010) – evidence for semantic effect of head movement PDF | This article ... driver is a complex noun, which, like any othe r noun, projects an NP in syntax. [NP ==J . It‟s optional. Clear independent evidence, is an additional movement in head-final RCs the type... 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