Her relationship with Hardin was fast-paced and vibrant, sweeping them and everyone around them up in a whirlwind of drama. As Tessa is leaving, he calls to her so she turns. They continue to argue with Carol believing Tessa is getting all worked up for no reason. The next morning, Hardin visits her at the coffee shop but she thinks that it would be best when he approaches her in a coffee shop. Family The drink is named Sex on the Beach. She spent the day being comforted by Steph before attending classes and ignoring messages from her mother and Hardin. He tells him that she got a new car, a white one. Tessa's phone rings in the midst of the shower and she realizes it's Kimberly and has to take it, which baffles Hardin. Tessa befriended Noah Porter, the son of her mother’s two married friends that lived down her block. But she insists that he's different around Landon's despite his warnings that Hardin is always up to something. She is started by a tattooed boy reading on her bed and nervously tells him that he's in the wrong room. StudentIntern at Vance Publishing At the beginning of her freshman year in college, Tessa dressed conservatively, wearing oversized shirts and long skirts. Hardin has nothing to lose…except her. Washington Central University When they are finished, Hardin zips her dress back up and she excuses herself to use the bathroom. She reminds him that it's hot yoga and shushes him. This was the catalyst for Tessa's breakup with Noah and led to a fallout between her and Hardin. When she gets out, she realizes that her clothes fell on the ground and are drenched. She meets up with Jace in his car, against her better judgment. She replies that she's been trying to find him online but hasn't had any luck so far. When Tessa wasn't doing things for school or reading, she’d watch movies with Noah and ice-skate with Josie. The woman recounts when they used to take baths together and Tessa shows herself in the doorframe, only to be shocked to see Hardin with his mother. He rebuttals that she called him, but she didn't tell him to come over. Season five of Poldark marks the last-ever series of the BBC period drama. She opens it to find a Kindle inside along with a note that reads, "all your favorite books in one place". She gloats that she looks hot even though he's not here to see it, and when asked how much she's had to drink, she replies with five "sexes on the beach", giggling that could have been fun. She is an introvert, preferring to stay in to read or watch a movie than go out to a party. She watches their heated conversation before he joins her. She emotionally asks why he cares as he just kissed that girl. Seeing this as an inopportune time, Kimberly shows Tessa to her new office which is initially cluttered who multiple boxes and objects. Such are the beats of Tessa Young and Hardin Scott's all-consuming relationship, carried out over Anna Todd's enormously popular five-book After series. Over the next nine days, Tessa looks at photos of them together, re-reads the letter, and remembers the good times they spent together. He helps her into the lake and they proceed to have fun before having a meaningful conversation about life and what they enjoy. Relationships Gender After much effort, Tessa finally got accepted into New York University. The two have a daughter named Emery and a son named Auden. Her Uber pulls up and she silently walks away to the car. Interests Book 3 of the After series—newly revised and expanded, Anna Todd's After fanfiction racked up 1 billion reads online and captivated readers across the globe. Hardin reacts and slams the man against the wall, holding him by his shirt. TessaTess (by Hardin and Landon)Tessie (by Richard) The girls hurl insults at one another, with Molly shouting for Hardin to "get the crazy bitch out of here", with Tessa flipping her off with both middle fingers and shouts "happy New Year, bitch!" Series Information He knows but since she denied him the pleasure of seeing her open the said gift, so he's giving her another. She easily socializes with the group she falls into, which comprises of Trish, Karen, Landon, Ken, and a few strangers. They exchange a hug and a dose of apologies. Hiding the wedding, Landon and Hardin being brothers, Hardin being Chancellor's son and then later on it's Tessa saying Ken's name to Zed like it's common knowledge. Once the excitement dies down, Trevor and Tessa talk about the accident with him telling her that Vance agreed to put her hospital bills on the company policy so she doesn't have to worry about them. After a multitude of tragedy, chaos, and heartbreak, Tessa ends her relationship with Hardin. He reveals that she shares a birthday with Joseph Stalin and is a proud and idealistic person. In the future, Tessa shares an apartment with Hardin in New York and works as a wedding planner. They return to the hotel room where he asks why she's in publishing. Birthday She matures at the end of the series, not taking herself so seriously. Hardin excuses himself to do the dishes. Tessa has an innocent appearance with dirty blonde hair, round blue eyes, and full plump lips. When does Zed/Molly/etc,, find out Hardin is Chancellor Kens son? Hardin is in disbelief since that's just an expression and Tessa should know he would never cheat on her. From there, Tessa met with Hardin who took her to an apartment as a surprise. In fact, at the end of After, Tessa leaves Hardin in the parking lot of Blind Bob’s, opting to be in Zed’s company instead. Tessa Young is the main character in the After film saga. She is elated and impulsively hugs him then kisses him. On a psychoanalytic personality scale, Tessa would very much fit the INFJ-T Myers Briggs personality type with an Enneagram type of 1 wing 2. They wrestle around on the ground exchanging blows before Jace is pulled off Hardin by the other guys. They say goodbye and she returns to her apartment. A moment passes before she begins to change her physical demeanor into that of a condescending one, and taunts him with the idea of sleeping with someone else. When Tessa turned 16, she got a job to help support her mother. They arrive at the hotel and Tessa is mesmerized by the size of the hotel, but pleased to have been upgraded to a suite following an incident with her room. They hang up and she frantically tries to find her clothes while Hardin yells for her to come back to bed. She meets up with Trevor who brought her a latte while she returns his glasses. As she continued to evolve into a mature woman, her world was shaken by the sudden arrival of her estranged father, Richard. Shortly after Tessa was born, her mother dropped out of her life and she was left under care of her father, George, who was providing for Tessa with his job as an architect. She is idealistic. She asks him who he loves most in the world. Tessa loves kids so she is happy to participate, though Hardin only agrees due to the birthday promise he made to Tessa. Landon adds that he believes Hardin is telling the truth. She focuses on her studies and attends classes over the weeks that she's apart from Hardin. She begins her first day at Vance Publishing, where she has an unfortunate introduction to her new co-worker, Trevor Matthews, who she insults for not holding the elevator for her. He then asks if everything is cool with the thing with her dad, but Tessa is oblivious to this and Noah quickly realizes that he messed up. They get along fairly well with her stealing his fries despite having plenty of her own, something that makes Hardin laugh. They share a hug, both mutually happy to see one another. Tessa is a dedicated student, dutiful daughter, and loyal girlfriend to her high school sweetheart. Angered, Tessa mistakes the girls comment for Hardin having cheated and shoves him into the wall calling him a piece of shit as she storms past him. Tessa and Hardin's passionate yet extremely toxic love story from the After series has been a wild ride to say the least. He offers to get her a drink but she's sticking to water as that's all she can afford since she's been using Uber a lot. Mostly, I like who I have become with him, we have both been changed for the better by each other. She repairs her relationships with her mother and her high school ex-boyfriend, who's also her best friend. Theresa "Tessa" Lynn Young is the main protagonist of the After series written by Anna Todd. She exclaims that it's because she doesn't trust him. Friends Already saved are her favorites including Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice among others. He leaves abruptly after leaving her confused and annoyed. He went to the dealership and negotiated a fair deal; no money down and a hundred and fifty dollars a month. Romances Carol is initially turned away by Steph's nonchalant vaping and Tristan's excitement about getting Tessa into the best parties with a fake ID. Tessa still refuses and Carol angrily leaves. After she rejected Hardin, he sensed his friends mocking manners and made a bet that he could make Tessa fall in with him. However, this time around they aren't the sole focus of the book. She is an undeclared economics major at WCU. She throws the ball and misses drastically but finds the game fun, which exasperates Zed, and they find themselves becoming heavily intoxicated as they lose cups. He tells her bye and leaves the office. When she returns to the apartment she finds a letter from Hardin explaining everything that happened and why he's leaving for London for good. She was rather inexperienced in relationships when she entered college, having only had one serious boyfriend that she didn't truly love or have a sense of passion with. She began to dress more modern with clothes that flattered her figure. She then asks Trish how long the nightmares have been going on. The next morning, Tessa wakes up in bed with Hardin laying on her back sound asleep. She demands his pants which he reluctantly takes off. Hardin appears behind her and Noah pieces together what happened, and leaves despite Tessa's pleas for him to stay. Her whole world fell apart when she uncovered Hardin's dark secret that led them to be together. The confrontation is awkward from the beginning as the tension between the girls is evident. They attend a bonfire on the outskirts of campus where Hardin and his group of friends are also present. She drives around town looking for him as she worries that something might have happened to him. I love him, every part of him. https://after.fandom.com/wiki/Tessa_Young_(Book_Character)?oldid=11354. She texts with Noah about her excitement over her first class. Hardin enters to see if she was talking to him, but she wasn't. A homeless man begins following them and the man touches Tessa's shoulder and calls her by name. When she returns she finds the lamp by the door is broken and Hardin is listening loudly to his music through earbuds. Josephine Langford. He assures her that he was trying to hold it. Tessa focuses on her studies despite glances from Hardin as they seem to find one another in common spaces such as a coffee shop near campus. She is annoyed by his behavior and tries to clean up the glass despite his insistence to leave it be. She goes through great lengths to save him and help him become a healthier human being. After a series of encounters and bonding moments, she fell for Hardin, the brooding bad-boy with a dark secret. The necessity that required an overwhelming amount of preparation became an obsession. They share a sensual encounter on land but stop before things progress. In the meantime, Tessa befriended the co-ed Landon Gibson, who happened to be Hardin's impending stepbrother. She reads the quote which says, "I never wish to be parted from you from this day on" and realizes that he got it for her. She asks him to leave so that she can get dressed, but he tells her not to flatter herself - he's not looking at her. She holds Hardin back while Trevor hurries out of the hotel room, trying to explain that it was all a misunderstanding. Tessa follows her mother out of the room and assures her that everything will be fine, and to trust her as she is a good student and knows how important schooling is. She could not function without having things planned out or prepared. December 19th, 1994 Tessa apologizes for what happened to her. She reunites with Hardin at Landon's wedding and they renew their relationship. He doesn't have any advice to give her much to her humor. Hardin tries to protest but Tessa asks if it was all a game. Some character differences remained, such as Tessa defending herself and being more extroverted compared to her novel counterpart. The second book ends with Hardin and Tessa walking out of a tattoo parlor together. Tessa instantly smiles at the woman trying to be nice as they hug. Hardin calls her while she's stopped a red light, and she unbuckles in an attempt to reach the phone. Once in bed, they say goodnight though Tessa rolls over to tell him that she's leaving early in the morning to head out of town. She angrily yells that she isn't "his Tessa" anymore. Proceeding this, she reconciled with her mother then spontaneously moved to New York with Landon. She is altruistic, ambitious, empathetic, bright, studious, and well-behaved. He angrily tells him to fuck off and slams the door shut. The pair kiss and begin a committed relationship full of cute moments, secret readings in the library where they flee the security guard, and surprise kisses in class. The cycle is beginning to end in After Ever Happy: Anna Todd has finally brought about the improvements to characters and acknowledges quite a few things that should have been present in the After series since at least book two. Tessa is reluctant at first but accepts his offer. Her mother paid for her dorm room, admission fees, and even drove her to the university on her first day. He counts down her time then kisses her. Hardin tries to speak to her but she doesn't listen and runs out of the diner. Once the class is dismissed, Tessa vents to Landon over her frustration regarding the Brit, even mocking his accent. Hardin awakens so Trish tells him to brush his teeth as she hands him a cup of tea. Landon apologizes for asking her to come as he thought she might be able to calm him down since she was the reason he was so upset. This upsets Hardin and she quickly leaves the room with him following her, naked, into the hall. Tessa shoves the phone at Noah, realizing her coming home was mistake as she gets back in her car and leaves. Occupation Kimberly returns a few hours to pick Smith up, so Hardin ventures into Tessa's office. She spends the rest of the day cleaning up the apartment and packing the rest of her things, just as the door to the apartment opens and Hardin enters. Tessa returns to the dorm where she bonds with Steph, who remarks on Tessa's large book collection. With this, she remembers Hardin reading to her in the library which makes her more emotional. Later, he shows up and, due to a series of coincidences, thinks she and Trevor were together in her room. This takes Tessa by surprise and she's quiet for a moment before agreeing to play along, which elates him. Tessa is reluctant at first, but Trish presses that they don't know when they'll see each other again. She sits on the desk and asks if there is anything he wants, to which he quickly responds with "another chance". She is shocked to see him and the champagne flute she was holding slips from her hand and shatters on the floor. Vance laughs happy to have messed with her a little. But they do end up together with kids! He calls to her that her phone is buzzing but she doesn't hear him. She insists it was just a work thing at first, especially after Vance's wife died, but as she was helping take care of Vance's son, Smith, they fell in love. When dressing for a college party, she wore a maroon dress that fell below her knees. She then agrees reluctantly and Trish hugs her again, promising to make her a homemade birthday cake. While attending Ken's Christmas party she wore a green dress that reached her knees. Carol thought they were past all of this when Tessa got her heartbroken, but she can tell that isn't the case by her tone. He takes her to a lake tucked in the woods, explaining that this is his "secret place". He loudly curses then wishes her a happy birthday. She returned to the states where she found Richard in the bathroom of her apartment having overdosed. He's glad she likes it. Tessa Young They're married, happy ever after. Tessa teases Hardin that it is a cute bum, much to his horror. But, she soon learns … Series Information Molly noticed Tessa enter the diner and toys with her. Tessa began college at Washington State University in the fall of 2013. The bitchy banter begins instantly with Molly starting the game of Truth or Dare by asking Tessa if she's a virgin. Hardin follows her outside and believes he missed her when he sees an Uber leaving. 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