To follow this tutorial, you’ll need the following: 1. Run multiple commands concurrently. This command would run the tests in an interactive manner. Warnings and errors can also be seen in the console. This will look for any changes in your src folder and files with extensions js, jsx and auto create a build each time you make changes. $ npm run watch. Open the index.html file in your browser of choice. Internally, npm start uses webpack dev server to start a dev server so that we can communicate with the same. You can easily import the React Data Grid component using the import statement. If we follow standard file naming convention like .spec.js or .test.js OR if all our test files are placed inside the tests folder, Jest will detect them and run our tests. Node.js version 10.16.0 installed on your computer. It is a basic unit test setup by Create React App to test our App component. We can just navigate to http:localhost:3000 in any browser to preview our app live. 1 $ npm install--save react-data-grid. You can still use importand all the rest of the ES2015 sugary goodness in your main project just as you’re used to. we do not get access to webpack.config file. cd common/ui npm run build-watch Run the app1 in a separate terminal window and take notice that whenever you edit the UI component the webpack dev server will automatically reload it with the newest version thanks to the webpack watch running in the background. So it is best to avoid using eject if we do not have much knowledge about configuration or dependencies. To make use of this file, just make sure that in src/index.js you have: import "index.css"; For older versions: react-scripts >= 2.1.4 < 3.00; For non-ci, eg running tests locally, you can pass a --no-watch flag: npm test --no-watch. npm run build: prepare for publishing to npm: npm run clean: delete built resources: npm test: run tests: npm run test:coverage: run tests and produce a code coverage report in coverage/ npm run test:watch: n/a start a test server and re-run tests on every change: npm start: n/a start a … And I believe it has something to do with my react redux. Now open your app package.json file in your favorite code editor and inside the scripts object insert this . If you now run npm run start you should see src/index.css generated, containing the Tailwind CSS reset and utility classes, and your custom CSS below. npm install npm-watch. npm-watch. "/src/**/__tests__/**/*. react-scripts <= 2.1.3; CRA looks for a CI environment variable, if its present it doesn't run in watch mode. Now you can run your Jest tests in watch mode. 2. Watch the recordings here! scripts - Has aliases that can be used to access react-scripts commands in an efficient manner. How to use React Router in your React js project. devDependencies - Displays all the modules/versions for testing the app in a development environment. C:\Users\admin\WebstormProjects\react-isomorphic-starterkit\npm-debug.log [0] npm run watch-client exited with code null. The "build" folder would contain all the static files which can be directly used on any web server. 6. See: 'npm help config' npm ERR! As seen above, we now have a React tutorial project running on our machine without worrying about any dependencies or complex configurations. Windows_NT 10.0.10586 npm ERR! But it is not essential to understand how Babel or Webpack work, for our needs here. Thus, every time we make updates to any test file, it would re-run our tests. At least for the tutorial project, it is best to not use it. After we eject, we can continue working on our app normally and all the commands discussed above will work (build, start and test). For more options like delay, ignore, extensions etc visit npm-watch, Subscribe our newsletter to get all the latest tutorials on How To React. If you don’t experience the problems described above or don’t feel comfortable using JavaScript tools yet, consider adding React as a plain