Red Creeping Thyme. However, there’s far more to this plant that meets the eye! Unlike grass, ground cover plants not only beautify your yard and reduce maintenance, they can also be edible and medicinal! It’s a perennial in most zones (4-9) and easy to maintain. Despite it’s delicate appearance, elfin thyme is happy in most soils and can even survive dry and windy conditions. Dark green leaves and pinkish/red flowers. Choosing plants that grow and thrive in your particular climate is the very first step toward having a beautiful garden . Award-winning Thymus serpyllum 'Pink Chintz' (Creeping Thyme) is a dwarf, aromatic sub-shrub forming a carpet of tiny, rounded, slightly woolly, dark green leaves. Mowing marjoram helps to keep it flat and soft to walk One of our favorites for ground cover is the low-growing ajuga, known botanically as ajuga reptans. The herb, which is used … Types of thyme plants cultivate… Edible Herb Ground Cover Plants. 2. No dogs? Blooming profusely from early to mid summer, it features clusters of tiny, bright magenta-pink flowers. With a little research and even with adverse conditions, however, there are sure to be various types of thyme plants that are suitable for growth in those areas. Not as pungently-scented as other thymus species, wooly thyme is still wonderful. It’s tiny delicate leaves create a lush carpet of soft green fragrance, perfect for small accent areas or in between stone paths.(( We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Ground cover crops can be harvested for salads, soups and sandwiches by trimming like microgreens. Woolly thyme is a perennial herb, with medicinal and culinary uses in addition to ornamental use. The following is a list of plants that have edible and/or medicinal benefit and can be used as ground cover. Sweet potato roots are widely known to be delicious and nutritious. Below are additional plants mentioned by our GardensAll Facebook community that are not already in the lists above: Edible landscape designs blend food and medicinal benefits with beauty. You’ll get some great ideas and a nasturtium butter and seed capers recipe from this article on I like to make apple-thyme jelly in early fall with garden thyme’s aromatic leaves, or snip it for seafood chowders in early summer. It has great potential among the groundcovers because it creeps through runners. Lemon thyme or Thymus x citriodorus is perhaps the most edible of all of the creeping thyme species we’ve discussed. As an added bonus, thyme blooms in a … So far, we’re enjoying the fact that nature is helping with the planting of this in other locations now. WARNING: “Spreads easily” can be another way of saying “invasive”, so if you don’t want volunteer plants cropping up, this may not be for you. These wooly creeping thyme plants stay very low … Beyond that, sweet potato greens make a lovely ground cover. The herb doesn’t mind a bit of rough handling and can be trod upon with no ill effects. Creeping Thyme (Thymus praecox)- A ground cover or trailing plant that’s edible? USDA Zone? 3. and 4. The creeping variety makes pretty durable herbaceous layer and is a good choice of plant for a walking path since it's tough enough to handle foot traffic. The creeping thyme is a woody, perennial species of the Thymus that acts as an excellent ground cover for sunny areas of the garden. A low growing mat reaching only 1" tall. The mounding marjoram is a low growing, ground-hugging aromatic herb. It is also edible with a flavor and scent similar to that of mint. We’ve even pulled chickweed from our yard and placed into pots so that we can consume it worry-free. Herbs – If you're looking for an edible ground cover to grow in a high traffic area, think herbs. The flowers usually appear late spring and early summer. From bee food to people food… soil retainers to insect repellents… medicine and beauty, planning and planting with purpose in mind creates so many more benefits. Can be used in … As many as 300 varieties of thyme tempt us during a visit to the garden store, but one of the most lovely types for groundcover is Thymus praecox ‘Coccineus’, otherwise known as “creeping thyme,” “wild thyme” or sometimes “mother of thyme.”. Rich in nectar, they attract butterflies. Creeping Thyme. If you have a lot of space to cover in a full sun area, cucurbitaceae plants can serve as edible ground cover for summer. Now we’re finding volunteer clumps in other areas of the yard and woods around us. As a food, Okinawa spinach is a spinach substitute, similar to longevity spinach (gynura procumbens, making a nice addition to salads, and can also be eaten cooked. If we had bundles of parsley, cilantro or watercress growing in tufts in our yard, chances are we wouldn’t just pull them as weeds. Of course… if for you, it’s about growing flowers and plants for beauty over food… that’s fantastic! However, vine plants such as cucamelon and others in the cucurbita (squash) family can also happily cover a lot of ground growing horizontally. That’s one of the reasons we’re growing dandelions. You can even mow it like grass, which encourages more rapid growth. Although it is not often harvested, creeping thyme, like any thyme variety, is edible and can be made into teas or other herbal remedies. Fine white hairs give wooly thyme a distinctive silvery-green cast. Rich in nectar, they attract butterflies. But… it’s edible weeds with benefits! Nutritionally, sweet potato greens are similar to spinach. Wood sorrel. Another option for dog owners would be to plant edible ground cover plants in containers. This plant blooms profusely in early summer but does not compete well with other plants. There are several varieties of thyme and all are lovely and edible. It is purported to have properties that help lower cholesterol, and is grown commercially as a vegetable in China. Even the ornamental sweet potatoes are edible, but the potatoes may not be as orange or as sweet. Seven to eight mature Alpine plants will yield approximately one cup of berries several times a week on a continuous basis throughout the summer. Often overlooked, ground cover plants are a worth considering for gardens, yards, and even pots. Even the seed pods can be eaten as a virtual gourmet caper. Desert Sage. In cold climates, this little herb is deciduous, while in milder regions, the plant will retain its foliage year round. If you have dogs like we do, edible groundcovers are best planted outside the dog’s range. Bees and butterflies love the lilac flowers on this creeping, tiny-leafed, plant. Yes! There’s nothing quite like the delight and freedom that comes from walking out your door and harvesting your dinner from plants you’ve grown into food. Sweet potato leaves have 3x more vitamin B6, 5 times more vitamin C, and almost 10 times more riboflavin than sweet potato tubers. Alpine strawberry. Poinsettia Care – How to Keep Poinsettias Alive, Uses and Benefits of Rosemary Essential Oil Are Well Documented, Garden Poetry for the Heart of the Gardener, Hemp vs Marijuana + CBD Oil Benefits and Uses, Provides an attractive arrangement/soil cover for other larger plants/planters, Easier to harvest clippings for salads, sandwiches and soups. Edible Uses: Tea Leaves - raw in salads or added as a flavouring to cooked foods [2, 11, 46, 61]. The other varieties can be used as an herb in foods, but some sources suggest otherwise, so perhaps, it’s best to stick to the English creeping thyme for cooking. The most popular variety is the English creeping thyme which is the one best used to flavor foods. Beauty aside, nasturtium leaves and blossoms have a pleasing peppery flavor that can spice up a salad, soup or sandwich. They are principally grown for the fine texture of the leaves as they spread out to softly blanket the ground, but they also produce flowers of various colors, depending on type. The Elfin Thyme, thymus serpyllum—is a fast-spreading creeping thyme. Primarily used as a ground cover, Thymus serpyllum 'Magic Carpet' (Creeping Thyme) is a dwarf, aromatic sub-shrub forming a tight cushion of tiny, rounded, dark green leaves. Getting the best gardening news, tips, tricks and products out to you. The berries produced by alpine strawberries are incredibly fragrant and flavorful, … Avoid fertilizing thyme varieties as they tend to become leggy and weak. You can also cook nasturtiums. We’re for all gardens and gardening… whatever kind of plants you favor. So when planning our gardens, we consider crops we love to eat, coupled with those that have the most benefits. Unlike grass, ground cover plants not only beautify your yard and reduce maintenance, they can also be edible and medicinal! Source: patrick_standish. Also, most varieties of thyme prefer full sun and well drained soil. Oxalic acid also has its pros and cons with opposing and confusing information on whether it’s best cooked or raw. The Desert Sage is a rare type of sage which can only be found in the western areas of Gaptooth Ridge in New Austin. Creeping Pink Thyme : Caraway Thyme : Doone Valley Thyme: Loveyanus Thyme : Pink Lemonade Thyme: Leprechaun Thyme : Read more about Ground Cover Thymes and how to use them : 10 Culinary Thymesy Thymes : ... Culinary Thymes make a great addition to our Edible Flower Garden Six Pack. [4]'#footnote_plugin_tooltip_5317_4').tooltip({ tip: '#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_5317_4', tipClass: 'footnote_tooltip', effect: 'fade', predelay: 0, fadeInSpeed: 200, delay: 400, fadeOutSpeed: 200, position: 'top center', relative: true, offset: [-7, 0], }); 8 Alpine strawberry plants can yield around a cup of berries several times a week through the summer. NASTURTIUM (tropaeolum majus):Enjoy the flowers, stems, leaves, and seeds of this lovely edible ground cover plant. There are very few rules in gardening, but perhaps the most important one is to work within your zone. Marjoram, (origanum majorana):Bees love the lilac flowers of marjoram and the leaves add a subtle citrusy pine flavor to cooking. We grow nasturtiums each year and love their hardy resiliency, easy care and summer long blossoms. Marjoram is an edible ground cover alternative to a lawn. This is a low, creeping variety, the foliage is dark green, smothered by bright magenta-pink flowers in early summer. Edible ground cover plants enhance landscapes, manage weeds, retain soil and expand your food production areas. Try growing woolly thyme in the cracks between paving stones, along a gravel path or as part of a xeriscape or drought tolerant garden. Ajuga, (ajuga reptans), aka bugleweed, spreads easily for a great groundcover in partial sun or mostly shade. Elfin creeping thyme plant (Thymus serpyllum) is a low growing (1-2 inches) (2.5-5 cm.) We’re a bit obsessed by finding and encouraging food sources that are often overlooked. It can be walked on and does well as a lawn replacement, among stepping zones and pathways. Yep… planting weeds in pots! Hardy Perennial. We’re considering any low-growing plant that grows and spreads well and that’s edible, often with medicinal benefits. For now, feel free to continue reading. The Elfin Thyme, thymus serpyllum —is a fast-spreading creeping thyme. Thyme plants are woody perennials, compact and evergreen or semi-evergreen. You can plant them as companion plants for a larger plant, or, as an entire large planter of the edible ground cover plant of choice. Although the leaves are aromatic, they are rarely used in cooking. Wooly thyme may reach … Be the first to review this product. You can grow edible ground cover plants in pots for a pet free solution that’s easy to harvest. This list includes commonly cultivated ground covers as well as those that voluntarily grow wild in lawns, meadows or woods. These can be harvested like you would microgreens. The best of both worlds are plants that have beauty and benefits. A wonderful lawn substitute, marjoram is a variety of oregano with a milder citrusy pine flavor. Edible landscaping that incorporate edible plants into attractive landscapes are growing in popularity. Spicy orange thyme, creeping lemon thyme and caraway thyme all bear pink blooms and stay short (4 inches or less). A staple food, that’s long lasting and easy to store, sweet potatoes are a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Creeping thyme might not be edible like its cousin, but it does produce a pleasant herbal fragrance that’s similar to the thyme you use in cooking. They can be greens, beverages, and medicine, plus great for pollinators. The Best Garden Gloves for Men, Women and Kids! We are all about gardening! Despite it’s delicate appearance, elfin thyme is happy in most soils and can even survive dry and windy conditions. Is ideal for gardeners who are worried about pests, pets, or kids traipsing through their yard and holds up very well if walked on. Mint and thyme in particular can withstand some foot traffic to produce flavorful leaves. Though creeping thyme is edible, it is not usually grown for this use, and instead is considered to be an ornamental plant that works well as ground cover. Beside its horticultural use as an attractive spreading ground cover in rock gardens and other types of gardens, bugleweed is useful medicinally. 07905 518666 or 01647 400301 ... Home Shop Thyme Thymus Serpyllum (Creeping Thyme) Home / Thyme / Thymus Serpyllum (Creeping Thyme) Thymus Serpyllum (Creeping Thyme) £6.50. If you have dogs like we do, edible ground covers are best planted outside the dog’s range if you plan to eat it. Though not really minty in flavor or aroma, ajuga is in the mint family, and as with all mints, ajuga is edible with medicinal properties. We’ve even pulled chickweed from our yard and placed into pots so that we can consume it worry-free. These are a special ground cover for smaller areas as they stay put and won’t self-propagate via runners. Alpine Strawberries (Fragaria vesca) If your lawn space is on the shady side, try alpine strawberries. Varieties of Culinary Thyme. We are an online gardening publication sharing all things garden related! There are a great many selections of Thyme grown in gardens, all of them with edible leaves and some degree of fragrance and flavor. Ajuga is designed to thrive and so it can be be invasive, but ours hasn’t spread aggressively. Although the leaves are aromatic, they are rarely used in cooking. 6574. Yep… planting weeds in pots, but it’s edible weeds with benefits! Creeping thyme will crowd out unwanted weeds and thrive in poor soil where other groundcovers fail. Blooming profusely from early to mid summer, it features clusters of small, salmon-pink flowers. A creeping thyme lawn can help deter pests, and it can provide an aromatic ground cover all year-round. Creeping thyme grows well between steps, along a walkway or in the garden. Thymus praecox 'Coccineus' SKU. Here are more wonderful edible ground covers that grow best in shade or partial shade. Fast spreading creeping thyme (Thymus serphyllum 'Coccineus', aka Thymus praecox is one of the best low-growing drought tolerant groundcovers for sunny & dry spots. From dandelion to wild violets… chickweed to clover, there are all kinds of natural and cultivated edible ground covers worth growing. Elfin thyme (thymus serpyllum), is a creeping variety of thyme for a lovely, edible, fast spreading ground cover, that flowers in a variety of colors, and can fit into small spaces. Disclosure. Our electric dog fence spans a large area, so we’re limited on where we can plant edible ground cover plants. Ht 4″. There are several varieties of thyme and all are lovely and edible. Once you get into food gardening, it’s natural to want to plant as many edible plants as possible. Creeping thyme should be pruned in the spring in order to maintain a compact appearance and again after the small white flowers are done blooming if additional shaping is preferred. We planted our ajuga in landscaped areas around our sidewalk. Lemon Thyme (Thymus citriodorus) Add a touch of lemony freshness to your thyme lawn with lemon thyme. Red creeping thyme and white creeping thyme attain a height similar to these. It may be used as a turf substitute in some landscapes where foot traffic is light. Our electric dog fence spans a large area, so we’re limited on where we can plant edible ground cover plants. tall herbaceous perennial sub shrub with a dense mounding habit. Thymus serpyllum is especially lovely planted in and around rocks. This type of sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) usually shows up as a perennial weed in most … But remember… even then, many flowers are edible and/or medicinal. Creeping thyme has small, decorative oval leaves covering wiry stems, and when crushed, they will emit a pleasant fragrance similar to common thyme. You can plant them as companion plants for a larger plant, or, as an entire large planter of just growing edible ground cover plants. It is hardy to USDA zone 4, can be walked upon and will rapidly spread to fill in a space.,,,,, Tiny, hairy leaves and stems give it its common name. Is deer and rabbit-resistant. The Edible Garden Nursery, Moorland Barn, Whiddon Down, Okehampton, Devon EX20 2QL. Marjoram is perfect for landscape ground cover with edible, culinary and medicinal benefits. However, sweet potato leaves are lower in oxalic acid content, which gives some greens like spinach and chard a sharper taste. When growing space is limited, as is ours, it’s all the more important to decide based on benefits. A creeping thyme lawn is not only drought resistant, but it generally requires much less water than traditional turf grasses too. Though creeping thyme is edible, it is not usually grown for this use, and instead is considered to be an ornamental plant that works well as ground cover. An ideal lawn substitute for small spaces. Including urban farming, family gardening, homesteading, gardening for profits, and more. Thyme is an easy to grow herb that's versatile for its use in many cuisines. There’s no need to restrict growing food to the vegetable patch! Creeping thyme is also known as mother-of-thyme and will form a dense, low, evergreen mat. The leaves are generally eaten raw and are prized for their delicious lemon flavor. Milder in flavor and aroma than oregano, marjoram is a different species as oregano but the same genus. Some, such as the Mexican sour gherkins, aka cucamelons, are generally grown as trellised vines. Nasturtium blossoms add vivid hues of orange, yellow or red to your gardenscape. There's nothing like the scent of thyme as you walk along your garden path. Upright, small shrub, low-growing, mounded, mat and creeping forms are available. Then edible ground covers may be an especially beneficial option for you to expand your food production while serving your landscape aesthetics. Yet most people do that all the time with other perfectly viable edibles. A beautiful, vigorous, perennial vegetable the purple-tinged Okinawa spinach forms a dense, non-vining, edible ground cover that grows well in full sun or partial shade. It is hardy only to Zone 7, does not like the shade and can tolerate fairly strong winds. We’re all about growth! While the wonderful orange tuber is hidden underground, don’t neglect the nutrient treasure in plain sight! But more than that, they add food value. The Creeping Thyme, which is used as seasoning for the thyme recipes, is identified for its clover-like leaves. Creeping thyme is wonderful for covering any ground that needs it, and its hardiness and purple blooms make it a vibrant, and useful, addition to the home landscape. Stay tuned for the first newsletter in the morning, straight to your inbox. Add it to the traditional whiskey, honey, and lemon cough syrup for heavy, mucous-y coughs. Sour gherkins, aka cucamelons, are generally eaten raw and are prized their... Compact and evergreen or semi-evergreen grow best in shade or partial shade that... Grow nasturtiums each year and love their hardy resiliency, easy care summer. Retains its flavour well in long slow cooking one cup of berries several a... As trellised vines dry and windy conditions your yard and reduce maintenance, they rarely. Gardening for profits, and it can be eaten as a turf in. 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