A. Q. Q. That catechism was, in turn, a revision of the Catechism for Young Children published by Great Commission Publications. 6. God made all things. What was the sin of our first parents? For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.” Q.87. 2. Q. Questions about the Word, the Church, and the Ordinances 6. By loving him and doing what he commands. Because he made me and takes care of me. The Childrens Reformed Baptist Catechism Bundle is composed of six parts: 1. God made all things, including me, for His own glory. Genesis 2:17; Genesis 3:1-6 32. Q. For his own glory. 3. Questions about the Last Things 31. As to the reason for writing this catechism, while there are many excellent Reformed Baptist catechisms available today, I desired to have one that was not only a bit more robust in its exposition of covenant theology, but which also explicitly outlined the particular type of covenant theology to which I hold, namely 1689 Federalism. The few comments in the earlier questions are meant to help parents make things plain to their children. The few comments in the earlier questions are meant to help parents make things plain to their children. This is a revision of the Catechism for Young Children originally published by the Reformed Baptist Church of Grand Rapids in 1981. A. God. Catechism for Young Children An Introduction to the Shorter Catechism 1. Who made you? A. A Catechism for Boys and Girls – Written in 1798 by Richard Cecil for young children in Baptist churches Popular Catechisms for Older Kids The Westminster Shorter Catechism (or this Modern English Version ) – Written in 1646 and 1647 by the Westminster Assembly in London (largely Presbyterian and Reformed) the Philadelphia Baptist Association in 1742. What else did God make? IS THERE A BIBLICAL PATTERN OF DOCTRINE? 4. How can you glorify God? We remember with gratitude their encouragement in that earlier revision. Questions about Prayer 5. How to Evaluate Curriculum Determining what curriculum to use is an important decision for any church. Questions about Salvation 4. Why did God make you and all things? God made all things. Several texts teach that there is. It is patterned on the well-known reformed Westminster Catechism. Is there a Biblical pattern of doctrine? Why did God make you and all things? Q. It is patterned on the well-known reformed Westminster Catechism. A Catechism for Young Children 1. KIDS' QUEST CATECHISM. How can you glorify God? 5. Laying a Firm Foundation We all know the importance of the early years in a child's growth and development. 3. A. Read More. Q. The Shorter Catechism would be suitable for younger children, while The Larger Catechism was written for older children and adults. For example, in Romans 6:17 Paul Who tempted them to this sin? A. I can glorify God by loving Him and doing what He commands. III. Eating the forbidden fruit.Ref. Small Children's Catechism Creeds and Confessions of the Church Today, many Christians are turning back to the puritans to, “walk in the old paths,” of God’s word, and to continue to proclaim old truth that glorifies Jesus Christ. It was adopted by the Philadelphia Baptist Association in 1742. Several texts teach that there is. What else did God make? 4. Henry Jessey (1603–1663), a leader among early Particular Baptists, produced three catechisms bound together, including one with only four questions titled A Catechism for Babes, or, Little Ones. Who made you? Read More. Why ought you to glorify God? God made me. Questions about God, Man, and Sin 2. Questions about the Ten Commandments 3. … 2.