The AGM and/or EGM are the principal forum for dialogue with shareholders. During the financial year, there were no termination, retirement and post- employment benefits granted to Directors (including the CEO) and the top five key management personnel (who are not Directors or the CEO) of the Company and the Group. All members are familiar with financial statements. We use cookies to give you a personalized experience (to suit your online behavior on this, and other, sites) for our ads, content, and communications; to improve the site; to operate the site; and to remember your preferences. The Group's results and other material information are released through the SGXNet on a timely basis for dissemination to shareholders and the public in accordance with the listing requirements of the SGX-ST. The AC reviews the activities of the IA on a regular basis, including overseeing and monitoring the implementation of the improvements required on internal control weaknesses identified. Our Clients. PHONE / FAX (+62 21) 5151234 / (+62 21) 5152234 . Investor Relations; Reports & Filings; Stocks & Dividends; Press Releases & Events; Corporate Governance; Contact; Media Center; Careers; Media Center . The RC has reviewed the practice of the industry in this regard, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of such disclosure. Where required, the Company Secretaries and external professionals bring to the Directors' attention relevant updates in the industry and changes in accounting standards and regulations. The Board oversees the business affairs of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively the “Group”) and is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the Group establishing goals for Management. 45-46, Jakarta 12930, Indonesia, 7500A Beach Road, #08-305/307 The Plaza, The Lead Independent Director is available to shareholders who have concerns for which contact through the normal channels of the Chairman, CEO, Executive Directors or Chief Financial Officer ("CFO") have failed to resolve or for which such contact is inappropriate. The AC will undertake a review of the scope of services provided by the external auditors, the independence and the objectivity of the external auditors on annual basis. Latest Event; Next Event; Latest Event 27/08/2020. Sampoerna. investor relations . All Directors are updated on major milestones of the Group. As the Lead Independent Director and the AC Chairman, Mr Ng Cher Yan's scope of work also include leading the AC in its' role in reviewing interested person transactions undertaken by the Group and being available to shareholders where they have concerns which have been raised through the normal channels of the Chairman or the CFO but have not been resolved or for which such contact is inappropriate. Sampoerna Agro Tbk (SGRO) is engaged in the oil palm and rubber plantations, palm oil mill, kernel crushing plant, germinated seeds production, utilization of forestry product nontimber (sago), forestry, and others, that are located in South Sumatera, West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, and Riau. The company believes in transparent and open communication with its shareholders, analysts and investors. None of our Independent Directors has served on our Board beyond nine years from the date of his first appointment. Ng Cher Yan: Member Such reports include information on: - The Group's actual performance against the approved budget and where appropriate, against forecast; and The Board is of the view that the current Board size and composition is appropriate, taking into account the scope, nature and size of operations of the Group. Financial Highlights; Financial Statements. The AC is authorised by the Board to investigate any matters within its Terms of Reference. BRAND. (b) Individual Director's attendance at meetings of the Board, Board Committees and general meetings, individual Director's functional expertise and his commitment of time to the Company. The RC has full authority to engage any external professional to advise on matters relating to remunerations as and when the need arises. Enjoy millions of the latest Android apps, games, music, movies, TV, books, magazines & more. The Board believes in the importance of maintaining a sound system of internal controls, including financial, operational, compliance and information technology controls, and risk management systems to safeguard the interests of the shareholders and the Group's assets. (i) Reviewing all hedging policies of, and instruments used for hedging by, the Group (if any); IDR 268 billion. Sim Idrus Munandar: Chairman The Directors of the Company come from diverse backgrounds and possess core competencies, qualifications and skills, all of whom as a group, provides the Board with a good mix of the necessary experience and expertise to direct and lead the Group. (c) Reviewing and discussing with Management the Company's risk appetite and strategy relating to key risks, including credit risk, liquidity and funding risks, market risk, operational risk, compliance risk and information technology risk, as well as the guidelines, policies and processes for their control, monitor and mitigating actions; Newly appointed Directors are given orientation briefings by Management on the business activities of the Group and its strategic directions, so as to familiaris them with the Group's operations and encourage effective participation in Board discussions. The principal functions of the AC include: (a) Reviewing the financial reporting process including but not limited to the audit plans of the external auditors and, where applicable, the internal auditors, including the results of the auditors' review and evaluation of the Group's system of internal accounting, operational and compliance controls and risk management policies and systems and ensuring co-ordination between the internal and external auditors and Management at least annually. The BRC had adopted a set of written Board Risk Committee Charter defining its membership and its duties and responsibilities, which include: (a) Monitoring of all material enterprise risks within the framework of enterprise risk management as approved by the Board. In line with the continuous disclosure obligations of the Company, under the SGX-ST Listing Manual and the Act, the Board has established a policy to inform shareholders promptly of all major developments that may impact materially on the Company and/or the Group. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Companies (the "Company Law") and OJK Regulation No. Each Director has been provided with the up-to-date contact particulars of the Company's key management personnel and the Company Secretaries to facilitate access to any required information. 2020.05.20 … The AC met four times during FY2014 to review the audit plan/report, the audit findings, the reports on interested person transactions, the reports on internal audit activities for the year (including updates on the findings in relation thereto) and the announcements of the quarterly and full-year results before being approved by the Board for release to the SGX-ST. The form, frequency and amount of dividends will depend on the Group's earnings, financial position, results or operations, capital needs, plans for expansion, and other factors as the Board may deem appropriate. The Company has adopted an internal Code of Best Practices on dealings in the securities to provide guidance to the officers, including Directors, of both the Company and its subsidiaries with regard to dealings in the Company's securities. The RC comprises the following three members, all of whom are Non-Executive and Independent Directors. Click “Learn more” for more details, or to adjust the settings. (b) Assess and evaluate effectiveness of the Board and the Board's performance as a whole; Wee Ewe Lay Laurence JohnChairman The Board is free to request for further clarification and information from Management on all matters within their purview. The schedule of all the Board Committees’ meetings for the financial year is usually given to all the Directors well in advance. Investor Relations & GCG In carrying out its course of business, Sampoerna prioritizes sustainability and the interests of stakeholders. PT Bank Sahabat Sampoerna. PT Pelayaran Nelly Dwi Putri Time charter of tug and barges; and freight expense. The Board embraces openness and transparency in the conduct of the Group's affairs, whilst safeguarding the commercial interests of the Group. In addition, all relevant information on the Group's annual budgets, financial statements, material events and transactions complete with background and explanations are circulated to Directors as and when they arise. As there are no non-audit services provided by the external auditors for the year under review, the AC is of the view that the objectivity and independence of the external auditors in 2014 were not prejudiced. Ng Cher Yan: Member The results of the NC's assessment for FY2014 has been communicated to and accepted by the Board. Ng Cher Yan: Lead Independent Director The BRC recognises that there are responsibilities delegated by the Board to its Board Committees and understands that the Board Committees may emphasise specific risk monitoring through their respective activities; The Board recognises that it is accountable to shareholders for the performance of the Group. To assist the Board in discharging its responsibility, the Company has established a system whereby business and finance heads of individual subsidiaries and business units provide written representations, to Management who would in turn furnish an overall representation to the AC and the Board confirming, inter alia, the integrity of the Group's financial statements. The CEO, Mr Aris Sunarko @ Ko Tji Kim, is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Group and steering the strategic direction and growth of the Group's business. The Independent Directors meet amongst themselves without the presence of Management when necessary. The audit plan is submitted to the AC for approval prior to the commencement of the internal audit work. Jend. 52-53 Jakarta 12190 . The following is the aggregate value of all transactions with interested persons (as defined in Chapter 9 of the SGX-ST Listing Manual) for FY2014: The Company does not have any shareholders' mandate for interested person transactions. Member As for the operational and compliance controls, the Group has periodically reviewed these control areas through the various heads of department, and has continuously made improvements with the assistance of the internal auditors. Their combined wealth and diversity of experience enable them to contribute effectively to the strategic growth and governance of the Group. Investor Relations; Reports & Filings; Stocks & Dividends; Press … The NC comprises the following three members, all of whom are Non-Executive and Independent Directors. 2. The NC is regulated by a set of written Terms of Reference and is responsible for making recommendations to the Board on all Board appointments and re- appointments through a formal and transparent process, which includes internal guidelines to address the conflict of competing time commitments that are faced by Directors with multiple board representations. (g) Establishing procedures for evaluation of the performance of the Board, it's Board Committees and Directors, and proposes objective performance criteria which shall be approved by the Board; Under the guidelines, all new investments, any increase in investment in businesses and subsidiaries, and any divestments by any of the Group's companies, and all commitments to term loans and lines of credit from banks and financial institutions by the Company require the approval of the Board. Aris Sunarko @ Ko Tji Kim: Member Financial Highlights; Financial Statements. The review of the Group’s financial performance; Financial Summary; Result and Report; Annual Report; Management Presentation; Stock Info; Financial Summary. Financial results announcements; ‎The Sampoerna Investor Relations app provides investors online access to the latest IDX: HMSP stock price information, news, and SEC Filings, as well as … annual report 2013. annual report 2014. annual report 2015. annual report 2016. annual report … December 2019, GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENT : MINUTES OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 5 JUNE 2020, REPL : ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING : VOLUNTARY, Sampoerna Kayoe Berhasil Tanam 67 Juta Pohon di Indonesia, Bulan Menanam Pohon Nasional, Sampoerna Kayoe Tanam 67 Juta Pohon. Information in relation to the Group's risk management objectives and policies is disclosed in the notes to the financial statement on pages 124 to 127. Investor Relations. GUDANG GARAM FAMILY SURYA FAMILY GG FAMILY OTHERS. Investor Relations & GCG Press Releases & Events. (m) Undertaking such other functions and duties as may be required by applicable law or the SGX-ST Listing Manual, and by such amendments made thereto from time to time. The RC is regulated by a set of written Terms of Reference. In its deliberation as to the independence of a Director, the NC take into consideration whether a Director has any business relationships with the Group, and if so, whether such relationships could interfere, or be reasonably perceived to interfere, with the exercise of the Director's independent judgement. Sampoerna produces, markets and distributes cigarettes in Indonesia that include . The Notices of the general meetings are also published in a major local newspaper and announced via SGXNet and made available on the Company's website at PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (STI), a full-mobility cellular service in Indonesia, is part of the Sampoerna Stategic Group. It has unrestricted access to information pertaining to the Group, to both internal and external auditors, and to all employees of the Group. The Company does not practice selective disclosure. INVESTOR RELATIONS. The RC also considered, in consultation with the CEO, amongst other things, their responsibilities, skills, expertise and contributions to the Group's performance and whether the remuneration packages are competitive and sufficient to ensure that the Group is able to attract and retain the best available executive talent. In reviewing the independence, the NC has considered the relationships identified by the Code and additionally, the Independent Directors are also independent of the substantial shareholders of the Company. Objectivity and independence of the Board decisions are maintained through the professionalism of each member of the Board, including the Non-Executive and Independent Directors, who have demonstrated a high level of commitment in their roles as Directors of the Company. INVESTOR RELATIONS Dyah Surowidjojo was appointed as Investor Relations on 1 September 2017. Ended 31 March 2019, Unaudited Second Quarter Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement for the Period Member. The RC reviews the terms and conditions of service agreements of the CEO before their execution. TVC PRESS RELEASE NEWS GALLERY. Sampoerna. June 22, 2018. Sampoerna Strategic Square, North Tower, 21st Floor, Efektif 4 Juni 2019 Pemberitahuan Kuki ini menjelaskan bagaimana kami menggunakan kuki dan teknologi lacak serupa di situs web kami untuk mengumpulkan informasi pengunjung tertentu secara otomatis. Principle 1: Effective Board to lead and control the Company. The Board noted that with effect from 1 August 2015, the Company is required by the SGX-ST Listing Rules to conduct the voting of all resolutions put to general meetings by poll. Reasonable resources have been made available to the AC to enable it to discharge its duties properly. Our Product Portfolio . Hubungan Investor; Laporan & Pengarsipan; Saham & Dividen; … (b) Reviewing and determining specific remuneration packages and terms of employment for each Director and key management personnel, which cover all aspect of remuneration including Directors' fees, salaries, allowances, bonuses and benefits-in-kind; Features include: - Detailed interactive share graph - Performance, news, and events push notifications - Downloadable company r… MEDIA. • To review the adequacy of the internal audit function, its activities and organizational structure to ensure that no unjustified restrictions or limitations are imposed; The BRC met four times during FY2014 to review the enterprise risk management which focused on the operational, financial, compliance and information technology aspects of the Group. The proxy form is sent with the notice of general meetings to all shareholders. The NC conducted its annual review of the Directors' independence in accordance with the Code's definition of what constitutes an Independent Director. (g) Considering the appointment, re-appointment and removal, approving the remuneration and engagement of the external auditors and reviewing the independence and objectivity of the external auditors annually; Investor Relations & GCG. University of Oregon. The NC is of the view that each individual Director has contributed to the effectiveness of the Board as a whole. We use cookies to give you a personalized experience (to suit your online behavior on this, and other, sites) for our ads, content, and communications; to improve the site; to operate the site; and to remember your preferences. and subsidiaries ("Sampoerna Agro" or "the Company") released its unaudited financial and operational results for … (a) Assess and review the Board size and competency mix; Vacancies Log Supplier Form. The AC has met with the external auditors and internal auditor, without the presence of the Company's Management. Each Director assesses the Board's performance as a whole by providing feedback to the NC. Based on the individual Director's confirmation to the NC on his ability to carry out his duties as a Director of the Company and to address any competing time commitments that may arise, the NC believes that it would not be necessary to put a maximum limit on the number of listed company board representations of each Director. The Board including the Chairmen of the AC, RC, NC and BRC, as well as the key management of the Company are present and available to address questions of the shareholders with the assistance of the external auditors, when necessary. Directors' fees are recommended by the Board for approval by the shareholders at the AGM of the Company. In respect of re-nominations, the NC will consider the individual Director's contribution and performance and whether the Director has adequate time and attention to devote to the Company, in the case of Directors with multiple board representations. Tanggung Jawab; Sampoerna untuk Indonesia; Praktik Pertanian yang Baik; Standar Kami; Informasi Investor & GCG. Sujoko Martin (appointed on 26 February 2015): Member. - Key business indicators and major issues that are relevant to the Group's performance. Press Releases & Events . The NC has reviewed the independence of Messrs Ng Cher Yan, Wee Ewe Lay Laurence John and Sim Idrus Munandar, and is satisfied that there are no relationships which would deem any of them not to be independent. (d) Reviewing and recommending to the Board the retirement or re-election of Directors in accordance with the Articles of the Company at each annual general meeting ("AGM"); ‎The SIB Investor Relations app will keep you up-to-date with the latest share price data, stock exchange and press releases, IR calendar events and much more. To achieve this, internal reviews are constantly being undertaken to ensure that the system of internal controls maintained by the Group is sufficient to provide reasonable assurance that the Group's assets are safeguarded against loss from unauthorised use or disposition, transactions are properly authorised and proper financial records are being maintained. General Meeting of Shareholders. The responsibilities and principal functions of the NC, as set out in its Terms of Reference, include: (a) Reviewing board succession plans for Directors, in particular, the Chairman and the CEO; Wee Ewe Lay Laurence John: Member. Koh Tji Kiong @ Amir Sunarko, Independent Directors: Responsibility for corporate governance; and 45-46 Jakarta 12930 Ad-hoc meetings are held to address significant issues or transactions. The profiles of the Directors are set out on pages 12 to 15 of this Annual Report. The Board recognises the importance of maintaining a sound system of risk management and internal controls to safeguard the shareholders' investments and the Group's assets. Internal 45 audit findings, recommendations and actions taken by Management on the recommendations were reported to the AC. There are no employees who are immediate family members of any of the Directors and/or the CEO whose remuneration exceeded S$50,000 for FY2014. … Anytime, anywhere, across your devices. Scan here to download Sampoerna Investor Relations app. These are available to shareholders at their request. Jakarta, 27 October 2020 - PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk. During the financial year ended 31 December 2014 (“FY2014”), the Board met four times to review the Company’s quarterly and full-year results and to consider proposed corporate actions by the Company. The Board consists of eight Directors, seven of whom are Non-Executive Directors of which three are Independent Directors: Executive Director: In discharging this responsibility, the Board ensures the timely release of the Group's financial results and that the results provide a balanced and understandable assessment of the Group's performance, financial position and prospects. Accordingly, the AC has recommended the re-appointment of Messrs Ernst & Young LLP as external auditors for the ensuing year at the forthcoming AGM of the Company. Born in Jakarta on 15 December 1971 and earned her Master of Finance Degree from Monash University Australia and Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from University of Indonesia. The NC has evaluated the competing time commitments faced by Directors serving on multiple boards during the year and is satisfied that the Directors have spent adequate time on the Group's affairs to fulfil their responsibilities. The Sampoerna Investor Relations app provides investors online access to the latest IDX: HMSP stock price information, news, and SEC Filings, … (f) Reviewing and recommending to the Board the approval of any major transactions or decisions affecting the Company's risk profile or exposure (if any); and Jendral Sudirman Kav 52-53Jakarta 12190, Indonesia. The performance of the CEO (together with other key management personnel) is reviewed periodically by the RC and the Board. ID; INVESTOR… A breakdown of the level and mix of the remuneration payable to each individual Director for FY2014 are set out below: Remuneration of Key Management Personnel (who are not Directors or the CEO). (d) Review and recommend the re-election and re-appointment of Directors retiring pursuant to the Articles and Section 153(6) of the Companies Act, Cap. 45-46 Jakarta 12930 This is why world-class companies choose us. Wee Ewe Lay Laurence John ((h) Determining annually the independence of Directors, in accordance with applicable codes and guidelines; and Sekilas Sampoerna; Visi Kami; Produk Kami ; Cara Kami Beroperasi ; Karyawan Kami; Bangga Bersama Sampoerna; PMI - Philip Morris International ; Keberlanjutan. 5. Directors' fees are set in accordance with a remuneration framework based on the level of responsibility and scope of work. JAKARTA, May 9, 2019 – PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. • To review and approve the annual internal audit plan to ensure that there is sufficient coverage of the Group' activities; and Currently, the Company does not have any long-term incentive schemes. The BRC has reviewed the Group's financial controls and risk management policies and processes, and based on its assessment and reports of the external auditors and internal auditors, the BRC is assured that adequate internal controls are in place. The Company’s Articles of Association (“Articles”) allow a Board meeting to be conducted by way of a telephone conference and/or by means of similar communication equipment where all Directors participating in the meeting are able to hear each other. The Board is of the opinion that the AC members are appropriately qualified to discharge their responsibilities. 20423% . He assists in ensuring compliance with the Group's guidelines on corporate governance and facilitating the effective contribution of Non-Executive Directors. Find out more about Sampoerna 's Articles of Association, Law No lead and control the doing... 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