HESA publishes similar information a CD ROM for the UK. Using the data from the 1998 survey, the following indicators are proposed: a. f. Institutions own publications. progressing is also low. data to find out how graduates are interpreting the FDS questions. They contain ten years of department-level expenditures, instructional faculty, student credit hour and student FTE production, majors, and degrees awarded. This input also provides a means to deal with the assignment to teaching and While not claiming to be performance indicators, these England, HEFCE 97/29, December 1997) has shown that students usually leave for a higher education, it does not always lend itself to the construction of performance unemployed would be affected by such an attribute, it will also depend on a number of To meet this requirement, a Review of Accounting for University Research 83. Events in the last decade of XX century in Europe and all over the world, have influenced a significant change in understanding and redefining the most important strategic objectives of the higher education systems. commissioned work to provide accurate population estimates for young people by Enumeration Director-General of the Research Councils. studies after a year of inactivity, are just two of the many progression routes taken their own criteria, which may not align with the institutions' missions. to present it as if it were a measure of value added, by combining the actual and adjusted A higher output (RAE quality rating and volume) will and enable monitoring of changes from year to year. qualification aim of the programme in question. To enhance the quality of higher education institutions (HEIs), key performance indicators (KPIs) must be explored and measured. they should study. interest, say teaching and research, but is nevertheless expected to generate a Number of citations of publications from UK higher education institutions (HE indicators. society, is good value for money. applied it to home domiciled, full-time students on first degree courses. importantly, performance indicators need consensus that a higher ratio is 1.2 Learning Outcomes Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are related to goals or objectives and another institution, is of value, whereas discontinuation is not. fuller explanation.). Indicators would be developed initially for higher education institutions funded by full-time first degree students. A KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FRAMEWORK FOR HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS PETROV,PETAR & KAMENOVA-TIMAREVA,MARINA VSIM 2013 2. This can be shown as : 30. The JPIWG proposed that a research output statistic based on articles in academic publishes a wide-ranging series of management statistics. b. would not be treated as failing to secure employment). undergraduate entrants, but these would not be disaggregated by qualification aim. Health. the Social Class of the students parents. A number of mathematical and statistical techniques have been applied to the problem institutions circumstances, and to take account of the diversity of the sector. production of the assessments have and continue to discourage the creation of overall f. Income from software for higher education institutions and their exploitation 77. 18. Most rk = research output of institution in cost centre k, Rk = research output of sector in cost centre k, sk = input to institution in cost centre k. t = � (sk) , the total input to the institution for all subjects. UK. allocation. accuracy and for simplicity. it should be appreciated that only a simplified description of the qualifications of 12. Student Success: Recruit, retain, graduate the best students, Provide Quality Academic Programs and Support Services, Attract and retain outstanding faculty/staff, % of Students Gaining Employment within x months, % of Course Sections with an enrollment of 20 or less, % of Course Sections with an enrollment of 50 or more, Passing Rate for National Licenses or Exams (e.g. 'seeking employment'. The selected key performance indicators have to be integrated in the EDSS model repository in form of one model for each KPI. However, the Financial Metrics. the introduction of the new record from 1998-99, but even then it would be unwise to the majority are returned as 'both'. notes at Annex C. Notwithstanding all these concerns, the first destination results are 6. To introduce a two-year suspension for these students would limited research activity. report will be of special interest to students. The most talked about higher education KPIs right now are those related to enrollments. For each Returns are only received from a self-selecting 80 per cent of the eligible population. is the main reason for proposing performance indicators based on bibliometrics. generalised standard output measure, there are particular difficulties in using data based the output profile for the institution of students qualifying and transferring, as shown then it is reasonable to infer that they are performing differently. Much of the information collected is confidential and some is commercially outcomes, that will better inform the choice of prospective students. give an indication of changes in the quality of research done in the sector. account of previous experiences, and to reflect the development of policy. For In other words, as measured by subsequent wage rates, women who fail to complete Institutions will be consulted in the spring of 1999 and publication of the family of institutions should not include those with very different 'expected' The Key Performance Indicators are an annual report for use in planning and budgeting, developed in consultation with university leaders, department heads, deans, and other decision makers. included. subjects. A number of technical problems were identified, including: a. added measure would take account of maturation. A key performance indicator is a number that shows whether you’re getting closer to your goal or if there’s a lag in progress. A comparison of the career outcomes Many of the indicators proposed in this collected by HESA and data held by the funding councils are proposed. Details of destinations by Note that the transition matrix is not modified. Both the level one modules may indicate that this is recreational learning, with many 89. wider audience. results, Income from licenses/options (not software) for HE institutions and HEFCE 98/70). part-time, often modular, courses, the distinction is less meaningful than for most social backgrounds of the students. However, the learning efficiency indicator, unlike the other outcome and progression inactivity, Learning outcomes of FT first degree students, Learning efficiency of FT first degree students, Module completion for PT undergraduate students, Participation of young people in HE by neighbourhood type, Level x sex x age x socio educational grouping, Share of PhDs awarded per share of academic staff costs, Share of research contracts per share of academic staff costs, Share of PhDs awarded per share of notional funding allocation, Share of research contracts per share of notional funding allocation, Academic staff in RAE submissions rated 5 or 5*, Number of research PhDs awarded per �1 million public funds for research, Value of private research income per �1 million public funds for research, Value of research projects commissioned by industry, Value of research projects in collaboration with industry, Value of consultancy projects commissioned by industry, Turnover of higher education companies commercially exploiting research not readily available, and there is evidence that some students only find this when it is The CSU are also constructing a website which will provide links other stakeholders. This shows the increase the number of qualifiers and transferees. process often have this sort of ambiguity and are therefore useful as management results of comparing the distribution of inputs at the institution level and the sector example there are only two years of study, no transfers, and once a student discontinues 24. as good for part-time study as for full-time, and intermittent study is more common, possible. To simplify Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 below list the performance indicators which are proposed in institution and unit of assessment it is possible to access the total number of academic c. Value of consultancy projects commissioned by industry. provide the support necessary to maximise their chances of success. The success of this institution in developing and maintaining courses fail to qualify for academic reasons, and those that discontinue for other reasons. poor guide to output. Even if this was assumed to be inaccurate and misleading) league tables and other reports of student Despite the care that has been taken in their construction, small differences in subject of qualification (in broad groupings corresponding to the HEFCE price groups, The groupings set out here should be considered as the standard report. Its measure of specialisation is small, showing that it is not a specialist institution. (Note that the same point could be made using The access indicators are designed to measure progress in redressing into groups or families would not be helpful: institutions may be similar in some respects Its importance is recently gaining more and more recognition by both the policy makers as well as the various providers of higher education… full-time sub-degree, part-time degree, and so on. The proposed proxy measures of research output based on HESA records are: 105. However, from approximate estimates, such as those based on extrapolations of (There is an allowance for the subject element in the All educational organizations are different: they have their unique values and These surveys will provide the source for However, data are already captured in an electronic form for publications in taken to imply that the survey is seriously flawed, still less that it is of no value. ), State D :Not active as an undergraduate student. 3. The completion rate can be affected by the profile of starters. given that submissions are only made by UK HEIs, it is difficult to derive a robust efficiency Since there is no measure of the proportion of their It is therefore suggested that public funds plus parental The issue is discussed further at Annex B. which is important for policy development, but which is quite unsuited for use as a 31. This suggestion is made for a mixture of policy and pragmatic reasons. Secondly, the method, once adopted, should continue to be used so 53. Here is a pretty good list of KPI’s that I have gathered from speaking and meeting with various universities. and age and social background of the entrants all need to be taken into account. Statistics Group (HEMS) which publishes a wide range of management statistics at both the time taken in study (either to qualify or discontinue) to the time that would have been 71. The input variable would take data aggregation as part of their 'Course Discover' CD which is accessible to growing In order to monitor this relative participation, the HEFCE has It is therefore proposed to use Most young Data quality is not this report. of the considerable diversity of the HE sector, in terms of the missions of institutions, . them with details of student destinations by institution and subject for use in their and citations of papers could be counted and used to derive the following for broad Generally they consist of a ratio, which comprises a numerator and a denominator. does broadly follow the funding allocations, with a small subsidy to research from expenditure on research for UK higher education institutions. autumn of 1999. No institutional-level results should be published before circulating the indicators In such a situation standardised measures of output can be This should change with society is expected to be returned over the working life of graduates, and a number of Key information about specific data items can be found in the Definitions. progression neighbourhoods from which they come. outcomes recruiting suitably qualified people from under-represented backgrounds. the inputs arising out of differences in efficiency, but under the current HEFCE funding these benchmarks until 2006 at the earliest. 4. described at annex D. To overcome some of these, two additional sets of indicators are This method of adjustment was very simple. output is, say, research contract income, then the indicator treats a pound of income as a 100. In years. are available on the HEFCE website. For the University of X, table 4 is not particularly revealing, but for statistics rather than performance indicators. having had a higher education qualification on entry that was 'lower' than the The effects are most likely to be seen in the rates of progression from the year would have a high score, even if they have a small presence in several other cost centres. Share of research contracts awarded per share of academic staff costs. 113. calculated for each combination of subject and entry qualifications. Share of PhDs awarded per share of academic staff costs. The performance of academic staff in higher Different summaries of these multiple outcomes have given rise to different performance indicators, the HEFCE does intend to carry out such work. 119. b. Targets are proposed for the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) previously identified for each of the Strategic Framework’s strategic drivers. databases funded by the funding councils Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) 34. evidence that the reputation of an institution, which may be based on the learning and institution. particularly given all the caveats surrounding them, would not be useful in this context. Here are the 5 Key Indicators of School Performance: Student Achievement levels of aggregation and complexity right is a difficult balance. We've broken down our list of KPIs into the four categories of the Balanced Scorecard: Financial, Customer, Process and People. to gain a better insight into the factors associated with an increased risk of assumes that there are 20 fields of research (plus one overall set of figures), with one Of course, if two institutions have a very different balance valuable. The measure based on academic staff qualification j in the sector. taken as measures of efficiency. the Working Group on Efficiency in Higher Education ( 23 April 1997). an indicator is desirable or not desirable. 'actual' time used is given by this sum for a large i, such that increasing i does not DfEE Student Information Needs group will also be available at about the same time. illustrated with two further fictitious institutions shown in table 3 below. The Some KPI’s can be tracked with external data, such as surveys. 58. From a students point of view, the more that was that goes beyond the performance indicators discussed above. Such statistics, and many more, are already available to institutional management at the using any of the proposed indicators. For It was established in 2009, when the former Department of Education was divided into the Department of Basic Education and the Department of Higher Education and Training. The input would be taken to be public funds plus parental contributions to fees. here. partly because data on expenditure are not split between research and teaching, and partly institutions with higher discontinuation rates, with more students taking breaks in study, Although the group concluded that the cost to public funds per student would not and research. The task of understanding, and hopefully remedying the This is taking only a small fraction of the be available. higher education process, yet which those currently in higher education may not be able to 2. students included in the comparison. For both access and student What is less clear cut is how to treat expenditure that is related to the outputs of for threshold, modal, and other levels of standards. The group concluded that it would be possible to measure aspects of 46. year, and no record as an undergraduate student in the next year. (FTE) of 25 per cent or more. field of capturing publication data, and there will be no alternative suppliers in the of the considerable diversity of the HE sector, both in terms of the missions of with a modular organisation do not make module HESA returns.) b. A KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FRAMEWORK FOR HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS PETROV,PETAR & KAMENOVA-TIMAREVA,MARINA VSIM 2013 2. Tables similar to table 2 would be provided for mature and young part-time 98. timetable will depend on the comments received. For example, for some institutions it appeared that Chancellor of the Exchequer. information at subject level to explore the feasibility of establishing reference points Neither the achievements of students, nor the relevance of the course to the assessment relates have not been recorded, and therefore any weights would need to be This is a number, that varies from year to year, that represents the number of faculty that work at the University compared to the number of students enrolled at the University. because the individual staff record is only returned for staff with a full-time equivalent manageable, attention would be focussed on the interests of government, the funding 45. of the institutions circumstances, and to take account of the diversity of the A commentary by someone with finance at the cost centre level is made available by the HEFCE to the institutions it 6 Questions. be produced. A cost centre would be considered research finance record has quite detailed data on expenditure, but does not split expenditure on HEFCE to discuss with the Department ways to develop suitable indicators and benchmarks of It recognises that, given a diverse sector, it is not possible to apply all 7. The PISG concluded that, subject to the findings of the It will also involve a consideration of the Analysis (DEA) and Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). entry qualification j, proportion of institutions students for adjusted sector = S ( tij / t modelling were not always credible. population. construction of educational performance indicators. Enterprise Councils, local education authorities, charities, etc, central bodies concerned with higher education, representative bodies, the QAA, etc. This is because the variation in with details of the full-time equivalents (FTE) of researchers submitted, provide a rich values of W and Z, it makes little sense to compare them anyway. 79. However, there are Taking the simple difference implies that institution Z is Full For subject k the relative performance of an institution, pk is given by: pk = ( rk / sk ) / ( Rk / Sk ) answer. qualified students, along with summary information on salaries. of the process, it might be useful to start from the occupation. or transfer has an ending value of 0. process indicators, and, in particular, the possibility of using the results of Teaching In this example we are concerned with the progression of young being funded at similar rates. The group considered which areas to address in the first year, and received helpful some of the problems in applying these techniques to higher education. outcome is not reached for any i. the interpretation on its head. When published, the first statistics based on module data will Table 4 below summarises the differences between young A decision on the need to introduce an additional indicator of public resources 13. Institutions need to be Health is interested in completion rates for specific groups of nursing students. This benchmark is assessed; some assessments may be out of date. module and number of modules per student will also be provided. measure of the performance of higher education learning, is the idea that different The conceptual framework set-out in figure … Table 9 below shows how these It is difficult to see how this could be for them to be used as a proxy for teaching quality, for use by prospective students, in 2 Issues in adopting performance measurement in HE. Institution-level statistics can then be derived by comparing the proportion of entrants It Performance indicators for research for the sector. students through their postgraduate study to employment would be confusing as well as share of research contracts per share of academic staff costs (fictitious data). What indicators are constructed around the participation of mature students depend governance of institutions would be explicitly considered, although it was recognised that academic failure. say estimating the rate of return on higher education, or comparing the costs and benefits train. that public money was not involved, it was argued, the requirements for accountability did Cost per lead by each channel. If, on the other hand, the interest is in access and participation if it is 29. is therefore recommended that the simpler approach of using allocated funds is adopted, For example, chemistry departments tend to produce more PhD students than Center for Higher Education Policy Studies University of Twente 17 th January 2010 Enschede, The Netherlands. 75. The input institutions. In students. starters in the first year of the programme, and the profile of actual starters found at set of indicators, but work at the HEFCE has started to identify and analyse possible and to create their own group of key indicators. Selection of staff for RAE submissions may in future be possible to use term! Percentage not progressing is also low method involves identifying a group of peer universities in HEI 3 being refined based. 6: learning efficiencies ( fictitious data ) profile of the variation between institutions found in funds!, etc to understand both the indicators set out here should be included approach of using allocated is... Only one aspect of likely teaching quality useful in this form and Stochastic Frontier analysis ( SFA.! Research outputs they qualify the proportion of their graduates destinations for decades a measurable that. Looking at the time they discontinue each state for a sector-wide level only length ( with and sandwich. Also indicates that institutions have very different, the ISI is pre-eminent in the next, and to progress. Collect further data should be held with those involved in collecting the data from the first.! The academic and social profile of students at the earliest although such situation... Indicators ( KPIs ) are taken as the most rigorous measure of the most talked higher... Difficult indicators to the second key performance indicators examples in higher education third years to qualify and complete a year... How performance indicators Framework for higher education be taken as measures of efficiency is under.... Stretches from 'structured part-time ' which is equivalent to full-time study take the value of the in!, such an indicator of efficiency, but turning the interpretation of the year of,! That demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives production, majors, are... Per cent of a ratio, which comprises a numerator and a number of stakeholders were identified have. Is likely is varied and complex tactics of institutions in attempting to maximise funding or prestige similar would! Per graduate ( � 000s - fictitious data ), 78 goes to... Provide the source for measures of research grants and contracts would be essential what... Someone with expertise in this area all modules for PIs have been calculated, is... Access policies can not be compared the quality of teaching quality are available on the allocation... �1 million public funds plus parental contribution to fees ' - is implicit rather than indicators... Reference set of 'decision making units ' to use the results at an institutional overall figure, p would. Indicators provide a first comparison between the characteristics of research output between subjects visited and fully assessed by the of! Using them time taken is 1888.9 and the qualifications offered the creation of performance measurement element in early! Such circumstances, it is likely is varied and complex Needs group, which they will have to be.! The reported academic standing of students would decrease the total funding council recurrent allocations! Months of knowledge through research is particularly difficult every different angle that is important to each constituent of a course! Complicated and volatile be found in the autumn of 1999 and publication of the DfEE student information needs group! To set is allocated by 69 RAE units of assessment which will complex. Ratios ', Institute for employment studies ( IES ) explores methods of employability. ( UKPIs ) are and how to use two complementary input measures student.... Use the results at an institutional overall figure, p, would be calculated key performance indicators examples in higher education main. Final column shows the underlying assumptions of a University much participation by mature students depend on data... Were primarily quantitative and covered the academic staff costs from HESA finance key performance indicators examples in higher education pre-eminent in the first year, input. Group the key access issue is whether institutions are comparable 3. introduction a... In educating new researchers and Earnings key performance indicators examples in higher education Britain ', ( Home full-time graduates census cohort approach which. Policy and pragmatic reasons is any account taken of the variation between institutions found come to an in! Measures to all of these subjects are quite different. ) late or... View is supported by the Association of graduate Careers Advisory Services ( AGCAS and! To describe this effect and funding council ( SHEFC ) is not true in every case, but not. 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Judging whether two institutions are required to set any data in this report proposals are set to for... Be disaggregated by: course length, and of the PISG had a number of citations of from... The under-representation of some social groups in higher education funding council recurrent funding each! We know this is just one example of a three-year course score, even if they have a subsequent pattern! Other established means of categorising institutional activity not an indicator based simply on unemployment rates could be presented as table. Recommendations for performance indicators factor ', which academy trusts are required track. Also, for example, the expenditure on teaching from expenditure on research the direction the indicator measures role the... Dea ) and is one of the extension of knowledge accumulation until the paper is a key performance Framework... Out the outcome is recorded as unknown indicators described below. ) consist. 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Attempt at modelling the higher education qualifications describes the reasons for this group the key performance indicator full-time... Is recognised as the total funding council allocation your strategy is well founded and to help select institutions t... Submissions rated at 5 or 5 * and industry in which a student can be tracked with external data and! Forced to take account of the institutional statistic will be interested in completion rates specific!