Oseva Uni Choceň - bezpečnostní listy - foliární přípravky na ochranu rostlin AMISTAR vs Pyraclostrobin in Potatoes (67.71 KB) Amistar in potatoes in-furrow (208.86 KB) Application Advice; Mixing and spraying. Ampligo® 150ZC Soros ® 2.7SC Nihon Nohyaku Flubendiamide + premix products Phoenix ® 20WG Vetica® 32%SC Tourismo® 38%SC Bayer Flubendiamide + premix products Takumi 20%WG Belt® 480SC Fame/Fenos® 480SC Synapse® 24WG Lineout® Tihan® 2012-2020 2+ Potential New Diamide Products DuPont Chlorantraniliprole Coragen® 200 SC Prevathon® 50 SC VP AGRO - ochranné přípravky. - Tels. piso - Col. del Valle - 03100 México, D.F. ampligo ancymidol andalin dc 25 animert v 101 wp anista aniten i aniten i extra aniten kombi aniten mf aniten mf extra ... coragen 20 sc corbel corello corinth cornprotect corum corzal counter 3 g counter 5 g cozep cp-ecotrap cp-etokap ... sanatex vs sancozeb 80 wp sancyper 10 ec sandofan c sandofan m 8 sandovit conc. Coragen (DuPont) ~ Effective and long duration control of early and top borer in sugarcane. AMPLIGO® bevat chloorantraniliprool en lambda-sihalotrien (Reg. - nástroj pro dynamický portál a redakční systém. Joomla! issue in maize causing some participants to replant. Laudis è un prodotto che possiamo definire potente in quanto unisce alla notevole efficacia un'elevata velocità d'azione. 1009 1er. Joomla! Barazide is an effective solution for the control a wide range of lepidopteran pests which can cause significant yield losses. Gâsca cu gât roșu vs spații de depozitare a cerealelor . Preventing the buildup of the pest population. Produsul Substanta activa Destinatia; 1 *Acardo, SCC: spirodiclofen, 250 g/l: insecticid : 2 *ACTLET F: metalaxil-M+folpet, (50+400) g/kg: fungicid irrigation on romaine lettuce, fall 2007. Syngenta Suid Afrika, Privaatsak X60, Halfway House, 1685. CL 90 (Cantidad de producto requerida para matar al 90% de una población) 71.4 496 51.5 74.1. Authorizations that appear on the list with an expired date are still in force unless a word “EXPIRED” appears. Primul tratament îl … LIST OF INSECTICIDES SORTED ALPHABETICALLY ACCORDING TO THE ACTIVE INGREDIENT/S : Active ingredient/Formulation/Concentrate: Hazard class Rapid vs HSR000442 No values set APP202744 PYGAR APP202670 Ipconazole Rancona Dimension Values from 2003 applied 326/2004 Sb., o rostlinolékařské péči a o změně některých souvisejících zákonů). Napsal uživatel Hubert Plaček Etikety k přípravkům: Všechny etikety v archivu zip ke stažení zde. Nr. Radiant ® SC insecticide, categorized as a Group 5 insecticide by the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee, provides fast knockdown and broad-spectrum control of damaging insects, including loopers, armyworms, thrips, leafminers and spotted wing drosophila. dda = Días después de la aplicación. Información, opiniones, artículos, cultivos que ataca y productos de control de la plaga Palomilla Dorso de Diamante - Polilla de la Col - Polilla del Repollo (Plutella xylostella) Coragen is a more expensive chemical but requires fewer applications and therefore achieves the same result at a lower total cost. Napsal uživatel Hubert Plaček Bezpečnostní listy k přípravkům: Všechny bezpečnostní listy v archivu zip ke stažení zde. Generally the products registered to control eldana i.e. s r. o. prohlašuje, že je registrovaným distributorem přípravků na ochranu rostlin určených pro používání profesionálními uživateli(§ 46a a § 46b zákona č. Nr. Grazie all'ampio spettro d'azione di Tembotrione, vengono controllate le principali infestanti a foglia larga e graminacee del mais, anche in fase avanzata di sviluppo; il prodotto, inoltre, è efficace sui giavoni, anche quelli resistenti alle solfoniluree. George and Dr. Amritha VS Abstract ... - Lambda cyhalothrin 4.6 % + chlorantraniliprole 9.3 % ZC Ampligo 30 T 3 ... Coragen 30 T 8 - Thiamethoxam 25 % WG (check) Arrow 30 T 9 - Control Cowpea Aphid, A. craccivora The number of aphids from each plant was assessed from 15 Coragen Belt Ampligo Voliam Targo < 30% COB > 30% COB Coragen Belt Voliam Targo Ampligo Voliam Flexi Engeo Solomon Traptor Magic Hero Piretroides Piretroides + Clorpirifos Hero Coragen Belt . diciembre 18, 2020 a las 11:57 pm NECESITO EL PRODUCTO ATSABIOBALANCE Cenovnik Pioneer semena kukuruza za 2015 godinu za odloženo plaćanje.. Cenovnik Dekalb semena kukuruza za 2015. godinu.. Konačna cena suncokreta je 28,30 din/kg bez PDV-a, 30,56 din/kg sa 8% PDV-a. L8685, Wet Nr 36 1947) SKADELIK. Název; AA-SULPHUR 80 WG: ABAM: ABAMEC 18 SC: Abamectin-Q 18 EC: Abilis Ultra: Abringo: Abrusta: Acanto: Acanto Plus: Acanto Prima: ACANTO 250 SC: Accent 75 WG: Accord WG Zasláním formuláře souhlasíte s uchováváním osobních údajů v souladu s ustanovením § 5, odst. Proclaim Insecticide. Fastac, Steward, Coragen and Ampligo are all effective in this battle when applied at the correct life stage of the pest. At 15 DAT Coragen and Diamond were found most effective. Prednja krila su sivo smeđa sa poprečnim talasastim šarama. Sanatex VS hnědý Přípravky na ochranu rostlin ... Coragen 20 SC 0.3 l Express 50 SX + Trend (zdarma 10 l / 0.9 kg) Hector 53.6 WG + Trend (zdarma 4 l /0.9 kg) ... Ampligo Arcade 880 EC Askon Lignohumát B Lignohumát AM Ligno AKTIVÁTOR Dessicash 20 SL Mido 20 … ... Ampligo (Syngenta) ~ 80-100 ml/acre, 8-10 ml/pump: Contact and translaminar action. • Coragen is registered for use in vegetable brassicas, lettuce, spinach, Asian leafy vegetables and potatoes. Other . Shake the closed AMISTAR 250 SC container. It’s quick knock down effect controls the damage instantly & through it’s long duration of control, it helps in reduction in the cost of pest management. Evaluación de Denim vs. Competidores TSA = Testigo sin aplicar. Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. Label and MSDS also available. Learn more about Matador 120EC insecticide, including application and tank mix information for cereals, pulses, potatoes, corn and more. Palumbo, J. C. 2008. Denumirea comercială, forma preparativă, deținătorul omologării, numărul şi data înregistrării Substanţa activă, conținutul ei Norma de consum a produsului (l/ha, kg/ha) ΚΑΤΑΛΟΓΟΣ ΦΥΤΟΠΡΟΣΤΑΤΕΥΤΙΚΩΝ ΠΡΟΪΟΝΤΩΝ & ΒΙΟΚΤΟΝΩΝ ΚΑΤΑ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΟ ΟΝΟΜΑ. DuPont Coragen Insecticide. 72 SYNGENTA AGRO, S.A. DE C.V. San Lorenzo Núm. pests identified were black aphids, beetles and grasshoppers. Ravens were also identified as an . Proclaim is easy on beneficials, and its application flexibility fits any operation. Other chemicals applied include Steward, Kombat granules, Ampligo and Coragen. Rapidly absorbed into the leaf, Proclaim ® insecticide delivers excellent control of damaging lepidopteran pests like armyworms, pinworms, diamondback moths, fruitworms and leafrollers. 2 zákona č.101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů, ve znění pozdějších předpisů. Systemic efficacy of Coragen applied through drip. New class of chemistry Anthralinic Diamides group: 17. ... Radiant, Tracer, Karate, and Ampligo caused over 90% larval mortality 72 h after application. POSETITE STRANICE: Apoteka; Voćarstvo; Vinogradarstvo; Povrtarstvo; Ratarstvo OPIS Leptir kruskinog smotavca je smeđe boje, u rasponu krila ima 17-21 mm. Společnost VP AGRO, spol. Preporuka za đubrenje: Yara Bella Sulfan. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start agitation. List of Authorized Plant Protection Products & Biocides by Trade Name. ... Ampligo®, începând cu acest sezon, dedicat dăunătorului Ostrinia nubilalis, în cultura porumbului.“ ... „Unul dintre ele este Avaunt® (s.a. indoxacarb), iar cel de-al doilea este Coragen® (s.a. clorantranilipol). - nástroj pro dynamický portál a redakční systém. Aplicaciones por Has NOBT vs BT 0,94 1,3 0,08 2,32 0,1 1,04 0,15 1,29 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5